I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 205 Civil Strife Subsides, Public Execution! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

After Riku Dolde III finished speaking.

Nuo Da Plaza,

Suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Immediately afterwards.

The sound of cursing rang out like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

"What a shitty country without war, Nizi doesn't want to go back to the situation where the country was ruined and the family was destroyed!"

"That is, the lesson Doflamingo has taught us is profound enough, do you want to repeat history again, old man?"

"Liku Dolde III, stop pretending to be sympathetic to the world, don't you really think that we have forgotten how you killed the people and robbed the treasure?"

"Besides, the current Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa has nothing to do with you, the extinct and subjugated monarch. Can you show some face?"

"Dog, His Majesty Lin Xiao is so tolerant towards you, you dare to take advantage of the chaos and make trouble at this time, your conscience really won't hurt!"

"We only recognize His Majesty Lin Xiao as the 'King' of De Reiss Rosa. As for you ungrateful bastards, get out of this country quickly!!"

"That's right, even if His Majesty Lin Dao's actions will eventually lead to the demise of the country, we are still willing to follow in his footsteps..."

"Even if the country really perishes because of this, we will die without being shaken..."

"Only His Majesty Lin Xiao can bring permanent peace and freedom to De Reiss Rosa 920..."

Cyrus and the others were suddenly dumbfounded.

the immediate situation,

It was completely different from what they expected.

Nearly ten thousand people,

Not even a single person came out to answer their call.

Instead, all united in the same hatred,

Insulting and condemning Riku Dold III.

What the hell is going on?

Are these guys crazy?

The Liku royal family is the legitimate ruler of this country, okay?

"Grandpa, Father, please stop!"

Suddenly, a trembling female voice sounded from the direction of the palace.

Everyone looked for the sound,

It was Zi Roland and Rebecca.

At this moment, Rebecca is wearing a helmet in the style of an ancient Roman soldier,

As well as Green's cape and Gold boots.

In his hand he held an unsharp sword.

With tears in his eyes, he stared at the old King Liku and Cyrus at the bottom of the steps.

Rebecca never thought,

his grandfather and father,

He actually planned to take advantage of the chaos to overthrow the regime of His Majesty Lin Xiao.

What a stupid move.

"Rebecca, what are you doing?"

Cyrus' face darkened instantly (bbdh), and he scolded in a cold voice:

"Didn't I tell you that you can't pick up that sword until it's absolutely necessary?!"

"But, now is the time of the day!"

Rebecca clenched her silver teeth, summoned up her courage to argue:

"My lord father, please put down your weapons. I believe that as long as you are willing to surrender, with His Majesty's generous arms, you will be punished lightly!"

White-eyed wolf!

Laozi gave birth to a white-eyed wolf!

Cyrus was so angry when he heard this.

damn it,

It's fine if others don't obey Laozi.

You are my daughter,

He turned his elbows outwards,

To that bastard Lin Xiao.

What kind of ecstasy did he give you and Violet?

How dare you pick up a weapon and point it at your own Laozi!

Besides, who am I taking such a big risk for?

Still don't want you to have a bright future?

Who wants to,

The sun-eyed wolf didn't even appreciate it!

"Rebecca, stop messing around, get out of the way!"

Cyrus suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Zi Roland, who had never spoken, and asked:

"Violet, why are you messing around with this little girl, don't you forget that you still have the blood of the Liku clan in your body?!"

"Father, surrender, His Majesty Lin Xiao's wisdom and means are beyond what you can imagine!"

Zi Roland ignored Cyrus directly, looked at the old King Liku with a complicated expression and said, "In fact, he has already seen through your every move!"

"What did you say?!"

When Cyrus and the others heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

The previous high spirits have long since disappeared,

It turned into panic.

Some were so frightened that they couldn't even hold their weapons.

It looks embarrassing and funny.

However, Ashil, who had been hiding in the periphery and watching the changes, and the other g-hung troops,

He was also shocked by this sudden scene.

Lin Xiao actually noticed their existence very early?

How can this be?

Ashilu's face instantly became extremely gloomy.

She regretted it more and more now.

Why did I take the initiative to invite Sakura to De Reiss Rosa.

In this rich and free country,

The tricks that they g Mingjun usually use are simply not going to work.

In just over a year, this country has

It has become too powerful.

so that any of their ideas,

They can't touch the hearts of ordinary people at all.

That's disgusting, Lindau!

before that,

Ashleigh never believed,

There is no country that cannot be shaken by their revolutionary ideas.

But when she came to De Reiss Rosa,

more and more realize that

the situation here,

It was unlike any country she had ever seen before.

"It seems that we have been exposed, go to the port immediately, and leave here..."

Ashil ordered without hesitation.

However at this moment,

An extremely cold voice suddenly sounded from the darkness behind them.

"Humph, want to go? Is De Reiss Rosa the place you scumbags come and go whenever you want?"

The figure of Redfield slowly came out from the darkness.

When Lin Xiao and others returned to De Reiss Rosa.

The civil strife has long subsided.

"Master Lin Xiao, personally...I really miss you so much!!"

The daughter-in-law stood on the pier as usual, waiting for Lin Dao's return.

and after he disembarked,

I couldn't wait to throw myself into my arms.

"Your Excellency, Captain, according to your instructions, I have drawn a map of the Kamabaka Kingdom's military deployment based on the memories of those g-commanded troops!

"As long as Katakuri reaches the specified point, we can start the [Eradication] operation!"

Redfield reported with a serious face.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Lin Xiao nodded in satisfaction, then looked down at the Empress who kept sniffing around like a beagle in her arms and said:

"How is the situation with the Riku clan?"


The empress suddenly woke up like a dream, with endless anger showing on her beautiful face, she said flatly:

"Except for Riku Dould III and that dead cripple, all other garbage that is not as good as ants have been sent to Granose to be turned into dolls!"

"My lord, those two ungrateful trash dared to attack you, they really deserve death!"

"Well, let Zi Roland and Rebecca be responsible for the public execution!"

Lin Xiao stretched out his hand and stroked the empress's hair, and the corners of her hair curved cruelly.


The empress raised her head slightly in surprise, but soon returned to her previous sweet little woman appearance.

her man,

But I have never been a soft-hearted person! .

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