I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 211 Dead Luffy, Target De Reiss Rosa! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Sanji, what are you bastard talking about?"

Luffy rushed up angrily, grabbed Sanji's clothes and asked:

"Why slander Robin? Have you forgotten that she's our partner!"

"Hey, Luffy, don't be impulsive, listen to what Sanji has to say!~"

Nami, Usopp and others hurriedly pulled the two apart, but couldn't help asking: "Sanji, how did you-meet Mr. Long?"


Sanji relighted a cigarette.

After taking a deep breath,

Then he described what he had experienced in the past two years,

and everything about Robin from the dragon,

Everything was said in detail.

On the Qianyang,

Suddenly fell into a silence.

The face of Straw Hat Crew,

All become extremely ugly.

these people,

But I really regard Nico Robin as my partner.

Unexpectedly, the result was like this.

"Impossible, I don't believe it..."

Luffy waved his fist viciously in the air,

He roared angrily: "I have to hear Robin say that she is not our partner before I believe it!"

"Otherwise, even if my father said it, I wouldn't believe it!"


"This time, I must personally blow that nasty guy Lin Dao into the air, and avenge Ace and Sabo!!"

"Luffy, don't mess around!"

Nami persuaded him nervously: "What Mr. Rayleigh said just now, have you forgotten everything so quickly?"

"Yeah Luffy, that guy named Lin Xiao is the master who dares to kill even Marine Admiral..."

Usopp shook his head with an exaggerated expression: "We are not their opponents at all, okay!"

Thanks to the rest of the Straw Hats,

During the last Sabaody event,

All before Luffy,

Photographed all over the world by Bartholemew Kuma.

So they didn't see Lin Xiao's attack with their own eyes.

Regarding Lin Xiao's strength,

There is also no clear understanding.


Although they don't know Lindau,

But he is quite familiar with the strength of Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji.

That was the existence of "spike killing" them many times.

Derived from this...

The one who can kill Aokiji,

how could it be,

What about the people that the Straw Hats have dealt with?


can you stop making trouble,

We don't want to die yet!

"Luffy, your crew was right!"

Rayleigh showed a look of helplessness on his face, and persuaded him sincerely: "Lin Dao is not someone you can deal with at this stage."

"What's more, now he has become the emperor of the De Reiss Rosa Kingdom, and there are many powerful guys around him."

"Not to mention your Straw Hat Pirates, even the mighty New World's Four Emperors and Naval Headquarters dare not provoke him easily."

"Luffy, you still have a long way to go in the future."

"Take my advice, don't go to De Reiss Rosa!!"

As Luffy's half master,

Rayleigh was well aware of his no-brainer recklessness.

Although to some extent,

It is precisely because of this "fearless" spirit that he

I'm particularly optimistic about Luffy.

But "reckless" should also be divided into people.

Even Rayleigh himself,

It's not enough to look at in front of Lin Xiao.

Luffy went,

Isn't that an initiative to deliver food?!

"I see, Uncle Rayleigh, thank you, we are going!"

Luffy suddenly grinned unexpectedly, and then pressed the straw hat on his head with one hand, and waved goodbye to Rayleigh with the other.

When Rayleigh saw this, a black line appeared on his forehead.

Are you trying to drive me away?

Laozi is your teacher!

And desperately guarding the ship for you for two years!

I have been keeping an eye on important information for you.

in the end,

I just said a few words to you,

Why are you doing this to me?

Little white-eyed wolf!!

"Nami, you are a navigator, right?!"

Rayleigh turned his head angrily, took out a roll of sheepskin and handed it to Nami, saying: "Now I will teach you how to operate the coated boat, you must remember it!"

"The situation in Haixia is no better than before..."

"Since The fish men island was moved away by that guy Lin Xiao, it has become more dangerous to go to the New World from a depth of 10,000 meters."

"Fortunately, Jinbei is going with you this time..."

During these two years,

Lin Xiao has "looted" countless lands and islands,

almost every once in a while,

There will be several corresponding news appearing in the newspaper.

So he can "run the island" thing,

It's no longer a secret.

"Thank you, Mr. Rayleigh!"

Not long after,

Nami learned the essentials of coating boat operation from Rayleigh,

Immediately thank you gratefully.

Rayleigh waved his hand,

Then jumped onto the shore.

To Luffy et al below:

"After two years, it's finally time for you to set off again!"

"Luffy, move towards the apex of your heart...go!!"

"Well, I see!"

Luffy also put away her previous laughing look, and raised her hands violently,

He shouted with a very serious expression: "Rayleigh, thank you so much for the past two years!!"

"I will definitely become... the One Piece!!"

When Rayleigh heard this, the corners of his eyes slightly moistened.

However, at this moment.

There was a clatter of footsteps behind the shore.

"Don't let the Straw Hat Crew get in the way, hurry up!!"


A large group of Marine soldiers who came after hearing the news,

It appeared in front of Rayleigh and Straw Hat Crew.


"Pluton Rayleigh is here too!!"

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

As soon as the Marines saw Rayleigh, their aura suddenly weakened a bit.

"Brothers, my disciple is about to go to sea, please accommodate me!"

Rayleigh slowly pulled out the long sword at his waist, Sen Han's blade drew a line of ravines in front of him,

He threatened in a cold voice: "I advise you not to cross this line, otherwise... the old man may not be merciful!!"

"Let's go, folks, Uncle Rayleigh will have no problem here!"

Luffy crossed his hands in front of Yuexiong, with a rare serious look on his face,

His eyes slowly swept across the crowd, and finally he said in a deep voice:

"Although I have a lot of things I want to say to you guys, but in short...... Thank you for tolerant of my waywardness for the past two years!"

"Asshole, your willfulness started two years ago?!"

"That's right, she's always been like this, okay!!"

On the faces of the members of the Straw Hats, there were expressions of disgust.

"Then, let's sail!!"

Luffy ignored everyone's ridicule, jumped onto the bow and shouted: "Go to De Reiss Rosa!!"

Straw Hat Crew: Nani???

Luffy, you bastard!

You just promised Mr. Rayleigh... not to go to de Reiss Rosa! Thousands!.

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