I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 246 Death Zone, Two Monsters! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"What did you do to Luffy?!"

A roar like a lion's roar resounded through the night sky, and Garp's anger poured out like a flood, his fists were clenched tightly, the veins on his forehead popped out, and he threatened with extreme anger:

"Lin Xiao, you shameless bastard, I will never allow you to attack that child again!!"

"Garp, you'd better wait until after you've defeated me, before you speak such nonsense again!"

Lin Xiaoxiao sneered, and said lightly: "In order not to let others say that I bullied you, I deliberately waited until it was completely dark before coming here to find you."

"Come on, let me save the quilt today to experience the true strength of (Marine hero)!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

A suffocating murderous aura soared into the sky.

turbulent momentum,

Even Fujitora behind him couldn't help but step back.


Bogarde had an unbelievable look on his face,

Staring blankly at Lin Xiao's figure,

A trembling voice exclaimed:

"That guy actually surpassed Vice Admiral Garp in terms of momentum..."

As Garp's lieutenant,

Bogard is very confident in his Vice Admiral.

But when he really felt the smell emanating from Lin Xiao,

When the terrifying fluctuations that send chills down the spine.

the thoughts in his mind,

Can't help shaking slightly.

Although the two have not yet officially met,

But only by momentum,

He could see the horror of Lin Dao.

The murderous aura that is as thick as a sea of ​​blood hell,

while he feels suffocated,

There was an urge to kneel down to Lin Xiao and beg for mercy.

the young man,

It's just horrible.

Could this be the true strength of [The World's Strongest Emperor] in Legendary?

Bogard, who originally wanted to wait for an opportunity,

Completely dispelled this stupid idea.

He had to be like Fujitora,

Forced to step back.

This level of combat,

Obviously, it has exceeded the level and height that he can touch.

If you don't hurry away,

Merely the aftermath,

It is possible to kill him directly at any time.

"Immediately notify the garrison of [Red Port] to evacuate Marine's family members near the main street and block the adjacent streets. Vice Admiral Garp and Lindao... are fighting!!"

After quickly retreating to a safe place, Gard hurriedly took out the phone and settled down.


Garp moved.

With every step he takes, the momentum on his body,

Crazy upward climb.

It quickly reached an extremely terrifying situation.

And the [Cloak of Justice] on his body,

Then, with the soaring coercion, it quietly fell to the ground.

this battle,

He is not for [justice],

But family.

In front of family and affection,

After all, he put down the word "justice" behind his back.

And Lin Xiao watched the aura almost climbed to the top,

And condensed a solid armed Garp all over the body,

A frenzied fighting spirit suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Take a step forward now,

Walk towards Garp.




A very strange scene suddenly appeared on the street.

Obviously two people who are incompatible with each other,

But none of them walked towards each other in a hurry.


Although the speed of the two seems to be slow,

But every step falls,

the whole street,

They will all tremble with a bang.


Bogard was so frightened that the phone bug in his hand fell to the ground without noticing it.

Is this really what humans can achieve?

"It seems that the old man still has a long way to go in the future!"

Fujitora let out a sigh of relief.

Apparently he has already realized deeply,

Between myself and the two people opposite,

How big is the gap that exists.

They don't rely on Devil Fruit's abilities at all,

It has reached the point of this Ultimate.

It's really scary...


The fists of Lin Xiao and Garp finally collided with each other.

Two strands of Ultimate's Armament Haki,

In the space between the two fists, they collided and rubbed violently.

The indescribably terrifying air waves and shock waves exploded,

It was as if a nuclear bomb had been detonated on the street.

Centered on two people,

Within a range of nearly 100 meters from Fang Yuan,

Instantly turned into hell on earth.

The terrifying aftermath directly razed all the buildings above the surface to the ground.

The sleeping Marines in the building,

Before even figuring out what happened,

He was already blown to death.

No bones left.....

The area where the two are located is like a death penalty zone.

Do not allow others to approach at all.


Garp's old pupils shrank suddenly,

She looked at Lin Xiao in astonishment.

This kid......

Is it so much stronger than [Summit War]?!

Feeling the incomparable force from the fist,

ask for flowers......

Immediately let Garp have a kind of,

At this moment, I am facing the illusion of an immovable mountain.

Although the two have a deep hatred,

But Garp has to admit,

In just two years,

Lin Xiao has grown into,

he so far,

The strongest enemy I have ever encountered!!

Compared with [One Piece] Roger,

Be a little bit stronger.

This terrible monster!

Garp suddenly felt the pressure double.

But for grandson Luffy,


No matter how strong Lin Xiao becomes,

He is also bound to end the opponent here.

"Die to me!!"

Garp screamed violently, and smashed down the jet-black iron fist wrapped around the armor color again.

"I think you should be the one who deserves to die!!"

The fighting spirit in Lin Xiao's eyes rose again,

The right arm stretched back violently to start accumulating strength,

Muscles instantly knotted up.

A white halo containing the power of shock,

Immediately lingering above his iron fist.

"Your son and grandson have caused me a lot of trouble. Today, use your dog's life to pay for them first!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

An incomparably violent punch punched down through the air.


Where fists collide,

The space is shattered inch by inch,

The power of the sudden outburst of shock swept out like a mountain torrent bursting an embankment.

caught off guard,

Garp was directly blasted out.

After paddling back tens of meters on the ground,

Only then can the castration be stopped.

"That bastard, did he even master Whitebeard's [Shock Fruit] to such a terrifying level?!"

Garp struggled to stand up, his face full of disbelief.

Not far from Bogard,

He was already stunned by the scene just now.


[Iron Fist] Garp, who is famous for Armament Haki and Taijutsu,

He was actually shot by...?!

What the hell is going on!

Moreover, it is not difficult to see from the two collisions just now,

Vice Admiral Garp does not seem to have the slightest advantage.

that forest road,

It's probably too strong.

At this moment, Bogarde really felt,

How terrible is the battle between these two people.

to him,

This is already a battle of another plane.

As for Lin Xiao and Garp,

All are not as strong as humans.

They are the real [Strange! Son!.

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