I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 262: One Sword Divides The Sea, The World's Number One Swordsman Debuts! [Kneeling To S


On the outer port of De Reiss Rosa,

The sound of shouting and killing resounded through the sky.

companions who keep falling,

And the thick and disgusting smell of blood in the air,

The ferocity in the hearts of both sides of the war was thoroughly aroused.

Whether pirates or royal marines,

All of them have red eyes,

Fight desperately.

The war began to heat up continuously.

There are countless dead bodies on the ground,

All fell in a mess in pools of blood.

And among them,

The Red Hair Pirates suffered the most.

Originally a luxurious lineup of more than 10,000 people,

In less than half an hour after the start of the war,

Thousands of people have been killed or injured.

On the opposite side of the Royal Marine,

Under the double blessing of Betty's [Inspirational Fruit] and Manshirley's [Healing Fruit],

The casualties were only dozens of people!!

Between two "three three three" people,

Compete with each other.

The Red Hair Pirates were already at a disadvantage.

victorious scales,

From the beginning,

He always leaned towards De Reiss Rosa's side.


The person who can really decide the final direction of this war,

But he never made a move.

Shanks Haki stays exactly where he is.

sharp and venomous eyes,

Always keep a close eye on the looming [King's Heights] far away.

he didn't know,

Lin Xiao is not in this country at all at the moment.

if not,

Shanks must not miss this opportunity to get revenge on Lindau.

will definitely fight,

Take the opportunity to kill the Quartet.

Destroy the prosperous de Reiss Rosa.

after all,

Even if Shanks is unwilling to admit it,

No matter how bad and dirty he is to slander Lin Dao,

Nothing can hide a fact.


He was really intimidated by Lin Dao's omnipotent style.

This sharp-edged man,

It's more like pirates than pirates like them who are doing all kinds of evil.

The wicked have their own grind.

As long as Lin Xiao doesn't appear for a second,

Shanks can't feel at ease for a second,

at the same time,

He also didn't dare to make an early move.


Just before Rayleigh faced Shiryu of the Rain,

quietly told him,

A very astonishing secret.


As Luffy's father dragon,

Has become the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates 2nd squad.


The Blackbeard Pirates will also join in the battle.

It is also clear that the news,

In the face of huge war losses,

Shanks was so calm.

In his opinion,

Even Naval Headquarters,

It is also impossible that at the same time,

Deal with two Four Emperors regiments at the same time.

So this battle,

The final loser will definitely be Lin Dao.

And between him and Blackbeard,

Although there is a deep grievance,

Even the three scars on his left eye that nearly blinded him,

And all thanks to Blackbeard.

but the enemy of the enemy,

Just friends!

In order to completely eradicate Lin Xiao's scourge,

Even if you need to join forces with Blackbeard for a while,

For Shanks,

It's not something too unacceptable.

"Lin Dao, you despicable bastard must not have thought of it!"

"This time... the people who come to seek your revenge are not only us, the Red Hair Pirates and the Four Emperors!"

Shanks had a cruel sneer on his face, and muttered to himself: "No matter what, Laozi will kill you today!!"

"Want to kill my captain... the red-haired brat, you deserve it too?!"

Redfield's cold voice suddenly came to the red-haired ear very clearly from a distance.

Although the two are far apart,

And the battlefield is full of noisy killing and shouting.

But Redfield still relied on the super hearing that [Vampire Fruit] gave him,

The redhead whispered clearly.

A look of disdain appeared on his haughty face.

redhead imp,

You are really self righteous.

I'm afraid you can't even dream of it,

The Blackbeard Pirates, whom you regard as your trump card,

In fact, he was spotted by my captain early on.

this time,

None of you can escape!!

"Look at him."

Redfield handed over the elderly Luffy to several soldiers to guard.

Then the figure turned into a phantom,

like a ghost,

Walk freely in the chaotic battlefield.

in the blink of an eye,

his figure,

Then he appeared directly in front of Shanks.

"Let me be your opponent.

Redfield said with a rebellious face: "My captain doesn't have so much time to waste on you!"


Suddenly two officers popped up behind Shanks.



But it's just a face to face,

A blood hole appeared on the heads of the two of them respectively.

Then it hit the ground heavily.

The huge gap in strength is obvious.

"Ledfield, the time of you old guys is long gone!"

Shanks snorted coldly with a gloomy face: "Even if you use dirty means to restore your youth, it is still difficult to cover up the rotten breath that constantly emanates from you.

"If you take the initiative to return Luffy's vitality back, this time, I can spare you!!"

talking room,

Shanks has already drawn the famous sword [Griffin] from his waist.

Unlike Bullet,

Redfield holds the key to Luffy's return to youth.

"Forgive me not to die?!"

There was a mocking smile on Redfield's face, and he said lightly:

"Arrogant brat, when I fought Roger, you weren't born yet.

don't say much,

Purple's umbrella slashed down from the sky.


A huge Slash Wave with a fishy red streaked out immediately.


A look of hostility flashed in Shanks' eyes, and he raised his hand to fight back.

but don't want to,

An extremely familiar voice came from the sea behind him.

"Shanks, I'll take care of this guy!"

Almost at the same time as the voice fell.

call out--

A fierce cyan Slash Wave was born out of nowhere.

It actually forcibly split a long and narrow gap in the sea!

It came through the air extremely swiftly.

in the blink of an eye,

Then it washed up on the coast across kilometers.

Wherever I go, 1.0

A deep ravine was left on the hard stone pavement.

at last,

In the astonished eyes of the crowd,

It collided heavily with Laidfield's slash.


A loud noise suddenly broke out.

The aftermath of terror raged,

It even blasted dozens of nearby pirates into patches of blood mist.

Shanks alone with Conqueror's out,

withstood the aftermath,

Standing in place unscathed.

And on the sea outside the port,

And because of this terrifying power,

And there was a huge wave like a tsunami.

wave after wave

Constantly slapping the shoreline.

Even the Red Force docked at the edge,

The capital is in danger of overturning and sinking.

"Hawkeye, I didn't expect you to come over to join in the fun!!".

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