I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 270 The Extremely Aggrieved Red Hair! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Lin Dao, today either you die or I live!!"

Shanks simply ignored Shiryu of the Rain who was blasted into the sea behind him,

Dark Red's [Black Thunder] was wrapped around the blade in his hand again,

A blow containing Conqueror's Haki is ready to strike.

"As expected of Roger's little follower..."

Lin Xiaoqi sneered contemptuously from the corner of his face, and said lightly: "I'm so angry that he even lost his famous skills!!"

"Bastard, you don't even deserve to mention Captain Roger's name!!"

Shanks growled furiously.


The sneer on Lin Xiao's face got bigger, and he sarcastically said:

"Roger is nothing more than an overly mythical pirate, even if he personally started the era of great pirates......

"In the eyes of this king, he is still just trash!!"

the voice fell,

Lin Xiao reached out and gently stroked the Empress' cheek,

The latter immediately understood,

He got up and stood aside with an obsessed expression.

Her [King] is about to make a move.

However, just when Lin Xiao was about to stand up to face the enemy,

A pretty figure behind him,

but stepped forward,

He took the lead in attacking the galloping red hair.

"Multiple Negative Ghosts!!"

Perona waved her hand,

More than ten puppet-shaped ghosts of White came out of the nest,

With a swaying posture, he rushed towards the red hair.


A look of exasperation suddenly appeared on Shanks' face.

Just get angry,

But through previous battles,

he already knew,

The ghost of negativity unleashed by Perona,

is except Lindao,

A special spirit that no one else can resist.

Even if it is Shiryu of the Rain's cold-blooded [Slayer Demon],

After being hit,

They can only crawl on the ground like a humble bug.


In the face of the many ghosts rushing like a wave,

The red hair can only retreat in stature,

Stay away from the edge.

"Ah! I am a worm, please some kind-hearted person to kill me

"I don't deserve to live, I want to become a flea..."

"How could I be a pirate, I'm such a scum......"

The pirates caught off guard immediately fell to their knees,

one by one extremely negative,

I can't even raise my fighting spirit.

"Damn it, ghost girl, aren't you Mihawk's subordinate?!"

Dodging all the ghosts of negativity, Shanks regained his stature,

Facing Perona in the distance, he roared with a puzzled look:

"Why are you helping Lin Xiao, that bastard who does all kinds of evil?!"

"Hey hey hey hey hey, who told you, a bad guy, to try to kill me just now."

Perona first grimaced at the red hair with a look of disgust, and then retorted angrily: "Also, this princess is not a subordinate of that guy Hawkeye!!"

"He...he is now a member of His Majesty Lin Xiao..."

finished speaking,

Perona sneaked a sneak peek at Lin Xiao with her clumsy acting skills,

Seeing the latter watching her,

On the slightly pale little face,

Immediately, a blush appeared uncontrollably.

so handsome!!

Now he should have noticed them, right?!

As an Advanced member of the Appearance Association,

In Perona's eyes,

Beauty is justice!

Looks are everything!


The eyes of the empress big sister are really scary!!


It's like eating someone alive......

Red hair is absolutely unimaginable.

It was precisely because he was going to take advantage of the chaos to kill Perona just now.

That makes this little girl,

In the face of life and death crisis,

Lin Xiao, who has just become his new boss, has completely returned to his heart.


With Perona's naughty personality,

Even if forced to submit,

He will definitely not do anything for Lin Dao in this war.

However now,

Perona felt the long-lost feeling of being "protected" on the battlefield.

Naturally, he quickly integrated into the Lin Xiao Group.

It is not difficult to understand the shot.


Shanks roared in displeasure,

Eye pupils shrink sharply,

The Conqueror's Haki on his body burst out.

In mid-air, it took the shape of a long and narrow blade,

towards Perona,

Blast away. (bbef) "Gravity Knife Tiger!!"

A powerful blow that distorted the space was born.

It even directly blasted the red hair into pieces with the sharp blade transformed by Conqueror's.

A strong wind blows up,

The rumbling sound was endless.

"My captain has no time to talk to you now, why don't we continue the unfinished battle!!"

Fujitora stood in front of the redhead again.

Although the Four Emperors are strong,

But it's not enough to instantly kill [general level] powerhouses like Fujitora.

Just entwined with Conqueror's Haki's attack,

But it was beyond his expectation.

That's why he was blown away by a direct blow just now.

"If your defeated general doesn't want to die, just roll aside immediately."

Shanks sneered scornfully.

in his eyes,

The entire De Reiss Rosa,

Probably only Lin Xiao and Redfield,

To be his opponent.

Even 【Devil's Heir】 Bullet,

None of them are within the scope of his consideration.

This is the pride of the redhead as 【Four Emperors】.

However, Fujitora has not spoken yet,

Lin Dao's calm voice came from behind.

"Smile, be careful, as long as his blade is wrapped with Conqueror's, it can cause the effect of 'space' strike, and the defense distance should be longer..."

"Also, the move [Divine Avoidance] he used just now to knock Shiryu into the air is Roger's famous skill, it is a slash that can pass through the enemy's blade!!"

"I see."

Suddenly, Fujitora showed a look of enlightenment, and said respectfully:

"Thank you for your reminder, Your Majesty, Yinfu will definitely cherish this opportunity to fight (Four Emperors!!"

The redhead heard the conversation between the two,

Suddenly, his face turned green with anger.


Are you two planning to use Laozi as a sparring partner?!

But at the same time,

He was also deeply shocked by the accuracy of Lin Xiao's intelligence.

To know,

With Whitebeard and other strong men from the old era passing away one after another,


Can you know that [God Avoidance] is the famous skill of Captain Roger,

and its effects on people,

It can be said that they are rare.

But Lin Xiao was able to explain in detail like a few treasures.

what else is there,

Is this guy unaware?


See what he just said about winding Conqueror's Haki,

Presumably this kid may also use this ability.

Damn it!!

He is not yet twenty years old.

Can you master this kind of ability that only a very small number of powerful people can do?!

The redhead is so suffocated!

"Blind man, die for Laozi!!"

Shanks who were forced to "open for business",

I can only vent the anger in my heart,

All poured on Fujitora's body.

Lin Xiao,

You wait for Laozi!!


It's your turn!!.

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