I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 272 Xiaopei's Battlefield; Cautious Blackbeard! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Hey, little Pei, wake up!

Now is not a good time to think wildly, hey!!

Can't do it...

You are about to (fall) fall!!

However, when Perona frantically imagined some embarrassing scenes that can only be completed by two people,

Lin Xiao's magnetic voice,

But it brought her back to reality directly.

"This is my bedroom, not only is it guarded by special personnel, but it is also within my ability."

"It can be said that it is absolutely safe for you to store the main body here."

"I need you to go to the other side, where your talents will be brought into full play..."

"After this battle, your reputation will be announced throughout the world along with this king and the Kingdom of De Reissrosa!!"

After Lin Xiao got【Op-Op Fruit】,

Although not as Trafalgar Law,

Develop 【Op-Op Fruit】to an awakened state enough to use 【Operation of Agelessness】. "907", but regardless of the scope of the special space created,

or duration,

Or the strength of Devil Fruit's abilities,

All Trafalgar Law simply cannot match.

And as he just said,

The palace of King's Highlands,

Just at the edge of his ability to radiate.

If Perona is attacked,

He can definitely rush to the rescue in the first time.

so you can rest assured,

Let her store her body here.


Perona tilted her head and looked at Lin Xiao in a daze.

In the depths of her widening beautiful eyes,

There was even a look of disappointment flickering.

what the hell......

So he didn't want that?!


This princess is Bai Huanxi... Bah, I was so nervous for a while.


Big straight man.

People don't care about fame or anything.

You just talked so much,

It's better to just say "I need my princess's help" to make people feel happier!!

All right,

Seeing how handsome you are,

And for the sake of the new boss,

This princess will follow your orders!!

After making up my mind,

Perona gently took off her boots,

Showing two fair and small feet,

She climbed onto the big bed very well.

Feel the extremely soft mattress,

A look of satisfaction suddenly appeared on Perona's face.

Good Uncle Clothes!!

"Hey hey hey hey hey, Your Majesty, where are we going next?!"

Immediately, Perona's soul flew out of her body, and Tian Fen playfully spun around Lin Xiao's side.

Lin Xiao did not answer,

It's just that Zijiao gave his trademark smirk again.


This king specially arranged a gorgeous meeting ceremony for you this time!

at the same time.

Far above the Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa at an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters.

In the thick sea of ​​clouds,

A fleet of ten large pirate ships,

A large fleet of up to 30,000 people,

Being held up by a series of powerful annular cyclones,

Steadily suspended above the sea of ​​clouds.

And the tops of the masts of these ships,

All of them hang a Black pirate flag with three skulls painted on it.

It's all members of the Blackbeard Pirates!!

Although they have been here for a long time,

But with Blackbeard's cautious, insidious and cunning character,

But he has been patient and did not make a move.

He is waiting for the best opportunity to make a move.

And the dragon has been using the powerful perception ability of [Hurricane Fruit],

Through waves in the breeze,

Closely monitor every move on the battlefield below.

But different from Lin Dao's 【Heart Network】,

And the Observation Haki that Redfield and Fujitora are born to achieve Ultimate.

While dragons utilize Devil Fruit's abilities,

Long-distance perception can also be accomplished.

But its accuracy,

But it is much lower than Observation Haki.

Not to mention Zi Roland, who has a super-long reconnaissance range with a radius of 4,000 kilometers.

In front of her ability,

All are brothers.


Although the dragon knows what happened on the battlefield below,

But the details are not clear.

"Weihahaha, Captain, Long said that a fight has already started down there, and that kid Lin Xiao must be fighting Red Hair to the death..."

Team 1 captain Burgess said with a wicked smile on his face:

"Now is the best time for us to launch a sneak attack?!"

"Presumably the two of them, when they saw all the members of our Blackbeard Pirates suddenly appear, they would be scared to pee their pants in an instant?!"

"Brother Burgess is right!"

Team 8 Captain [Hyena] Bellamy grinned ferociously and said:

"If we make a move now, whether it is Lin Dao or the red-haired Shanks, they will be in a state of being attacked."

"Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone and kill these two groups of people directly..."

"If it really succeeds, I'm afraid even if you haven't reached [the final island] Raftel, the captain, you will still be honored as [One Piece] by the world, right?!"

Bellamy was

It can be said that he is a loyal believer under Doflamingo..

After the former was killed by Lin Xiao,

He hated Lin Xiao ever since.


Due to the huge gap in strength and power,

makes him,

There has been no chance and courage for revenge.

But now it's different,

Backed by Blackbeard,

Naturally, he would not miss this "to add insult to injury",

A chance to put Lin Xiao to death.

Of course,

This is all their wishful thinking...

"Yes, Captain Teach, you promised us back then that you would avenge your father with your own hands!!"

"That's right, we will never forgive that bastard Lindau...

"Revenge for daddy, avenge Lin Xiao!!"

The captain of the 4th division Jin Gudo, the captain of the 6th division [Buffalo] Atmos, and the captain of the 7th division [Sword of Fire] Fossa,

All are former captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

the three of them,

Together with dozens of surviving former members of the White Group,

There was a look of righteous indignation on all the faces.

Though they're all Blackbeard's lackeys now.

but in their hearts,

But always remembering the death of Papa Whitebeard.

According to these people,

The reason why the Whitebeard Pirates came to such a miserable end,

All because Lin Xiao beheaded Whitebeard.

They have put 0.6 of the hatred in their hearts,

All passed on to Lin Xiao.

and only in this way,

In order to find some excuse for myself,

Psychological comfort with self-deception.

However, Blackbeard doesn't care about these "former elders" at all

Didn't even want to take a second look.

Laozi just took the death of that old guy Whitebeard,

It's just a gimmick to trick you.

Now that old guy's territory and power have been completely annexed by Laozi,

Only a fool would avenge him.

Blackbeard is completely interpreting the huge temptation of [Historical Text] this time,

And driven by jealousy and resentment towards Lin Xiao,

He came here on his own initiative.

"Dragon, what do you think?!"

Blackbeard stared at those dark eyes,

He kept looking at the opposite dragon.

Do not know why,

He seemed to sense a hint of conspiracy. .

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