I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 299 Blackbeard's End (Part 2)! ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


Blackbeard's body returned to its original size again,


The expression on his face has become extremely painful,

The fat body fell on the ground,

Rolling back and forth non-stop.

Although just now he was at the last moment,

Already covered Armament Haki all over the body.

But it still couldn't completely defend against Lin Xiao's berserk blow.

The terror contained in the kick,

Directly crush the ribs on the right side of Blackbeard's moon hunk.

Even with Armament Haki covered,

His crescent chest was inevitably dented.

More seriously, however,

Lin Xiao's high-level Armament Haki has already entered his body,

Start to destroy the internal organs frantically.

Different from Common's [hardening], [winding], and [external release]

Lin Dao's high-level Armament Haki can attack while attacking,

Penetrate the enemy's skin and defenses,

directly destroy their internal organs.

It is a more Advanced technique beyond Wanokuni【Emission】.

If it is not the ability user of the Eudemons Devil Fruit,

Possesses a terrifying physique far beyond ordinary people and a strong recovery ability.

I'm afraid Blackbeard, under that blow just now,

He was sent directly to the West Paradise.

But Rao is so,

Blackbeard still suffered severe internal injuries.

and in a short time,

There is simply no way to recover as usual.

"Cough cough cough..."

Blackbeard lying on the ground spat out several mouthfuls of blood one after another,

pale face,

It was only then that some blood color recovered a little.

Resisting the urge to vomit blood again,

Blackbeard actually struggled,

He abruptly stood up again.

The bloody and resentful eyes stared at Lin Dao viciously,

As if realizing that I will die here today,

Between Blackbeard's brows,

Actually filled with a large piece of passionate and surging will to die.

"Lin Dao, get ready for the final blow with all my strength!"

"The person who wins in the end must be me..."

Blackbeard roared, and the endless darkness shot up to the sky from behind him again, "Profound Truth·Darkness·Grasp of the Nether!!"


The endless darkness is instantly on the sky,

Form a ghost claw that is far bigger than the titans.

As soon as Black's ghost claws are ready,

Without hesitation, he grabbed Lin Xiao below.


Lin Xiao frowned slightly.

From the hands of oncoming ghosts,

Keenly noticed something strange.

"Empty Shock!!"

He tentatively waved his hand and smashed a blow.


An unexpected scene appeared.

The overwhelming shock wave,

After touching the ghost claw of that Black,

Like a stone sinking into the ocean,

The terrifying energy contained in it,

Absorbed instantly!

"Thief hahahaha..."

"See? This is the true power of darkness that can swallow everything!!"

Blackbeard roared proudly, "Lin Dao, this time...you're going to die!!"


Lin Xiaoxue sneered disdainfully, and then pulled out the (Yan Mo and Tian Yu Yu Zhan Chang) hanging from his waist.

just thought about it,

He retracted [Tian Yuyu Slash] into the scabbard again.

A mere Blackbeard,

Not worthy of letting the two knives at his waist unsheathed.

"Although you are an ugly ghost that makes people sick for days at a glance, I have to admit that you have developed Dark Fruit very well..."

"This kind of devouring and absorbing ability, this king is very satisfied!!"

Lin Xiao smiled amusedly,

While speaking,

The arm holding the knife made a gesture of slashing.


The dark Armament Haki and the stronger Conqueror's Haki,

Winding up along the body of the sword.

outside the blade,

Unexpectedly, crackling dark red lightning appeared.

"It's just that if you think that you can kill me like this, it only shows...you are too naive."

"Blackbeard, die in peace..."

"Haki·One Sword Ryu·Nirish Waltz!!"

Like an elegant dancer, Lin Xiao gently swung down the arm holding the knife.

in an instant,

Blooming brightly like a neon light.

Blackbeard and the dragon's ear,

A classical waltz sounded at the same time.

That passionate note,

But like a spell against demons,

Fix the bodies of the two in place.

until the dance is over,

Blackbeard and the dragon were surprised to find out,

Black ghost claws in the sky,

I don't know when it has disappeared.

And Blackbeard's bloated body,

has also been split in two,

Fell in a pool of blood.

"Cough cough cough..."

Blackbeard, who was still alive for a while, widened his empty pupils.

As if thinking about something.

Lin Xiao, on the other hand, waited quietly and patiently.

".. Lin Xiao, cough, cough...... After I... die, you will surely use that weird golden coffin to plunder my abilities like you did to that old Whitebeard?!"

After a while, Blackbeard asked slowly.

"That's right, the ability of [Dark Fruit], the king is still very satisfied."

Lin Xiao replied truthfully.

"Thieves hahahaha.....We.....We are indeed heroes who see the same thing. [Dark Fruit] is the strongest Devil Fruit...."

Blackbeard suddenly burst out laughing,

Despite the severe pain that ensues,

hastened the passing of his life,

There is still no intention of stopping at all.

Blood from his muzzle and wounds,

It kept gushing out.

But Blackbeard fell on deaf ears.

In the last moments of his life,

He wants to meet death like a man with dignity.

(Wang Hao)" Lin Xiao, Laozi is already very satisfied to die in the hands of an opponent like you..."

"I hope that you can really stand on the top of this world one day..."

"I will stare at you in the sky... Although Laozi is dead, my will will never die, because..."

"A person's dream will never end!!!!!!"

Speaking of the last man,

Blackbeard laughed again.


The laughter soon stopped abruptly.

The light in Blackbeard's eyes,

Completely dimmed down.

Blackbeard's sinful life full of forbearance, calculation, viciousness and betrayal,

Finally the official announcement came to an end.

【Ding, the system has detected the body of the newly deceased ‘Marshall D Teach’ within a day, which meets the conditions for ability plundering. Does the host enable vip plundering? 1

"Turn on!!".

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