I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 314 I'm Going To Give You An Eyeball, Isn't It Too Much? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe!

"Disgusting despicable trash, Aijia really wants to turn you into a stone and smash you to pieces!!"

"Redhead, aren't you a bit too fucking arrogant? You don't think we're going to let you stun soldiers with Conqueror's?!"

"Shanks, I've [foreseen] the fate of the Red Hair Pirates, everything you've done now is all in vain..."

There is no need for Lin Xiao to speak at all,

The Empress, Bullet, and Katakuri released their respective [Conqueror's Haki] to fight back.


Three terrifying fluctuations visible to the naked eye instantly pushed back the red-haired Conqueror's.



Lightning-like dark red energy splashes out like a raging thunder snake,

There are cracks drawn on the surrounding ground.

The stalemate did not last long,

It ended with a bang.

No matter how tough the red-haired [Conqueror's Haki] is,

It is also impossible to compete with the three empresses at the same time.


these three people,

Each of them is a unique child of heaven.

If I hadn't met Lin Dao,

And if it is taken under its command,

It is impossible for these three people to appear in the same camp.

"Damn it, Bullet, you'd better not get in my way..."

Seeing that his action was blocked, Shanks' eyes were red, and he roared towards Bullet who was rushing forward with an extremely ferocious expression: "Otherwise, I'll kill you!!"

"Want to kill me? It's up to you?!"

Bullet sneered with disdain: "If the captain hadn't ordered you to spare your dog's life, Laozi would have blown your dog's head off today!!"

"Hey, fit bastard, isn't he thinking of himself as the guy with the beard?"

at this moment,

Suddenly, a somewhat yin and yang voice sounded.

Surprisingly, it was Shiryu of the Rain who was known as Lin Xiao's No. 1 [Pretending King].

The momentum under Shiryu's feet did not diminish at all,

But Zili still did not forget to sarcastically say to the red hair: "It's a pity, the demon sword in Laozi's hand, but he hasn't drunk the blood of [Four Acts] yet?!"

on fighting,

Maybe Shiryu can only be the last one under Lin Xiao.

But when it comes to pretending to be B,

Brother Shiryu is definitely an existence under one person and above ten thousand people.

It doesn't matter if you don't have 【Conqueror's Haki】!

It doesn't matter if you don't have the strength to beat the red hair!

As long as we have【觜炮】,

Then it can still be a redhead!

How could Shiryu miss this "highlight moment" of pretending to be B?

But sarcasm is sarcasm,

Whether Bullet,

Still Shiryu,

Or Katakuri and the soldiers of the Royal Marine,

without exception,

None chose to stay.

Instead, he made a beeline for the members of the Red Hair Pirates.

And the redhead...

It is the goal of their [King].


Seeing Bullet and others who were not afraid of Haki at all, Shanks was furious and furious.

in a panic,

When he turned around and was about to chase back and block him,

Suddenly, a familiar cold voice sounded in his ears.

"Redhead, your performance is really disappointing!!"

Lin Xiao made a trademark smirk from the corner of his face, and suddenly appeared behind the red hair, and said lightly while making a move:

"How can you say that you have been a pirate for decades, why don't I teach you?"

"If you are always half-hearted on the battlefield...you will die here!!"

While the voice fell,

Lin Xiao's right hand stuck out like lightning.

The redhead who turned his head subconsciously,

He only felt that a big hand was constantly enlarged in his line of sight,

When the reaction comes,

There was already a sharp pain in the right eye.

"Uh ah ah..."

Shanks let out a shrill scream, but the Griffin in his hand chopped Lin Xiao lazily without hesitation.


next second.

Lin Xiao has already sat back on the [Throne of Sand] tens of meters away.

And now between his fingers,

Suddenly there was a fresh eyeball.

As for the owner of the eyeball,

Naturally, it was the red hair on the opposite side who was bleeding profusely from the right eye.

"Although this king said that I won't kill you today, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living penalty cannot be escaped..."

Lin Xiao has no interest in continuing to fight with the red hair at this moment,

In the confrontation just now,

He didn't use Devil Fruit's ability and boost at all,

Only with【Kendo】and【Conqueror's Haki】,

He easily defeated the opponent.

In this absolutely fair and just duel.

Lin Xiao won.

He has already proved his [King] identity.

while the redhead,

Then it is naturally the [car] that is only fit to be ridden.


Even if Lin Xiao doesn't use other abilities,

You can also defeat the one in front of you,

The [Four Emperors] who are known as [Genius] and [Strongest] by the world.

"..Red hair, as your punishment for attacking De Reiss Rosa, this king will give you an eyeball.....isn't it too much?!"


Shanks let out a terrible roar,

His right cheek was covered in blood,

it seems at the moment,

It's like a ghost that makes people feel palpitations.


The famous sword [Griffin] cut down suddenly.

A powerful blow entwined with the horror [Conqueror's Haki] came out across.


The target of the huge crescent-shaped sword energy,

That is, not Lin Xiao.

Nor the oncoming Royal Marine,

Or cadres like Bullet and Shiryu with smirks on their faces.

The real purpose of the red hair is... (Lee's)


The ground of the entire port suddenly trembled violently.

And the outermost area full of pirates,

To be caught by the sword just now by the red hair,

Divided directly into two and cut off from it,

crashing out of port,

It fell into the sea below.


Huge waves rose into the sky.

There are many pirates standing in that area,

caught off guard,

They fell into the sea one after another.

in the blink of an eye,

It was swallowed by huge waves.

The body sank into the sea.

"Hehe, are you still awake?"

Lin Xiao was not impatient when he saw this, but praised with a calm expression on his face: "Red hair, it seems that I underestimated you a little bit before."

"It's just... all"

"Your behavior is useless at all!!".

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