I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 317 Red Hair Pirates, All Destroyed! ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


Huge meteorites covering the sky and the sun fell down one after another.

Nuohai area in front of the port,

Suddenly, as if being stirred up,

Set off a series of towering and shocking waves.

The terrifying energy released by the meteorite,

It's like annihilation.

The entire port trembled violently with the sea.

Just one of the meteorites,

It is enough to directly destroy the piece of land where the members of the [Red Hair Pirates] below are standing.

not to mention now,

Dozens of them fell one after another in the sky,

Even a master with the strength of Beckman who has stepped into the 【General】,

Under such intensive attacks,

all doomed

Not to mention the other members of the red group.

The loud rumbling sound continued.

As for the red-haired girl who was crushed to the ground by the Bullets, "Four Six Three" had already struggled desperately from the beginning,


It turned into a scream of pain.

The redhead tightly closed his eyes,

He couldn't bear to look directly at the horrific scene in front of him.

He has already sensed the rapidly disappearing lives with [Observation Haki].

Those are all old brothers who have accompanied him on the voyage and battle for many years.

and today

All died here.

Grief and indignation filled the red-haired heart.

Even though he has never been a weak person,

this moment,

He couldn't even open his eyes to see this scene.

"Hey hey, you can't close your eyes."

Shiryu's sinister smirk sounded again,

Then he reached out and forcibly pulled the red-haired eyelids away,

Pointing to the turbulent sea in the distance, he said:

"Take a good look, these people... were all killed by you!"

"No...it's not me, it's Lin Dao, they were all raped by that despicable Lin Xiao..."

Shanks' roar stopped abruptly,

replaced by,

There was an inhumane slap on the face.

"How dare you slander my captain..."

Shiryu, after pumping Shanks' face into a pig's head,

Then he grabbed his hair,

He said viciously: "Only you... are worthy?!"

"My lord, why do you still have a red-haired filthy piece of shit?"

Empress blushes her cheeks,

Leaning on Lin Xiao's crescent moon with fascinated eyes,

Whispering like a mosquito:

"Wouldn't it be better to kill them together?!"

"Hancock, what do you think it takes to really beat someone?"

Lin Xiao tightened his arms, adjusted the woman in his arms to a more comfortable posture, and asked in an extremely warm voice.


The empress seemed to have reached a certain peak,

Hold up the snow-white Hiroi,

There was a high-resistance shēn silver.

Just a sweet hug from Lindau,

The happiness in the empress's heart instantly exploded.


The brain can no longer think normally.

She's full of thoughts now,

It's all about how many children will be born for Lin Xiao in the future...

"In my opinion, if you want to truly defeat a person, it's not about how many people you kill blindly, nor how many cities you destroy..."

Lin Xiao has long been familiar with the empress's situation,

This woman who has a heavy attachment to herself,

has already entered his heart,

So he didn't wait for the other party's answer,

He said to himself:

"If you want to truly defeat a person, you must completely defeat him at the psychological level, defeat his fighting spirit, defeat his self-confidence..."

"In this way, even if he is still alive, he is no different from a walking dead."

In the end,

Lin Xiao reached out and gently lifted the empress's fair and clean chin,

Pointing to the "meteor fire shower" falling all over the sky

He said with a smile: "Hancock, do you think this looks like a grand firework show?!"



The meteor shower lasted for nearly two minutes.

When the sky clears again,

Even the corpses of [Red Hair Pirates] members could no longer be seen on the sea.

Those thousands of pirates,

With the land at the corner of the port,

As if directly erased from this world,

Completely disappeared.

Even a strong man like Benn Beckman who has the Advanced outfit color Haki,

Under this level of attack,

Nor was it spared.

The murlocs dived into the water to escape,

It was directly crushed into a meat paste by a huge meteorite,

And then sank into the dark abyss below 10,000 meters deep sea..

the whole sea,

And only the sea, stained red with blood,

Only then can it prove that [Red Hair Pirates] once existed here.



"Laki Lu......"



"Everyone.....Everyone is dead?!!!"

Hong stared blankly at the sea, as if she couldn't accept such an ending,

Until Bullet and others completely let go of him,

Then he pulled up his hair with a face full of pain,

He slammed his head hard to the ground.

"Boom boom boom...!!"

Blood continued to flow from the red-haired forehead and the right eye whose eyeball had been gouged out.

But he didn't realize it at all.


The red-haired person had already plunged into endless despair.

he has in mind,

began to recall uncontrollably,

Since going to sea to recruit crews one by one.

in the past,

Those happy and warm pictures,

At this moment, it is like a sharp dagger,

It kept stabbing his heart.

how he hopes,

Time can stay in the past forever,


allow him to make a decision,

Reselect 3.3...

But the bright red sea in front of me,

And the waves that never cease to wash the shore,

always reminded him,

it's all over,

his crew,

his friends,

All are gone from him forever.

Originally came to rescue Straw Hat Luffy,

And Lin Xiao revenged him,

at last…………

But he ended up with the same tragic end as Straw Hat Luffy.

Even if the red hair has weathered the storm,

He couldn't bear such a painful blow.


"Why, I have already decided to stay and fight you one-on-one, why do I want to kill all my crew..."

"Why don't you kill me together......?!!"

"Lin Dao, you bastard, tell me why...! 0".

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