I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 319: Hawkeye's Surrender Conditions! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Seeing Lin Dao whose face gradually softened, Shiryu breathed a long sigh of relief.

so close,

Just almost finished playing.


Not long after,

A look of ecstasy appeared on Shiryu's face.


Today Laozi is a big boss.

Sword Slash Four Emperors Arm!

Step on the Four Emperors head!

I just want to ask,

Except Shiryu of My Rain,

Who else could accomplish such a feat?!

no more, no more,

Let Laozi insert a waist buff first and then talk later.

Ha ha,

It probably won't take long,

The name of my Shiryu of the Rain,

It will resound in every corner of the entire New World.

Until then,

Maybe he will be named the fifth emperor or something.

Thinking of this,

Shiryu felt like stepping on the ground under his feet,

Every step has a feeling of lightness.

It seemed as if he was about to break free from the shackles of gravity.

That is a beauty.

"Your mother's big chin, the captain didn't kill you just now, so you picked it up..."

Bullet couldn't get used to Shiryu's self-sufficiency, wishing he could kick him.

"Che, fit bastard, jealous Laozi just say it."

Shiryu raised his head high,

With an attitude of 'We are no longer on the same level now, you are just a bad brother' on his face,

Swaying to the side.

"Shiryu Big Brother Niu B......!!"

Fan Oka's younger brother immediately stepped forward and had a wave of strategic exchanges.

after all,

His position is there.

no matter who joins,

He will always be the one at the bottom of the list.

Lin Xiao naturally ignored Shiryu's little thought.


He has already turned his gaze to Zephyr beside him,

was about to say something,

but don't want to,

Hawkeye's eager voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Your Majesty Lin Xiao...if you are willing to let Shanks live this time, in exchange..."

"From now on, I, Dracule Mihawk, am willing to be under your command!!"

Hawkeye looked somewhat embarrassed at the moment,

Except for the right arm holding the knife,

Wounds are almost all over the body.

Some are even more bone-deep.

left shoulder,

It seemed that there was a big blood hole pierced by the umbrella in Redfield's hand.

Blood gushes out from the wound continuously,

The left arm also hangs weakly.

Looking at Redfield standing behind him,

The face still maintained the elegance and arrogance before.

Even if there are some wounds on the body,

But it's not serious.


With the blessing of the powerful recovery ability of [Vampire Fruit],

It has already been restored to its original state.

The result of the battle between the two is obvious.

it looks like,

Even though Hawkeye has been in retreat for two years in [Kraigana Island],

But he is still no match for Redfield, who has returned to his prime physically.

after all…………

Combat experience alone,

Redfield outlived him by decades.

"You want to join?!"

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, a look of surprise appeared on his stern face.

But on second thought,

It became clear why.

Because Hawkeye and Redfield are fighting on the outermost side of the port.


Hawkeye probably didn't hear Lin Xiao's previous order.

That is to say,

He didn't know that Lin Xiao didn't intend to kill Hongfa in the first place.

But that's fine too,

Facing [the world's number one swordsman] who took the initiative to come to your door.

How could Lin Xiao not accept it?

Although Hawkeye's strength is not strong,

It is barely able to reach the threshold of [general emperor level].

but his joining,

It is no different from Lin Xiao in front of the whole world,

He slapped Marine and World government hard.

Because counting the queen,

Two [Seven Warlords of the Sea] members have voluntarily given up their identities,

Abandon the darkness and turn to the light.


G Locke Dahl,

Gekko Moria,


Bartholemew Kuma,

Whitebeard II,

Trafalgar Law,

and the expelled murloc Jinbei,

There was also Blackbeard who was later promoted to 【Four Emperors】.

These old and new [Seven Warlords of the Sea] members,

Almost all of them were "destroyed" by Lin Xiao alone!!

This is for the prestige of Marine and World government,

Definitely an unprecedented hit.

It can be said,

very harmful,

More insulting!!

"..it's a good helper, but..."

There was a vague smile on Lin Xiao's face, and he said lightly: "This king has only one requirement for his subordinates, and that is absolute loyalty."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, next time..."

There was a look of reminiscence on Hawkeye's face,

First, he glanced at the red-haired man lying on the ground like a walking corpse,

Then he said decisively:

"The next time I meet Shanks, it will be the day we meet in battle."

After all,

Hawkeye, who has always been known for his pride,

He took the initiative to kneel down to Lin Xiao.


I can only do this for you...

after today,

This is the end of our friendship.

There is ample time,

I hope you can recover soon.

"That's good... (Li Zhaozhao)"

Lin Xiao gave a trademark smirk, pointed at the red hair crawling on the ground meaningfully and said:

"Crate him and you will escort him to the holy place of Mariejois!!"

"Your Majesty, this is..."

Hawkeye's face changed drastically in an instant, and he looked at Lin Dao in horror.

at the moment he,

He didn't know the identity of the second-five boy behind the red hair.

In his opinion,

Even if the redhead is already living a life worse than death,

But as 【Four Emperors】,

Once in the hands of Marine and World government,

Will definitely be like Roger,

executed in public.


They will be directly imprisoned on the LV6 floor of the deep sea prison [Impel down].

Never see the light of day.

Neither option was the Zed he expected to see.

"What? Do you think this king's decision is to let the red hair die?!".

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