I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 338: Trading, All I Want Is A Battle Suit! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Vince Mo Ke Judge, how about we make a deal?!"

Lin Xiao ignored the three Yiji brothers who were chattering non-stop,

His dark eyes looked directly at Judge,

And raised his finger to point to the big ships of the [BIG MOM Pirates] that were constantly attacking in the distance,

Said with deep meaning:

"As long as you promise me one request... I can solve these troubles for you and provide you with shelter."

"What... what request?!"

Although Lin Dao's tone was very flat, Judge was a little terrified when he heard it.

Even the cold sweat on the forehead,

It also rolled down unknowingly.

Although Lin Xiao in front of him is extremely young,

but strength,

But it is not inferior to any [Four Emperors].

we can even say,

His strength and achievements,

across the sea,

Hardly anyone can match it.

In [Summit War], kill [World's Strongest Man] Whitebeard head-on.

Then hit Kaido,

defeated Akainu,

kill red pheasant,

Step on BIG MOM.


It is rumored that Lin Xiao11 destroyed two Four Emperors regiments at the same time,

and kill Blackbeard,

Badly injured redhead news.....

It can be said,

The strong man standing at the top of this sea,

have been defeated by him.

Regardless of the identity of the other party is [Four Emperors]

Or [Admiral of Headquarters].

Not to mention the [Seven Warlords of the Sea] members who died at his hands,

And the massacred 200,000 World government coalition forces...  

Such a terrible record,

It is enough to show that Lin Dao's strength is beyond people's imagination.


Even if Judge has always been arrogant,

But he didn't dare to disobey the young emperor in front of him at all.

But it's also,

The key to his uneasiness at the moment.

If Lin Xiao really wants 【Kingdom of Germa】

What is he giving,

Or not?!


Lindau's temper,

But it is far more popular than villains like BIG MOM and Kaido.

Judge couldn't help complaining in his heart.

What a mess,

wave again

Why is Laozi so unlucky today?!

Did you step on dog shit when you went out?

"Father, we don't need his help at all..."

Yiji poked his neck and said in a high-pitched voice:

"As long as you order all the warships to be dismantled and then headed in different directions, the group of trash from [BIG MOM Pirates] will have nothing to do with us!!"

"That's right, as long as members of our royal family can escape smoothly, it doesn't matter how many soldiers die."

Brothers Niji and Yongzhi also chimed in: "In just five years, we can create a new batch of clone soldiers!"


Lin Xiao made a dangerous arc at the corner of his mouth, and waved his right hand lightly towards the surging sea.

【Ice Age】!!

The extremely cold air gushed out from Lin Dao's palm in an instant.


in the blink of an eye,

The entire sea area of ​​​​1000 meters above Fang Yuan,

It was directly frozen into a thick ice continent.

Whether it's Vince Mo Ke's family of giant sea snails,

Or the big ships of [BIG MOM Pirates],

All are frozen in it.

The war that has been bombarded all the time fell silent in an instant.

There was a dead silence.


Everyone was stunned by the sudden scene before them.

Staring blankly at the ice,

Subconsciously swallowed his saliva.


Was it frozen?!!

Is this really something humans can do?

Judge and other members of Vince Mo Ke's family were stunned...

Cracker and other cadres of the Charlotte family were also stunned....

Reiju hugged her white hands tightly in front of her,

like a little girl,

He looked at Lin Xiao with eyes full of love.


The expressions on everyone's faces were surprisingly consistent.

All hung with a strong color of shock,

The body froze in place stiffly,

He looked at Lin Xiao with dull eyes.

Confused B.

The scene gave people a sense of humor,

And weird feeling.

"What now?"

Lin Xiao directly ignored everyone's attention, looked at Judge with a normal face and said, "I don't have that much patience to waste here, Judge"

"What's your answer?!"

[Germa Kingdom] on the deck.

Everyone looked at Judge nervously.

Even the three Yizhi brothers who were clamoring just now,

After seeing Lin Xiao's method,


Also as well-behaved as an honest child

Extremely quiet!

in the air,

Except for the breeze blowing,

There was only the sound of everyone's rapid breathing.

"If Your Majesty's request is to annex [Germa Kingdom], then..."

Judge seemed to have made some extremely difficult plan in his heart,

The look gradually became firmer,

With a somewhat tragic look in his eyes, he said:

"Our Vince Mo Ke family would rather die together, and we will never compromise!!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to have a bit of backbone?!"

Lin Xiao looked at Judge in surprise, and then said lightly:

230 "But don't worry, I'm not interested in any of them, whether it's the [Blood Factor] in your hand, or the [Replicating Soldier] technology that can be quickly cloned!!"

【Bloodline Factor】Although technology can endow people with stronger skin and bones than ordinary people,

And super recovery ability like a Zoan ability user.

But it has to be modified in the embryonic stage,

The conditions are too harsh.

For Lin Xiao, the value is not great.

And the [Replicator] technology that [Germa 66 Legion] relies on for survival,

It takes up to 5 years of cultivation period.

Obviously, the World government will not give Lindau such a long time to prepare.

"I just want you to help me create a batch of [special combat uniforms] for my soldiers!!"

"Huh? Just...just this?!!"

Judge was overjoyed when he heard the words, and after a long sigh of relief, he nodded respectfully and said:

"This is absolutely no problem, as long as His Majesty can provide enough raw materials, I promise to complete the task!!"

"It's just that... if it is mass-produced, the specific characteristics may not be fully utilized."

"It doesn't matter, what I value most is the defensive ability!!"

Lin Xiao nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Fujitora behind him without looking back: "Help them solve all their troubles!!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!!".

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