I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 342 Return To Wanokuni, Kaido, Get Out! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Your Majesty, someone is coming!!"

Just as the boat of the two of them entered the sky above the [Wanokuni] field, Fujitora pointed to the front and reminded.

At the end of the line of sight of the two,

A gigantic pterosaur with flames all over its body,

Coming quickly from the direction of the new capital [Oni Island].

It is Kaido's [Flame Calamity] Jhin of the [First of the Three Plagues]!

"Your Majesty Lin Xiao, Big Brother Kaido has already arranged a feast to welcome you in the banquet hall of [Ghost Island]. Please follow me."

Jhin flew closer and said very politely.

Although he only dealt with Lin Xiao once,

But he deeply felt the horror of the young man opposite him.

In addition to the battle to wipe out the two emperors at the same time half a year ago,

It made Jhin not dare to underestimate him at all.

Although Blackbeard's strength is not very good, "Nine Two Three" but the strength of red hair,

Jhin was very clear.

Long before 【Summit War】started,

They followed Kaido,

Head to head with the Red Hair Pirates.

In the end, although Kaido and Redhead drew a tie,

But the former had to abandon plans to raid Whitebeard's territory.

And the powerful strength shown by the red hair in that battle,

Then let Jhin imitate the same routine.

The redhead is beating the man,

How could it be mediocre?

not to mention,

As early as two years ago,

The combat power shown in the battle between Lin Xiao and Kaido,

It was very scary.

did not expect,

In the past two years, his strength has improved again.

This made Jhin doubt in his heart,

Today's Kaido,

Can he beat the young emperor in front of him?

For a safe period,

Jhin has always maintained a state of alert as if facing an enemy.

He didn't dare to be careless at all.


A look of displeasure appeared on Lin Xiao's face, his sharp eyes looked towards the direction of [Ghost Island], and he said coldly:

"This king brought him such a precious treasure this time, it's fine if Kaido didn't come to greet him in person, but he even sent someone to watch me?!"

"Er... this..."

Jhin was suddenly at a loss for words.

And at this moment,

Lin Xiao has already yelled loudly towards [Island of Ghosts] tens of kilometers away:

"Kaido, why don't you hurry up and meet me?!!!"

A huge roar roared out.

in mid-air,

Formed a shock wave visible to the naked eye.

Like a flash flood,

Surge towards the [Ogre Island] in the distance.

Originally, the huge waves rolled up on the [Jiuli] coastline below,

Even under this roar,


The entire coastline unexpectedly calmed down temporarily.

And the embers caught off guard,

It almost fell directly into the sky.

"What's going on, this sound wave...is no different from the blow after [Shock Fruit] was launched by that old guy with a beard!

Cold sweat dripped from Jhin's forehead.

It seems that there are rumors about this man in the sea,

It's all true!

He really got Whitebeard's [Shock Fruit] ability.

if not,

It will definitely not cause such terrifying fluctuations.


There's no need to be so angry with Ben, is there?

It is only a few tens of kilometers away from [Ghost Island].

For those who have the ability to fly,

It only takes ten minutes to arrive.


Jhin let out a deep sigh in his heart.

In front of this god of killing,

His temper is even worse than Kaido's brother.

It's really hard to serve!!

at the same time.

The sound wave of Lin Xiao's roaring form,

Soon it resounded throughout 【Wanokuni】.

Because half a year ago, all the retainers of the Kozuki clan died in battle on [Ogre Island].

So now [Wanokuni],

It has completely fallen into the hands of Kaido and 【Beasts Pirates】.


It was also logical to be pushed to the front of the stage by Kaido,

Became after Kurozumi Orochi,

The next 【General】.


All the real power is held by Kaido.

And the people living in this country,

Then completely fell into the tragic oppression.

But even so,

No one dared to resist.

[The Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath] is their best example..

their heads,

Until now, it is still hanging on the outer city wall of [Ghost Island].

Kaido has become the true master of the country.

However now,

How dare someone let him get out?!


Whether civilian or warrior,

They raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

In their empty and glazed eyes,

There was a trace of clarity.

"Hey, you.....do you hear that?"

"The voice just now...couldn't it be that I had an auditory hallucination?!"

"No... I heard that too!!"

"It's unbelievable that someone dared to speak to King Kaido like that..."

"It would be great if he could save [Wanokuni], we wouldn't have to live a labor life like this now, where people and ghosts don't exist..."

The civilians looked forward to a bright future in their hearts.

But then the whip fell,

directly brought them back to the real world.

"Don't hurry up and go to work, don't you wastes want to live?!"

"That's right, we [Beasts Pirates] don't support idlers"

[Ghost Island] Inside the huge skeleton castle.

After half a year,

Restoration work inside the castle is nearing completion.

Silk 2.0 does not affect normal use.

In the crowded banquet hall,

Kaido, who was sitting on the main seat and drinking heavily,

After hearing Lindau's roar,

Immediately, he smashed the wine gourd in his hand to pieces.

"Lin Xiao, you bastard, you still want Laozi to meet him!!"

Kaido roared angrily: "Laozi is [Beasts] Kaido, how could he meet that brat!!"

"That's right."

Quinn, who was about to grow into a ball, said sullenly: "Brother Kaido, that kid has been using [SMILE fruit] to coerce us into trading with him.

"Right now, after more than two years of accumulation, our [Giver] is almost enough, why not take this opportunity to give him..."

Quinn reached out and made a "beheading" motion in front of his neck. .

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