I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 348 Akainu Panicked! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】



Thunderous explosions came from the top of the huge skull castle one after another.

The battle between Kaido and BIG MOM,

Still going on.

"Brother Kaido, just stop..."

"When will this fight stop?!"

"It's been fighting for two days and two nights, and this castle is almost unable to hold on..."

castle interior,

The pirates looked at the ceiling worriedly,

The rustling stones kept falling down.

It makes people feel uneasy.

But Lin Xiao was still drinking in the private room.

Don't care about the battle outside,

Who will be the final winner.

"Are you X.de Rake?"

Lin Xiao looked at De Rake with playful eyes, and said with a half-smile: "I heard that you were originally a Marine Rear Admiral, but after you betrayed Marine, you became a member of [The Evil Generation]...

"How about it, are you interested in coming under my command?!"


De Rake, who was originally facing a formidable enemy, suddenly showed a look of astonishment on his face.

He never thought,

Lin Xiao would throw an olive branch to him at this time.

Feeling the sudden blessings from the surrounding eyes,

De Rake shook his head and refused without thinking: "Thank you, His Majesty Lin Xiao, for your kindness. I am now a member of Admiral Kaido's [Six Ling Kong Sons]."

Do not know why,

Whenever Lin Xiao's sharp eyes fell on him.

De Rake has a feeling of being "seen through".

Like the young man opposite,

Can see through his disguise in general.

It made him feel a little uneasy.

just eyes,

It can affect the mind of a person.

He really is a scary guy...

De Rake can't wait to hide from Lin Xiao now.

"That's such a pity..."

Lin Xiao put on a look of regret on his face, and said in a pretentious gesture:

"But that's right, after Kaido and BIG MOM find [Big Secret Treasure] together, you will be a crew member of [One Piece]!!"

Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Xiao to really recruit De Rake, a twenty-five-year-old Marine.

I just have nothing to do right now,

Just add fuel to the other person's nervous mood.


After hearing the words [Joint], [Big Secret Treasure] and [One Piece], De Rake,

Anxiety and panic flashed across his eyes.

at the same time......

I am more convinced of the existence of [Eternal Pointer].

Can't wait any longer!!


De Rake just made up an excuse,

He left the banquet hall.

I glanced at Kaido and BIG MOM who were still fighting each other on top of the skull.

De Rake's figure quickly disappeared into the dark night.

Naval Headquarters.

Marshal's office.

"Waste, a bunch of useless waste!!"

"More than half a month has passed you. Not only did you not catch that fellow Feinstein, you still haven't been able to find out whether the news of [Eternal Pointer] is true or not. What's the use of Marine looking for you idiots?!"

"Tell Kizaru that useless guy, I'll give him three more days at most, and if he still can't catch Feinstein, let him go...I'll deduct all his bonuses and allowances!!"

Akainu growled furiously.

if possible,

He really wants to take Kizaru, that old bastard who only knows how to fish,

Expelled from Marine's team.

Obviously has Logia's fastest 【Sparkling fruit】.

It's the most ink-stained one when it comes to work.

let him catch someone,

It's not that the wind can't fly,

It's raining and you can't fly.


It's all kinds of gossip and excuses.

Akainu was almost pissed off.

Right now he,

I know why Sengoku always sat on the seat and sighed when he was fine.

no way,

Whoever encounters this kind of old bastard,

I can't be happy.

"Blu blu blu..."

at this moment.

A very special phone bug on the desk suddenly rang.

Seeing Akainu,

Most of the anger on his face dissipated immediately.

Then he waved his hands and drove out the communication soldier who was scolded bloody.

Then press the answer button.

"De Rake, is there something urgent going on?"

"That's right, Marshal Sakazuki, [Wanokuni] has had an extremely important incident these days, if it continues, it will have a huge impact on Marine and the world government!!"

De Rake said urgently.


Akainu's expression turned serious when he heard this.

The identity of the captain of the secret special force [SWORD] at De Rake's Marine headquarters,

But he personally awarded it.

Also look at De Rake in his early thirties.

In Marine, it still belongs to the [Young Zhuang School].

But he is very sophisticated in doing things.

Be thoughtful.

It is a good material that is naturally suitable for undercover.

It is precisely because of this,

He will only after taking office as Marine Marshal,

It is to activate this chess piece.

And arranged him into Kaido's [100 Beasts Pirates 097 Regiment].

During these two years,

The collaboration between Lin Xiao and Kaido on [seastone products],

All passed back through de Rake.


Akainu trusted Rake very much.

Knowing that he will never deliberately exaggerate the seriousness of the incident.

Something amazing must have happened,

That's why De Rake contacted him so hastily.

"BIG MOM, one of [Four Emperors], suddenly led a team to [Wanokuni] three days ago, although she and Kaido are still fighting, but... 11

De Rake swallowed with palpitations, and continued: "But it is almost certain that the two will form an alliance in the future!!"

"What did you say?!!!"

Before De Rake finished speaking, he was interrupted by Akainu's roar: "Hey, De Rake, what's going on?"

"[Wanokuni] What the hell happened, why didn't you report to me a day ago?"

"Also... why are you so sure that there will be an alliance between Kaido and BIG MOM?!!!"

Akainu asked multiple questions in one go.

But De Rake only used a short sentence,

Then answered all.

"Lin Xiao... is here!!!!".

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