I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 351 [Ssg Special Legion]! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


Akainu's complexion changed instantly,

a staggering step,

Subconsciously, he even took two steps back.

In [New World], they shot two Four Emperors regiments at the same time....

Isn't the old guy crazy- is he?!

No matter how much Akainu hates pirates on weekdays,

no matter how arrogant,

But he still has the most basic common sense.

【New World】It is recognized as a paradise for pirates.

Marine is in that sea,

There is no right to speak at all.

Even the few Marine branches established in the borderlands.

They are often attacked and bombarded by unknown pirate forces.

Just a mess.

Now these five old guys actually want Marine to gather all the elite troops,

Go to【New World】to fight to the death with the alliance of Kaido and BIG MOM...

Are you kidding me?!


This is so obvious that Laozi will bring his hands down to die!!!

"With Marine's current strength, the five of you probably won't be able to calmly face the two Four Emperors regiments, right?!

Akainu suppressed the anger in his heart, and said with a complicated expression: "Also, we are still fighting in [New World], which they are most familiar with."

"This is extremely unfavorable to us..."

"If you don't pay attention, you may be taken advantage of by other pirates, and the entire army will be wiped out in the end.

"Five... Please think twice!!!"

Akainu kept admonishing himself in his heart.

It's not fear.

But out of careful consideration of strategic intentions.

"Sakazuki, it's not your turn to teach us how to make decisions like this!!"

Five Elders, bald and mustache, reprimanded mercilessly.

"If you're afraid, we'll appoint someone new to command the Marine in your place.

Flat hat Five Elders said sullenly: "Perhaps Polusalino will be more obedient!!"

Akainu was almost blown away by what Five Elders said.


That old bastard Kizaru is also worthy of being a Marine Marshal?

A different dog would be more suitable than him!

In addition to stealing and playing tricks,

What else can he do?

The atmosphere in the hall of power suddenly became extremely awkward.

"Don't worry, Sakazuki..."

The blond Five Elders smiled slightly, and eased the atmosphere:

"This time, the World government will send [SSG Special Scientific Operations Force] to help you while sending elite troops to fight together!!"


There was a little surprise on Akainu's face.

As Marine Marshal,

He is no stranger to 【SSG Special Scientific Operations Force】.

Moreover, the predecessor of this team,

It is the [Pacifist] Legion.


two years ago,

World government has carried out a comprehensive "big upgrade" to this team.

I heard that 100 [Pacifists] will be given certain [Devil Fruit] abilities.

Is it done now?!

If so...

This battle is not without chance!

Akainu's eyes flashed with excitement.

sufficient force,

Plus 100 people who don't feel any pain at all,

A [Devil Fruit] ability user who only knows how to obey orders.

Akainu is now at least 50% sure of winning.

"Then what about Lin Xiao?!"

After pondering for a moment, Akainu asked: "He is also in [Wanokuni] now, and it is very likely that he will join forces with Kaido"

"You can rest assured about this."

Before Akainu could finish speaking, Five Elders with long straight hair interrupted directly: "We will contact him later, I have already thought of a benefit that he will definitely not miss...."1

"Okay, Sakazuki, hurry up and gather people!!"

The Five Elders don't seem to want to say anything more,

A eviction order was issued directly.

Akainu had no choice but to turn and leave.

"What are you going to use to win Lin Xiao over?!"

The other four Five Elders turned their heads to look at the five Elders with long straight hair at the same time.

"This is simple..."

Five Elders with long straight hair said with a confident smile: "As long as Lin Xiao promises not to intervene in this war, he chooses to stand by and do nothing.

"We allowed him to take over [Wanokuni] completely and promised not to interfere."

"Don't worry, with that kid's mercenary personality, he will never miss such a huge temptation..."

...ask for flowers...


Flat hat Five Elders said worriedly: "Doing this is tantamount to handing over the control of [seastone products] to Lin Dao."

"I can't take care of these for the time being."

Holding a sword, Five Elders said: "Winning the current battle is the key. The [Eternal Pointer] leading to [Raftel] must not fall into the hands of others."

"That's right!!"

"Makes sense!!"

"As for Lin Dao...... After all the dust settles, it will not be too late for us to gather all the superior forces to deal with him!!"

Several other Five Elders nodded in agreement.

"This time, it's time for the prestige of World Government to revive the entire sea!!"


After a few hours.

In the Naval Headquarters large meeting room.

Hundreds of generals gathered together.

but at the moment,

All of their faces were shrouded in shock.


"[Four Emperors] teamed up?!!"

After Akainu told the news that Kaido and BIG MOM joined forces.

The whole meeting room suddenly boiled up.

Everyone's eyes widened,

There was an expression of disbelief on his face.

"According to the correct statement of the intelligence, it should be 'joining hands in the future'

Commodore Brannew went to the blackboard and explained to the crowd: "At present, there is no actual damage situation."

"It's just that their purpose is already clear, and that is to buy the [Eternal Pointer] leading to [The Final Island Raftel] from Lin Xiao, and then go there to find the [Big Secret Treasure] left by Roger!!!"


The entire conference room was in an uproar again.

"Marshal Sakazuki, this is not a joke, the [Eternal Pointer] leading to [Raftel]...How could such a thing exist?!"

"That's right, if there is such a thing, [Four Emperors] and other big pirates, how could they fight for 4 pieces of Red [road sign text]?!"


All focused their attention on Akainu at the same time. .

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