I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 369: The Inner Ghost Has Been Caught! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Although long before departure,

Five Elders specifically reminded Akainu,

Whether a member of the CPO,

Also a member of 【SSG Special Corps】,

All are extremely precious resources and combat power.

Even if most of Marine was killed or injured,

It is also absolutely necessary to ensure that the battle damage of these people is minimized.

But fighting this thing,

full of variables,

Who can guarantee that they will not be wiped out?!

Although Akainu did not dare to disobey the Five Elders' orders,

but again,

And he's definitely not going to sit back and watch Marine's loss.

Just get the 【Eternal Pointer】

After successfully killing two [Four Emperors]

Marine's fame,

It will resound through the sea in this battlefield.

Until then,

Marine will be in my hands Sakazuki,

Back to the top!!!!!

this battle,

In Akainu's view, the odds are in the cards.


The premise is that Lin Xiao can guarantee that he will never make a move.

Akainu took a deep look at Lin Dao in the sky,

A sharp look burst out in the pupils.

"The whole army is ready for battle!"

[Kong] Kong's voice suddenly sounded,

The 300,000 elite soldiers were immediately refreshed,

Stand by.

Everyone clenched their weapons,

Staring nervously at Kaido and BIG MOM in mid-air.

"Kaido, Charlotte Linlin, if you two take the initiative to hand over [Eternal Pointer] to the World government now, we can act as if nothing happened!!"

Kong looked sharply at the two figures in midair.

The tone is extremely domineering,

There is no fear at all because of the identity of the opponent [Four Emperors].


Kaido smiled grimly,

The huge Lombok swept over every warship one by one,

Finally, it slowly freezes on Sora's body.

"Unexpectedly, for this [Eternal Pointer], you World Government and Marine would have such a big fight!"

"It's just...do you think that you can win us in this way?!"

There was a look of disdain on Kaido's face,

Although he was also surprised at the huge scale of the World government coalition forces.

But what if there are too many people?

Laozi's [Wanokuni] has a natural barrier that cannot be crossed.

No matter how many people you come,

I can't hit it either.

Laozi will be afraid of you?

not to mention....…

This is on the sea.

No matter how many Admirals Marine sends,

If you can't fly,

It can't play its due combat power at all.

On the contrary, it will be restricted.

Although Kaido looks like a naive critic on weekdays, he is generally topsy-turvy.

But it's actually very fine.

The pros and cons of this have already been weighed.

So even if the elite forces of the World Government and Naval Headquarters go out together,

Admiral, CPO and others appeared one after another,

He didn't panic at all.


That's what really got Kaido concerned.

How does Marine know that [Eternal Pointer] is in the hands of himself and BIG MOM.

And they just closed the deal with Lin Xiao,

The 300,000 fleet of the coalition appeared in the [Wanokuni] waters,

This is unavoidable......

Isn’t that a little too coincidental?!

think here,

Kaido no longer pays attention to 【Kong】kong and others below,

Instead, he looked at Lin Xiao with hesitant eyes.

"Brother Lin Xiao, do you have to explain to us why the coalition forces of the World government suddenly appeared in [Wanokuni] at this time?!"

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma... I have already said that this kid is unreliable!!"

At this time, BIG MOM also chimed in and said, "Why don't we take this opportunity and kill him directly!!"

Faced with the doubts and hostility of the two,

There was no panic on Lin Xiao's face,

Yun Danfengqing asked:

"When will they appear, what does it have to do with me?!"

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Kaido, what nonsense to talk to him, he must have betrayed us.

Big Mom's blade pointed directly at Lin Dao, and sneered ferociously: "It's just right, today we will settle the old and new grudges together!!"


Lin Xiao smiled his trademark smirk, and said with deep meaning:

"I'd be happy to accompany you anytime, but... don't you two think too highly of yourself?"

"There are so many strong people below...do you really think you can handle it?!"

".. Linlin, he is right, don't be impulsive..."

Kaido's complexion suddenly changed, and he hurriedly stopped BIG MOM.

Lin Xiao is right,

Just to deal with the strong men below,

The two of them were already overwhelmed.

If you add a forest road,

There is no chance of winning at all.

Especially this guy also has the ability of [Lion Fruit].

[Wanokuni] The natural danger at the entrance is nothing to Lin Xiao.

If you provoke him now,

He can easily bring the coalition forces to 【Wanokuni】.

Until then,

The end of [Beasts Pirates] has really come.


BIG·MOM is not a fool either.


She was really going crazy with Lin Xiao's calm look.


You wait for my wife...

sooner or later,

(Li Mahao) I want to take all your soul away!!

However, when the three of them were in a stalemate,

Jhin suddenly flew to Kaido's side with a phone bug.

"Brother Kaido, that fellow Quinn said that he has something extremely important to report to you right now!!"


There was a puzzled look in Kaido's eyes, then he picked up the phone and asked:

"It's me, tell me something!!"

"Brother Kaido, I just captured the spy who broke into our interior!!"

Quinn's excited voice came from the phone bug.

"What did you say?!"

Now Kaido was a little dumbfounded.

damn it.

There is really a ghost under Laozi?!

"who is it.…………"

Kaido immediately roared angrily: "Tell me quickly, which ungrateful bastard it is!!!"

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