I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 371 The War Begins, All Guns Are Fired! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Hmph, Linlin, stop gloating over there."

Kaido squinted at BIG MOM, and retorted with an unhappy face:

"Your sons and daughters...... have someone betrayed you?!"

"Asshole, what are you talking about~ what?!"

BIG·MOM seems to be poked by Kaido - the sore spot,

His expression instantly became extremely ferocious.

But in fact,

The person she really wanted to kill,

But Lin Xiao is the only one.

Her favorite work,

The head of the [General Star] of the Charlotte family—————— Katakuri,

It was "abducted" by Lin Xiao.


Now is obviously not a good time to do it.

After Kaido snorted coldly,

Ignore BIG·MOM,

Instead, he winked at Jin.

The latter understood.

Now let go of the bird's claws,

The skinless De Rake then fell towards the big ship where 【Kong】kong was.


De Rake hit the deck hard.

that miserable look,

Immediately startled the surrounding soldiers jumped.

The air seemed to freeze instantly.

All the soldiers stared blankly at the man who had been stripped of his skin on the deck.

The atmosphere of fear and depression began to spread outward.

for a while,

No one dared to step forward to investigate De Rake's life and death.

"Are you the undercover agent Sakazuki sent to infiltrate [Beasts Pirates]?!"

[Kong] Kong walked forward with a complicated expression.

Looking at De Rake like a blood corpse,

There was a wave of anger in my heart.

"Report...report to the officer."

De Rake at this time takes more air and less air,

Apparently on the verge of death,

But he still struggled to open his eyes,

trembling slightly,

But a very firm voice said:

"Below is the captain of the Special Secret Force 【SWORD】—X·De Rake!!"

in one sentence,

Almost exhausted De Rake's whole body strength,

After speaking,

His eyes dimmed and he collapsed.

No more signs of life......

"Okay, I remember you!"

Kong was in extremely complicated mood at the moment, and said three "good" words in succession.

However at this moment.....

Kaido's arrogant voice suddenly came from midair.

"This is the traitor you sent to my side, now Laozi returns him to you!!"

"If you don't die here, take this trash and get out of my territory immediately..."

"Don't forget, [New World] is a paradise for pirates, members of Marine and World ZF are not welcome here!!"

"Kaido, you bastard!!"

In the Marine camp,

Akainu's furious growl resounded through the sky.

De Rake is his undercover agent.

During these two years,

Send important information back to Marine several times.


But it appeared in front of him with such a miserable appearance.

Akainu was furious all of a sudden.

"Marine obeys orders!!"

"Fire and completely wipe out all the pirates in front of you!!!"

Akainu's voice suddenly resounded in all directions.

After a brief silence,

The Marine camp reacted first.

"The Marshal gave the order... to fire!!!"


The generals on hundreds of warships gave orders to fire one after another.

Although the people who really led the battle,

It is [Kong] Kong, the commander-in-chief of the World ZF.

But Akainu is the commander in chief directly under them.

No one dared to disobey his orders.

Nearly 100,000 Marine elites took action in an instant.

They have adjusted the muzzle,

Target Kaido, BIG MOM,

And all the other pirates.




With the firing of the first shell,

intensive artillery fire,

Blast towards Kaido and all the pirates present like a storm.

The shells are densely packed,

Blind out the sun and go away.

The rumbling loud noise instantly spread across the entire sea area.

even the sea,

They all trembled uneasily.


…ask for flowers………

[Kong] Sora's complexion instantly became extremely ugly,

The order to fire,

It was supposed to be him who ordered it.

Akainu this behavior,

It is obvious that it is overstepping.

But now the situation is urgent,

Don't allow him to think too much,

Although upset,

But the same order to fire can only be issued to the soldiers of the World government.



On nearly 400 warships,

Thousands of cannons fired at the same time,

that scene...

It's just as shocking as death!

This unprecedented war,

this moment.......


Officially opened!!

"Such a huge momentum..."

High in the sky, Fujitora said with emotion: "It really makes people feel uneasy!"

Although he is blind,

But you can perceive everything in the outside world through 【Observation Haki】.

Now "with my own eyes" witnessing the scene of hundreds of ships taking pictures together,

Inevitably, there was some embarrassment in my heart.

To know…………

The ten Vice Admiral-class warships of [Buster Call] alone,

An island can be destroyed.

In addition to dozens of Vice Admiral-class warships,

There were also hundreds of large warships firing at the same time.

If Five Elders had not promised [Wanokuni] to Lin Xiao in advance,

I am afraid that under the bombardment of the coalition forces,

【Wanokuni】It is also difficult to be alone.

"Hee hee, that tauren Kaido will definitely be defeated this time!!"

Yamato doesn't pay much attention to how many warships there are below,

Based on her knowledge of Kaido,

There are many miscellaneous soldiers and they can't bear the opponent.

The key depends on the high-end combat power of the [general emperor level] in the coalition forces.

"That's hard to say!"

Lin Xiao said with a half-smile.

If the fatal disadvantage of maritime operations cannot be reversed.

The coalition this time,

It's really not necessarily possible to win Kaido and BIG·MOM successfully.


Isn't this exactly what he wants to see?!

let's hit,

Let's fight to the death! Little!.

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