I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 373 Kill One To Warn Others, The Terrifying Combat Power Of The Four Emperors! [Kneeling To

After a while.

The sea returned to silence.

The explosions and attacks in the air have stopped.

Although under the successive shots of Akainu et al.

In the coalition camp,

There were no apparent casualties.

But the morale that was originally like a rainbow,

But it was more or less affected.

To know.....

This is just a small warm-up link before the official battle.

However, Kaido and BIG MOM,

This caused the large coalition fleet of 300,000 people below to show such a distressed posture.

For Akainu et al.,

But it’s a slap in the face to rebuke Guoguo!!

100 meters above the sky.

"In this way, even if all the high-end combat power of Marine and the world's ZF is not concentrated here..."

Lin Xiao looked down with a half-smile, and said lightly:

"But as long as the fatal problem of maneuverability and foothold in the sea battle is not solved, no matter how many elites are sent, it will be meaningless!!"

"Yeah, doing this will only increase casualties..."

Fujitora also said with emotion on his face: "But the Marine side should have countermeasures long ago, otherwise they came here rashly, in case of failure..."

"Then they will really become a well-deserved laughing stock in the sea!!"

Even strong men with the same strength,

In a life-and-death struggle,

Factors such as terrain and weather are also extremely important.

If the external conditions are favorable to the enemy,

That is likely to lead to defeat.

at this point……………

It is impossible for the masters of Marine and the world ZF not to know.

Just like the 100,000 Marine elites convened during the [Summit War] period.

These soldiers......

Maybe dealing with the Common pirates,

And when playing strategic deployment and use,

has an extremely important role.

But if you want to use them against [Four Emperors] like Kaido and BIG MOM,

That's obviously nonsense.

【Four Emperors】As the ceiling to measure the combat power of this world,

It is no longer just relying on the number of Common soldiers,

There can be checks and balances.

in other words.……………

There are many people,

There is no way to take the two of them.


People can leave calmly when they are tired of killing people.

No one can stop it at all.


Just now if there is no shot from Akainu and others,

I'm afraid the coalition forces, in that wave of attacks,

At least ten thousand people will be killed or injured.

That might be the best outcome.

The key is.…………

Akainu and [Kong] Kong also need to consider the issue of [casualty rate].

Because once the number of casualties reaches a certain threshold,

Even if the remaining soldiers were not injured,

It will also lose combat capability due to loss of morale.

this is not a joke

It is the [Battlefield Collapse Theory] that actually exists.

no matter which world you are in,

Why is it that only a part of the troops are often lost in the charge,

The commander will order to retreat?


The remaining soldiers have long since lost their mind/powerlessness to fight.

At this time, we need to retreat and reorganize.

if not...………

Even if it continues to be under enemy fire,

It can only be sent to death in vain.

will not have any effect.

This is a proven military theory.

Lin Xiao believes,

With [Kong] Sora and Akainu as commanders,

Nature is no stranger to this theory.


They definitely came prepared.

"If I'm right..."

Lin Xiao locked his eyes on Admiral's green bull, and said thoughtfully:

"The alliance's support should be the special [Devil Fruit] ability of this green bull Admiral!!"


Kaido roared ferociously: "The blow just now was just a warm-up!!"

"Next, Laozi is going to get serious..."

"But I advise you, it's better to let those ants go away, after all, there are very few people in this world who can fight against Zhezi!!!"

What Kaido said was extremely domineering.

He didn't care about the faces of [Kong] Sora, Akainu and others below.

But at the same time.......

No one questioned what he had just said.

because it is well known that

The animal form is the weakest form of [Zoan] ability users.

Even so,

Kaido's blow just now almost caused irreparable casualties,

Who dares to underestimate him?

Even the veteran Vice Admiral below, including the flying squirrel,

No one dared to act rashly.

Among them, the most important staff officer, Crane,

when young,

On the contrary, there have been many fights with Kaido and others.

And win and lose each other.

But now, after all, I am too old.

Even in the original,

She can scare Doflamingo away,

But rise to【Four Emperors】level,

Obviously, 823 has more energy than he wants.

She's not an old lady like Garp.

"Mama Mama Kaido is right!!"

BIG·MOM also laughed wantonly at this time and said: "It seems that you still don't understand..."

"The two of us... are both ready to become [One Piece]!!"

"How could it be possible to give such an important [treasure] as the [Eternal Pointer] to you idiots?!!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

BIG MOM is holding the left hand of Little Sun Prometheus,

Slammed down heavily from the air.

"Burst them all to ashes, Prometheus... [unfired!!"

in an instant.

A giant pillar of fire fell from the sky.

With endless heat,

At the same time, in conjunction with BIG MOM's [Observation Haki] that has reached the [Awakening] state,

Directly locked several warships in a certain area below.

On the decks of these warships,

It is a famous Vice Admiral.

BIG·MOM is clearly trying to make an example!!

this battle,

It's not until this moment that it really begins!!!.

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