I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 378 Kaido's Killing Feast! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Kaido, my patience has almost been exhausted by you!!"

BIG·MOM showed a hideous look on his face,

The thundercloud under my feet suddenly caused the sky,

The sky, which was clear just now, suddenly became cloudy,

There were bursts of thunder.

BIG·MOM roared unscrupulously with the flame in his left hand and the sword in his right hand:

"Now...but it's my mother's turn to kill me!!"

"Do whatever you want, Linlin!!"

Kaido also became excited: "Let's have a good fight today..."

The power on the two of them exploded.

He didn't pay attention to the four Akainu on the Fang Ping stage at all.


Just before they do it.

Dozens of figures appeared like ghosts in a blind spot that the two of them couldn't see.

"【Flying Finger Pistol】!!!"

"【Tempest Kick·Zhou Duan】!!!"

"【Six Styles·Maximum Wheel·Six King Gun】!!!"

"【Tempest Kick·Guy bird】!!!"

"11【Tempest Kick·Bai Lei】!!!"

Waves of slashes and guns roared like a storm from a blind spot that Kaido and BIG MOM couldn't see.

It was the members of the CPO.

Although among them,

There is no lack of people with a lot of [Devil Fruit] abilities.

But just now the scene where Kaido confronted the four Admirals of Marine,

But it deeply shocked them.

Let me ask...

which of them,

Dare to say that my strength is higher than any of the four Akainu?!

Absolutely not!!

Although their CPO is known as [the strongest shield of Celestial Dragons].

But the most powerful

It has just stepped into the threshold of [General Emperor Level].

But I have to say,

The average strength level of a CPO is really high.

It can even be said to be higher than Naval Headquarters.

To become a member of CPO,

The strength must reach the level of the elite Vice Admiral.


In front of the [Four Emperors] known for their defensive power, Kaido and BIG MOM.

The space that these people can play,

Obviously not much.

They know that going up is sending them to death,

It simply interfered with the work of disturbing the enemy on the periphery.

Intended to attract the attention of Kaido and BIG MOM,

Create an opportunity for the four of Akainu to kill them.

"Mama Mama...these annoying bugs are really annoying!!"

BIG·MOM looked back with disdain,

Facing the many Slash Waves flying from behind,

She didn't even bother to defend herself,

Just let the attack hit you.

bang bang bang!!!

bang bang bang!!!

Attacks used by CPO members with full force,

Hitting BIG MOM disappeared in an instant.

Not even the slightest scrape was done.

If we talk about physical fitness alone,

BIG MOM can be said to be the highest ceiling in the entire Pirate World.

Even Kaido, the [Phantom Beast] in front of her,

He can only be regarded as a bad brother.

"Leave these ants to me, Linlin

Kaido squinted his eyes, not paying attention to the CPO members hiding in the distance, and the huge dragon's mouth opened wide:

"【Bad Wind】!!!"


Hundreds of huge wind blades spewed out like the slash of a sickle weasel.

Even the hardest armor,

It will also be torn apart in such a wind blade.

"【Iron Body】!!!"

"Puff puff!!!"

At first, some people in the front row used [Iron Body] and [Armament Haki] to resist the wind blade.


These guys without exception,

All were cut directly in half.

blood splattered,

It turned into patches of blood rain in the sky.

scattered down.


"Even [Armament Haki] can't stop these wind blades"

The other members of the CPO suddenly turned pale with fright.

They stepped on [Moonwalk] to avoid.


Kaido's huge dragon body appeared directly in front of them in the next second.

Although [Moonwalk] endowed them with the ability to walk in the air.

But regardless of speed,

or flexibility,

How can it be compared with a dragon who is born to ride clouds and fog?!

"Although with the strength of this group of trash fish, you can't do any real harm to me and Linlin at all..."

"But keeping you guys is a trouble after all. If you are not careful, you may be taken advantage of by those four Marines..."

"Laozi has high hopes for this battle, and wants to have a good time..."

"So you are absolutely not allowed to make trouble for Laozi!!"

Kaido is no fool.

I guessed the intention of the CPO members in one go.

For these Grandmaster【Six Styles】guys,

Naturally, remove it first and then get rid of it soon!!

"【Hot breath】!!!"

One after another scorching breath enough to evaporate the mountain peak,

The members of the CPO then sprayed away.


Those CPO members caught off guard in mid-air,

There is no time to dodge,

Can only widen the eyes of fear and unwillingness,

Waiting for death to come.

next second,

Their figures were swallowed by endless flames.

Ashes to ashes.

The stench of scorching gradually permeated the entire sky.

【Hot interest】!!!

【Bad Wind】!!!


【Dragon Wagging Tail】!!!

The next few seconds.

Kaido started a killing spree exclusive to him.

Regardless of the ability of [Devil Fruit],

Or the terrifying power emanating from the huge dragon body,

Every Kaido attack,

Both would take the lives of several CPO members.

His gigantic figure,

In the sky, it showed a flexible posture far beyond ordinary people.

Like a duck to water.......

The CPO members who were killed had no power to fight back.

the huge gap between the two,

It is revealed at the moment.

These guys who are used to sneak attacks and assassinations,

In the face of real strength,

It is so small and powerless.

Instantly reduced to a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!!.

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