I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 383: Six Volleyers Attack! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


No one can guess.

Jiaji actually doesn't care whether he can become Admiral.

What really caught his attention was,

Over the past ten years,

The goddess he has been secretly in love with【Momousagi】,

He was actually abducted by that kid Lin Xiao!!

He stared at the young figure at the top of the sky with some resentment,

The handsome face of the other party stung him all the time.

Is it handsome?

Can you really do whatever you want?!

"These guys are nothing but trash who can only use brute force..."

some dwarfed additions,

Suddenly pointing at the barbarians who entered in disorder, he shouted loudly:

"The Vice Admirals of the titans...you can take them down now!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

Jia Ji's figure suddenly jumped up,

One kick directly hit the head of a barbarian rushing forward.


The huge figure of the barbarian was hit by this blow,

Flying straight out...

It slammed into the 11 camps of [Beasts Pirates] behind.

Causing casualties.

"The rest of the Vice Admiral...come with me on those tough guys!!"

After adding the meter to the ground,

Pointing to Quinn and the others with unfriendly eyes, he said:

"For this mission, we must completely wipe out this group of criminals...!"

at the same time.

Quinn on the opposite side also noticed Jiaji who suddenly stood up.

A sinister sneer appeared on his plump face,

Taking a deep puff on the cigar, he said:

"I didn't expect you [tea dolphin] to come too..."


The two had fought against each other a long time ago.

"[Six Ling Kong Sons], you guys have seen the current situation......"

Quinn turned his head to look at [Six Volleyers] behind him and said:

"Silently sneaked into our territory by Marine..."

"This is literally, the biggest gaffe we ​​[Beasts Pirates] have ever had...!"

"I know that many of you have been thinking about the position of the [Big Kanban]...  

"But now that the enemy is at hand, let's temporarily put aside our internal conflicts..."

"Brother Kaido is fighting Marine Admiral on the top platform right now..."

"We must stop these guys below who are trying to climb the waterfall through the 'ladder'!!"

Quinn suddenly grinned,

Then hold out a finger,

I pointed to the Vice Admirals in front of me,

With a very ferocious expression, he said:

"This time, show Laozi your strongest skills and kill the guys who are in the way!!"

"The one with the most outstanding record..."

"You can get the chance to challenge our [Three Disasters] afterwards!!"

"But I advise you not to take it lightly..."

"Wish ya'll good luck!!"

"Great, Xiaopei, we can finally challenge the 【Big Kanban】......"

A girl with two horns on her head, long blue and pink hair, and a pink mask on her face shouted excitedly.

Her name is Runti!

It is in [Six Sons of Ling Kong],

【Zoan·Dragon Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species·Pachycephalosaurus Form】capable person.

While the voice fell,

Runshi has directly activated the strongest "human-beast form".

"Hey, old lady...you don't have to be so excited!!"

Peggy Wan, who is also in [The Six Sons of the Sky], reminded helplessly:

"Besides, you should also pay attention to the surrounding situation!!"

"We are now at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers.....!"

"it does not matter.....…"

Run said as if no one else was there: "The Marine guys are not our opponents at all..."

"Let's think about it first, which [Big Kanban] we want to challenge later!!"

"Bastard, don't be too arrogant "You gangsters of cholera!!"

Vice Admiral behind Jiaji was furious.

They couldn't stand being ridiculed and despised by pirates in front of their subordinates.

Dang even rushed towards Runti and the others.

Boom boom boom...!!!

A terrifying bang suddenly resounded across the battlefield.

at the same time.

Several Vice Admirals of the titan tribe also rushed towards the barbarian who was attacking not far away.

In order to reverse the current situation as soon as possible,

We have to get rid of these threatening big guys first.

But even they,

In front of these ancient titans,

They were all noticeably shorter by several heads.

in strength,

It is simply impossible to compete with it.

"These guys are just horrible!"

After a short fight,

Vice Admiral of several titans,

The mood suddenly became uneasy.

but no way,

Right now, I can only grit my teeth and continue to procrastinate.

Gain more time for Jiaji and others behind him.

In the sky.

Lin Xiao looked at the battle on the bottom 850 stage with great interest.

Looking at the 【Six Volleyers】 who successively transformed into animal forms,

He suddenly felt like he was watching a big fight between animals.

"[Beasts Pirates] really lives up to its name!!"

Lin Xiao smiled, then raised his hand and drank the fine wine in the glass.

"His Majesty......"

At this moment, Fujitora suddenly said with a complicated expression:

"With the intensity of this war, I'm afraid those pirates who ate [artificial Devil Fruit SMILE] will explode themselves soon..."

"I'm afraid Kaido will have doubts by then?!"

"It doesn't matter.…………"

Lin Xiao said calmly: "It's too late for him to react!!"

"This time, with the help of the Marine and the World government, he and [Beasts Pirates]... are completely eradicated!!"

The reason why Lin Xiao spared no effort to plan this war.

on the one hand,

It is to delay the time for the World government to turn against him,

Transfer contradictions and goals.

on the other hand,

It is going to use the hands of World government and Marine,

Completely eliminate the hidden danger of Kaido. .

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