I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 390 Akainu Goes Berserk And Hits Kaido Hard! [Please Subscribe! 】


Kizaru was shocked when he saw this.

I don't even think about it right now,

Then he turned around and fled backwards.


Today is really unlucky!!

head and military exploits,

Just flew straight away...


I saw the gigantic dragon rushing up to the sky as swiftly as a spirit snake,

And keep circling up.

stop time...

The wind is blowing!

Straight into the sky!

Kizaru and the others hurriedly stabilized their figures in front of this strong impact.

But the really tricky state of affairs,

But it has only just begun.

The body of the dragon unfurls in a spiral,

Tornadoes and hurricanes that could destroy the world swept out in an instant.

With Kaido's roar,

Like a dragon that destroys the world,

It is a horror that will tear the world apart!!

Shocking Uzumaki pulls thunderclouds all over the sky,

countless thunderstorms,

Like a catastrophe befalling the world!

"【Big Tornado】!!!"

This is another super killer move of Kaido in the dragon state.

"No way..."

The green bull sighed in disbelief:

"This level and the 250-scale Dragon Fist Wind...can be regarded as a natural disaster?!"

Gusts of wind howled.

Akainu's face became terribly gloomy.

in the pupil,

It was even more angry.

A cold killing intent swept out.

dark eyes,

Keep an eye on Kaido and BIG MOM above.

It wasn't long before the battle started,

The two caused a great loss to Marine.

Even with Vice Admiral level combat power,

All five were killed in an instant.

The result.....

Akainu couldn't accept it anyway.


Even if you faced Whitebeard in the [Summit War],

Marine has never paid such a huge price.


Akainu also knew it in his heart.

Whitebeard was already close to decay then,

Seriously ill.

Even if in the end it broke out because of those useless sons who were dying,

But it is also difficult to change the overall situation.

And these two people in front of them,

They are all at their peak.

And also has a hard body that even Whitebeard didn't have.

It can be said that they are the two most difficult to deal with among the [Four Emperors].

But Rao is so,

Akainu will kill these two villains today!!

"Kaido, stop being so presumptuous!!"

Akainu's fists churned out hot lava again,

Soaring to the sky,

He attacked Kaido ferociously.


Kaido glanced disdainfully at Akainu who was rushing towards him,

I don't even think about it right now,

He even opened his bloody mouth and bit it away.


Only to hear the sound of the dragon's roar and the collision of sharp teeth,

Akainu was in full view,

It was directly bitten by Kaido.

Due to winding 【Armament Haki】 on the teeth,

So he wasn't afraid of being scalded by magma at all.

"Mr. Sakazuki..."

"It's really scary~~~"

"Mr. Marshal..."

The faces of Green Bull, Kizaru and Magellan showed surprise and worry.

Even if they are confident in Akainu's strength.

But in front of this scene,

Isn't it too dangerous?!

"This old man is the Marshal of Haijun...... Is it something you can eat if you want?!"

Akainu's roar resounded through the sky,

Hot lava gushes out all over the body,

Intertwined with the top [External Release·Armament Haki] into an unprecedented ultimate killing intent.

The raging murderous aura is like a hell dog,

Raging and rising in the mouth of the dragon.

"What's up with [Haki]?!"

Kaido was startled by a surge of [Haki] soaring rapidly,

There is an endless crisis in the bottom of my heart.

(bbde) Yet without waiting for his reaction,

Akainu in his huge mouth has already delivered a fatal blow.

The roar of the hellhound swept across the sky.

The fire red lotus suddenly blooms...

I saw a flash of blood,

The magma pierced through the nose bone of the dragon,

Rising from the sky like a fountain.


The giant dragon Kaido uttered an earth-shattering cry of pain,

Unbreakable Dragonscale Armor,

It was easily resolved by Akainu from the inside.

Huge body hundreds of meters long,

It fell down like a broken sky pillar.

"As expected of Marshal Sakazuki..."

Magellan admired sincerely.

"Oh, why didn't the old man think of such a good way before~

Kizaru pinched his chin, thinking wretchedly whether he should follow Akainu's method to gain a sense of presence?

"To actually injure Kaido in this way, Kaski-senpai... is really brave and fearless!!

The green cow was amazed again and again.

This sudden scene,

Not only shocked the three of Kizaru,

Even Lin Xiao, Fujitora and Yamato above the sky,

Can't help but be moved by it.

"Put it to death and live again..."

Fujitora said with admiration and emotion: "Marshal Marine's behavior style is really as His Majesty said, extremely fierce!!"

Although he and Akainu are destined to be in two hostile forces.

but respect the enemy,

It's like respecting yourself.

Fujitora believed that Lin Xiao would never mind such a trivial matter.

"This guy has become a marshal, why is he still acting like a fool..."

Lin Xiao was speechless for a while.

If Kaido had been prepared,

The ending may not be like this...

"Haha, that tauren Kaido must be dead this time!!"

"True filial son" Yamato shouted excitedly.

look at that pose,

It's just a matter of directly cheering for Akainu.

The dragon Kaido howled in pain,

Then he spat out Akainu, who was full of elements.

"That guy... actually seriously injured Kaido?!"

BIG·MOM was shocked and angry.


Kaido glared at Akainu who stood up in the distance,

Unforgettable pain swept through the body,

for a while,

It actually reminded him of the life-and-death battle back then.

"How could you think of such a way to hurt me..."

The dragon Kaido roared again,

The gigantic body re-occupied the sky,

The dragon's head looks down on all beings,

Roared viciously:

"Laozi is really going to be serious this time...."

"Let me use this blow... let you see the majesty of [the strongest creature]!!"

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