I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 405 Sao Operation! [Please Subscribe! 】

The pirates on Fang Ping's platform suddenly fell silent.

They all looked at the scene dumbfounded.

"Master Quinn...was crushed by that [pacifist]?!"

"Impossible...that is [Three Disasters] under Kaido-sama! How could he be beaten into such a desolate image?!"

"I heard that before he was transformed, he was one of the members of [Seven Warlords of the Sea], which the world is using to check and balance the Four Emperors..."

"Even if that's the case, he shouldn't be able to fight Lord Quinn like this?!"

"That's right, Brother Quinn is a man with a bounty of 1.32 billion Berry... How could he lose to this guy who didn't even exceed the bounty of 1 billion Berry?!!"

The pirates were all stunned by the sudden scene before them.

In their impression,

[Three Disasters] is a symbol of strength and power.

Even the members of [Six Volleyers],

All of them are trying to challenge the [Three Disasters] and replace them.


Quinn is in front of PX-0.

He was beaten so helplessly. 327 Such a dramatic scene,

Somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

And the reaction from the pirates was completely different.

Marine soldiers,

There were expressions of excitement and encouragement on their faces.

The dispatch of PX-0......

To a great extent, it calmed everyone's restless hearts.

Let them pick up their fighting spirit again.

[Ice Ghost] Although scary,

But it is not invincible.

As long as they can hold out until PX-0 gets the antidote.

The balance of victory...  

will lean back towards them.

But the cheers of the soldiers,

To Quinn's ears, it was an unusually harsh mockery.

"Bastard, you bastard who has been transformed into a machine..."

Quinn struggled to his feet.

The bloodshot eyes were full of ferocious anger.

While speaking,

The figure swells again and becomes bigger.

In a blink of an eye...

The giant Brachiosaurus stood up straight.

It directly crushed the nearby pirates into puddles of blood. (bbej) "[Ice Ghost] is Laozi's masterpiece..."

"It's better to say that it was specially developed to deal with your Marine..."

Quinn was a little furious.

He couldn't bear that he would be defeated by such a poorly modified machine as PX-0.

To know...……

He has always believed that

Only you can be regarded as the NO.1 among reformers!!!

Now that the situation has developed to what it is now.

Then he might as well let the "truth" be told directly.

"In order for Brother Kaido to successfully become [One Piece] in the future, and to turn the whole world into a pirate paradise like [Old Era]......"

"I have been experimenting with my subordinates for a long time..."

Quinn then pointed to the [Pleasant] who had been used as cannon fodder earlier and said:

"Those [pleasant people] who only know how to giggle are just a group of abandoned people who have failed in the game of whether they can gain abilities, and thus become only giggles...

However, in the face of Quinn's mockery,

The [Pleasants] could only respond with weird laughter.


Quinn looked to the other side with a proud face.

Those who are related to the world ZF and some Marine,

The group of pirates trapped on the other side of the candy wall said:

"And those [waiters] over there, no matter how much you wait, there will be no more [artificial Devil FruitSMILE] sent to you......

"You have no chance to get the ability again!!!"

"To put it bluntly... you have now become 【Eternal Waiters】!!"

"You trash...... If you want to be useful in this strongest [Beasts Pirates], you must use your best at the end?!"

"Even if you become an 'evil ghost' to assimilate the group of Marines... at least it can be regarded as a worthy death!!!"

Quinn's operation of horse fleas directly stunned everyone present.

What's going on with Nima?!

At this critical moment,

Shouldn't it be one to the outside world?!


Just now I have been talking about PX-0,

Why did it suddenly turn to one of my own?!

above the sky.

After seeing the scene below, Yamato,

With a look of gloating on Qiao's face, she said:

"I've said long ago that Kaido's subordinates of the tauren, except Jhin, are all arrogant fools with no brains..."

"This is the first time this old man has seen..."

Even Fujitora on the side couldn't help laughing at the moment.

He never thought,

The first to dismantle Kaido,

He turned out to be the most loyal guy under him.

But Lin Xiao is no stranger to this.

[Beasts Pirates] The interior has never been monolithic.

[Three Disasters] Zhongjin and Quinn are opposites.

at the same time.......

【Six Sons of Ling Kong】has been watching for the position of 【Three Disasters】for a long time.

as long as there is a chance,

They will challenge the three of them.

caused this situation,

It has a great relationship with the "superior system of the strong" that Kaido has always pursued.

Inside 【Beasts Pirates】.

Kaido has never stopped infighting.

as long as you have the ability,

will definitely be promoted.

This system...

Although it is guaranteed that [Beasts Pirates] has a strong combat effectiveness.

But internal disputes continued.


Regardless of 【Three Disasters】,

He is also a member of 【Six Sons of Ling Kong】.

All of them are arrogant people.

In the original book......

It is also because when Quinn was dealing with the Kozuki warriors,

Say the same thing as now,

Only then did a large number of [pleasant people] and [waiters] defect,

From companions to enemies.

Forcibly continued a wave of life for Kozuki's coalition forces. .

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