I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 407 The Sneak Attack Failed! [Please Subscribe! 】

"Machine bastard... Now your [Devil Fruit] ability won't work?!!"

Quinn showed a complacent look on his face, and said with a sinister smile:

"When it comes to the technology of transforming people... Laozi is no less inferior to that old guy in Vegapunk!!"

sharp teeth,

A row of sharp cones like electric drills suddenly drilled out.

Directly stab at PX-0's metal skeleton modified with superalloy.

"Zi la la...!!!"


Suddenly, there was a strange sound and flickering electric arc from PX-0's shoulder.


Quinn's attack worked.

And for the PX-0's hard body that even shells can't penetrate,

It caused a lot of "nine-nine-seven" damage.


Just when PX-0 was about to attack Quinn's eyes with the radium-shot laser in his palm,

Afterwards have already used a huge dragon tail,

Blast him away heavily.

"Tch, what is it... don't you only have this commitment?!"

Quinn had a victorious smile on his face,

Said sarcastically:

"You look so disappointing..."

"I just reluctantly play with you for the sake of your full drive..."

"I didn't expect you to be so weak, it's really disappointing!!!"

"It seems that old fellow Vegapunk... didn't care much about you?!!"

"But that's fine, you just die obediently..."

"Laozi is still ready to continue admiring my masterpiece......【Venomous Bite】!!!"

The conversation fell.

Quinn opened his bloody mouth again,

sharp teeth,

The venom of You Green came out unexpectedly.

Most of his body has been artificially modified.

Teeth are among them.

The venom he used,

But even steel can be corroded by poison.


Quinn herself is not implicated by Venom.

"Zero Friction Reverse Impact Cannon!!"

Faced with Quinn's fatal blow,

PX-0 jumped up extremely sensitively.

Then activate the fruit ability,

A punch hit Quinn's face heavily.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

The sharp cones protruding from the front of Quinn's teeth were directly smashed by the huge force.

And his long neck,

Under such enormous force,

Spinning like a windmill.

Then he fell to the ground in a daze.

"You bastard..."

Quinn climbed up from the ground again,

The huge figure began to shrink gradually:

"Open your dog eyes and let Laozi take a good look..."

"Laozi is also a reformer..."

"There are also a lot of secret organs on my body, but it is completely different from your self-conscious garbage..."

"Laozi is a more Advanced existence!!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

Quinn has transformed into the strongest form of [Zoan] [Devil Fruit] ability user.

【Human Beast Form】!!

I saw Quinn's left arm turned into a mechanical arm that could emit laser light at any time.

He held a large knife in his right hand.

And the braids on the hair,

and the end of the huge dragon's tail behind,

All of them revealed a mechanical arm that can emit laser light like a left arm.

single appearance

It gives people a strong sense of oppression.

"It's not good..."

The face of the tea dolphin who was fighting with Jack suddenly changed, and he exclaimed:

"This is Quinn's [Human-Beast Form], everyone back up quickly!!!"

The surrounding Marine soldiers immediately retreated in shock,

until exiting a safe distance.

This is not because they are afraid of Quinn's fighting power.

But after seeing the effect of [Plague Bomb·Ice Ghost],

Everyone was afraid that Quinn's old trick would repeat itself,

That's why I became so cautious.

If it is based on combat power alone,

Some veteran Vice Admiral present,

and tea dolphins,

Nothing is inferior to Quinn's..

But it happened that this fat man was playing with technical skills.

This is why everyone in Marine feels very headache.


As long as one is not careful,

It is very likely that the other party will be caught.

It's almost impossible to guard against.

at the same time.

The battle on the top platform has also entered a fierce stage.

"Light Speed ​​Kick!!"

Kizaru's figure turned into a beam of light, and suddenly appeared above BIG·MOM's head.

The shining photons on the feet crashed down.

But when he was about to hit BIG MOM,

The punch that was entwined with 【Conqueror's Haki】by the opponent directly blasted out from a distance.

If it is not for the green bull to fill up the position immediately,

Using the sharp wooden spear to interrupt the slash that BIG MOM was about to swing,

It is feared that Kizaru would also be seriously injured in this blow.

The battle has gone on so far,

no matter which side,

They didn't dare to be sloppy or careless at all.

"Damn it, eat the old man's sword..."

Kizaru activated [Devil Fruit] ability again.

The figure turns into a golden streamer,

In the blink of an eye.....

has pierced the sky from afar,

Reappeared behind BIG MOM.

The [0.5 Tiancongyun Sword] with a dazzling halo in his hand slashed down without hesitation.

Kizaru is no longer able to sneak attack or sneak attack.

The opponent is powerful.

if you can't win,

The consequences will be dire.

Even as Admiral,

Can't afford it either.

However, there was a sudden blow from Kizaru on the opposite side.

BIG MOM stands on the thundercloud without dodging or evading,

The big knife [Napoleon] in his hand was immediately wrapped with a layer of black [Armament Haki],

without looking back,

Facing the direction that Kizaru was attacking, he slashed down directly.

The long knife pierced the air.

There was a sharp hiss.

And at a terrifying speed that is indistinguishable to the naked eye,

It collided heavily with [Amazono Cloud Sword] in Kizaru's hand. .

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