I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 409 Light Cannon! [Please Subscribe! 】

"Admiral's strength should not be underestimated..."

After BIG·MOM sighed in his heart.

The figure retreated abruptly.

Before the attack of the green bull arrived.

Dangerously dodged.

"Asshole, you kid, don't think that my old lady is so easy to bully"

BIG·MOM leaped onto the platform with a ferocious expression, stared at the green bull with sinister eyes, and shouted: "Take a broken wheel!!"

"Mom, I'm..."


"Mom, I'm..."


"Mom, I'm...

While the mind was turning, the three Homiz connected to the soul of BIG·MOM already knew the master's wishes.


The three Homiz were actually combined and superimposed on each other.

Thundercloud Zeus burst out with lightning bolts and was at the forefront.

The little sun Prometheus is in the center.

The big sword Napoleon runs through both of them as the backbone.

The three are combined into a special shape like a laser cannon.

Only the coercion released,

It made the green cow and Kizaru feel the taste of danger.

"【Sounding Light Cannon】!!!"

The impact of the flames is accompanied by a fierce slash, and it breaks through the thunder.

The green bull only saw the shocking weather sweeping ahead.


Before he could make a move.

In a blink of an eye...

Has already been pierced through the abdomen by a strong impact.

This earth-shattering 【Light Cannon】

Let out the anger in BIG·MOM's heart.

Even the green bull has a strong defense comparable to [Zoan].

In the face of such an attack,

But also hard to resist.

Elemental turbulence swept the audience.

Everyone was moved by it.

Even Lin Xiao, Fujitora and Yamato above the sky.

After seeing this attack.

Can not help feeling up.

"BIG MOM really deserves to be a veteran powerhouse, with endless killer moves......

Fujitora said with a solemn expression: "It seems not to be underestimated!!"

Yamato nodded obediently from the side.

Fight on the next Fang Ping platform.

It has already surpassed her level.

Even her [Phantom Beast] is equally powerful.

But in front of this group of veterans,

Apparently not enough to watch.

"It's just a dying struggle"

Lin Xiao's corners curved slightly,

Although I am also amazed at the diversity of BIG MOM's attack methods,

But he doesn't think that the Admiral green bull will simply die.

To know...…

【Maki fruit】as long as it is used properly.

That is as miraculous as countless extra lives.

The green bull can be called a "monster".

And haven't eaten for three years.

There is no need to doubt the strength.

Lin Xiao didn't believe it,

Just one blow from BIG·MOM can kill him directly.


Also as he expected.


After the strong impact penetrated the green bull's abdomen,

It didn't just go away.

Instead, it went straight down to the coalition camp on the Fang Ping platform.

There was a terrifying bang.

The thousands of people at the center of the explosion seemed to evaporate instantly.

All were wiped out.

And the ground of the platform,

A huge deep pit was also directly pierced by this blow.

The aftermath swept even more.

Within a hundred meters around,

All were swept away.

There are countless cracks like spider webs on the ground.

looking crumbling,

It seems that the area may completely collapse at any time.

"We did it, embarrassing body attack...."

The three Homiz from BIG·MOM cheered.

Prometheus, Napoleon and Zeus were all excited.

And start claiming credit from BIG MOM.

This is the three of them,

A combined attack that had never been launched before.

unimaginably amazing power,

Unprecedented tacit cooperation.

And the coalition soldiers on the Fang Ping platform suddenly showed panic.

One by one anxiously looked towards the top.

"What, how come this

"The green bull Admiral seems to be seriously injured..."

"Just one blow caused such a huge casualty, are the Four Emperors really human..."

Under the siege of four Admirals,

BIG·MOM and Kaido have repeatedly caused serious injuries to the Fang Ping stage where they are located.

This shows what?!

in the previous two attacks.

A large number of soldiers have already died.

There are five Vice Admiral-level fighters,

Was killed in that one hit.

The aftermath of the attack by BIG MOM and Kaido alone,

Nearly 10,000 soldiers have been killed.

Can the Admirals win???

The victory that the soldiers believed in was shaken again.

But at the moment the [Ice Ghost] on Fang Ping's stage is still wreaking havoc.

The battle situation is chaotic...

Green Bull...Are you alright?!"

Kizaru suddenly paled in shock.

The figure came in a flash.

Appeared directly beside the green cow.

If the green bull falls now,

He alone can't stop that monster BIG MOM.

The battle situation is bound to be defeated because of this.


The green (the Nuohao) cow clutched at the wound on its abdomen, a trace of Bloodline overflowing from the corner of the scorpion.

but on his face,

But still with a calm and calm look.

As if the injured person was not him.

"Senior Polusalino, don't worry... I won't die so easily!!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

A green halo surged from the green bull.

Under Kizaru's astonished gaze,

The huge hole in the green bull's abdomen healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Akainu and Magellan, who were approaching quickly,

He couldn't help showing a look of astonishment and solemnity on his face.

This kid, Lu Niu, is really extraordinary.

The three of them looked at themselves,

If it is one of them who is injured at this moment.

There is absolutely no such method as the green bull.

See the green bull is safe,

Akainu and others are relieved to come to You. .

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