I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 412 Green Bull's Strategy! [Please Subscribe! 】

"Green Bull, it depends on the situation... If you want to defeat that old woman of Big Mom, you must first find a way to deal with the three troublesome Homiz created by her!!"

A serious look appeared on Kizaru's face.

obscene pupils,

Sweep over the thunderous [Zeus], ​​the flaming [Prometheus], ​​and the sharp-edged [Napoleon] Homiz one by one.

It was a headache and said:

"These three guys are like the three helpers of BIG MOM..."

"Without them getting in the way here, it would be much easier for us to win Big Mom..."

"That's right..."

The green bull nodded solemnly,

Pointing to the thunder cloud [Zeus] and said:

"Bolu "May 13" Senior Salino, let me take care of that thundercloud first

"But I need you to assist me in my actions. Wait until these guys who are in the way are cleaned up..."

"By that time, if we can shoot down BIG MOM into the sea...it will be much easier to kill her!!!"

"It seems that this is the only way..."

Kizaru spread his hands helplessly,

Right now he has nothing better to do,

We can only try Green Bull's proposal first.

"This battle is really difficult..."

"However, I believe that with the strength of the few of us, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat these two guys?!!"

Kizaru obviously didn't have too good of an idea about the outcome.

Otherwise it would not end with a question.


Kizaru takes the lead.

The figure instantly turned into a dazzling streamer.


He appeared directly on top of BIG MOM.

Dangerous photons bloomed blindingly on his right foot.

Facing the head of BIG-MOM,

He kicked down hard.

"Speed ​​is power... Charlotte Linlin, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?!!"


Facing Kizaru's sudden sneak attack.

BIG·MOM suddenly turned around,

towards Kizaru,

He grinned and laughed.

Because she has already fully deployed her 【Observation Haki】.

After all, the enemy he is facing is Admiral, who is known as the highest combat power of Marine.

This battle......

Definitely not as relaxed as she showed with Kaido.

I'm afraid that before they did,

Always have the upper hand.

But BIG MOM is in my heart,

But he didn't dare to relax at all.

Even though she has always been very arrogant.

Even directly ignored Akainu and the others.

But the four people in front of them were not just fish that could be wiped out with a wave of their hands.

How dare BIG MOM not be cautious?!


She fully fired 【Observation Haki】.

The purpose is not just to deal with the four of Akainu.

more importantly..…………

BIG MOM has always been guarding against the forest road above the sky.

Even if Kaido already said it.

They are still "strategic alliances".

Lin Xiao will definitely not attack them in this battle.

But how could BIG·MOM believe Kaido's "nonsense"?!

after all…………

She didn't even believe what Kaido said.

If there is no [Eternal Pointer] leading to [The Final Island Raftel] this time.

It is impossible for BIG·MOM to come to 【Wanokuni】.

absolutely impossible,

like now,

"Getting along" with Lin Xiao

In a word......

If Lin Xiao is reliable.

BIG·MOM would rather believe that there are ghosts in this world!!

"The same trick is useless to my old lady!!!"

BIG MOM sneered ferociously,

while grabbing Prometheus,

The giant fist of the entangled billowing flames met Kizaru's [Light Speed ​​Kick] and blasted up.


Kizaru was shocked..

An incomparable force came from the feet.

The two stood in a stalemate for only a second.

Kizaru is under this force.

It was directly blasted out from a distance.

"Damn it... the old man lost all face today!!"

Kizaru was angry and annoyed.

But there is nothing to do.

Who made him always eat and be lazy, and wait to die?


Back when Kizaru graduated from recruit camp.

His mentor at that time.

That is [Black Arm] Zephyr.

had warned him.

Kizaru is a little too dependent on the ability of 【Sparkling fruit】.

Thus ignoring the importance of 【Physical Technique】.

At that time Kizaru didn't feel anything yet.

Only if Zephyr was jealous of his "talent".

until today.…………

Kizaru really realized it.

The meaning of Zephyr's words back then.

But to this day......

It's already too late.


It's all salted fish's fault!!

Kizaru sighed inwardly.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma..."

BIG·MOM laughed loudly: "Marine's Admiral is really useless!!"

"It's a bluff if you want to make such a big battle like 5.0..."

"My patience is about to be exhausted by you trash, but I'm about to kill you!!

The big knife in BIG MOM's hand suddenly shrouded in hot flames.


Just when she was about to catch Thundercloud Zeus again,

Then re-release the 【Light Cannon】time.

But found out in astonishment.

Thundercloud Zeus, who had always followed her side before,

It disappeared?!

"Eh?! Where's my Zeus?!!"

Big Mom's face was full of astonishment.


She found that the inseparable Zeus had disappeared!!

At this time.

Kizaru's smug laughter came from the opposite side. .

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