I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 418 Foz Fau's Past! [Please Subscribe! 】

But before that.

Flying squirrels have never seen the variant attack of [Six Styles].

His face became heavy.

"It's not right for you to say that..."

Foz Fu said with a displeased face:

"I'm sure you're familiar with the name Straw Hat Crew..."

"As soon as I mention the straw hat boy...it immediately reminds me of the terrible past!!"

"Twelve years ago, it was because I failed to protect a【Devil Fruit】on the ZF ship in the world......

"And 2 years ago... when the news of Straw Hat Boy's emergence reached my ears, I was shocked..."

"Especially...when I learned that the stolen [Rubber Fruit]...was eaten by him!!"


The flying squirrel's expression changed drastically upon hearing this.

Some people exclaimed in disbelief: "You mean..."

This news greatly exceeded Flying Squirrel 11's expectations.

He didn't expect that.

The powerful man in front of him.

It turned out that he was imprisoned for 12 years because of the [Devil Fruit] that the straw hat boy ate.

But just one【Rubber Fruit】...

Is it worth the wrath of the world ZF?!

The flying squirrel was a little puzzled.

He didn't think there was anything special about Luffy's 【Rubber Fruit】.

Although the 【Devil Fruit】,

Several different attacks have been developed by Luffy.

But in the face of absolute strength.

But there is no use for birds at all.

"That's why...you betrayed the ZF of the world and joined [Beasts Pirates?!"

"Hmph, you're only half right..."

A look of disdain appeared on Foz Fau's face,

With a bit of resentment in his eyes, he said:

"My real enemy is the one who stole [Rubber Fruit] from me at that time... Red Haired Shanks!!"

"That's why... I will join Lord Kaido's command and wait for the opportunity to get rid of the red-haired bastard!!

The voice fell.

Foz Fau seemed to have lost interest in explaining further.

Immediately stepped on the [Moonwalk] and flew into the air.

Clenching your teeth at the same time.

A series of [Dental Spears] struck fiercely from mid-air.


Flying Squirrel Flying Fist 【Tooth Gun】.

But found out in astonishment.

Even if the [Armament Haki] reinforcement is already wrapped around the arm.

But still bleeding.

It seemed that Foz Fu had once again increased the intensity of his attacks.

What a formidable opponent!!

The flying squirrel didn't dare to continue to pick it up.

It can only be blocked while swinging a knife.

constantly changing body shape,

Dodge the attack like a storm.


Foz Foz seemed to enjoy the somewhat embarrassed look of the flying squirrel.

While attacking.

He actually spoke up again.

"After the straw hat kid inherited the straw hat and the ability to get the fruit..."

"I originally planned to deal with them first, but later..."

Foz Fu looked up at the sky,

He didn't have the slightest interest in paying attention to the figure of Lin Dao who was fighting here.

Somewhat annoyed he said:

"I got the news that the Straw Hat Boys were wiped out by that guy Lin Xiao...so I dismissed this idea.

"Speaking of... Lin Xiao not only killed the Straw Hat Boy, but also defeated the red-haired Shanks. I should thank him very much!!"

"But you guys have disturbed our leisure, so Laozi has no choice but to transfer all the resentment...to you!!"

Boom boom boom......!!!


Remember [Teeth Gun] is like a sharp Slash Wave.

Envelop the flying squirrel in it.

The ground of the platform trembled violently.

Every hit falls.

There is bound to be a huge deep pit on the ground.

It can be seen from this...

The [Dooth Spear] issued by Foz Fosso is extremely powerful.

"Ah...my hand!!"

"Lord Foz Ford, please pay attention, we are companions..."

The pirates who were affected all around suddenly wailed.

But Foz Fow still ignored it.

Inside 【Beasts Pirates】.

The weak have always had no human rights and values.

It is cannon fodder that can be sacrificed at any time.

[Six Volleyers] like Foz Fu don't care about their lives at all.

"Ha ha ha ha.…"

Foz Fow stopped attacking and landed steadily.

Watching the flying squirrel emerge from the smoke,

Immediately laughed and said:

"That's right... You were indeed the wisest choice to avoid those attacks just now!!"

"Because with the strength of your【Armament Haki】...you can't resist that attack at all!!"

813 "If you insisted on blocking just now... I'm afraid you would have been eaten alive long ago!!"

Foz Fu was confident in his attack.

With a sneer on his face,


"Flying squirrel, I really can't imagine that you Marine trash...you can use [Six Forms] so flexibly!!"

Face the taunts.

The flying squirrel retorted solemnly: "Your words are so boring!!"

"Marine is the most important combat force of the world ZF to manage the sea. The CP9 you were in before was just a side door for intelligence gathering and assassination..."

"Who gave you the courage... how dare you look down on our Marine?!"

As a veteran Vice Admiral.

The words of the flying squirrel are strict and powerful.

Although Foz Fu's strength is very strong.

But it wasn't so strong that he couldn't resist it at all.


How could he let the other party continue pretending to be B?


"I'm really sorry..."

Foz Fowler grinned grimly,

Immediately assumed a feline aggressive posture,

At the same time, the body leans down to the ground. .

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