I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 426 Ineffective Memory Killing! [Please Subscribe! 】

"It's all made by that stinky woman with a pipe..."

Yamato pouted and said unhappily: "But it's really a pity... I thought that Marine Vice Admiral could teach this stinky woman a lesson!!"

Although she has always been at odds with Kaido.

But for being secretly with Kaido...

No, it can be said that it is Black Maria who is bold and ambiguous,

Yamato was even more upset.

So when it comes to Black Maria.

That's why there's so much resentment.


Lin Xiao just said lightly: "Don't worry, He Vice Admiral is the most powerful brain recognized by Marine in recent decades, and he is the existence of a think tank..."

"It's impossible for her to be deceived by such a small trick!!"


A curious look appeared on Yamato's face.

Tilting his head, he asked:

"But Your Majesty, I think she has been confused by the phantom in the mist?!"

"As long as she walks in front of those three phantoms and pretends to be those three people, she will attack directly...... This is the most common disgusting trick that stinky woman and her men use!!"

A smile flashed across Lin Xiao's corner, and he said calmly: "We'll know if we don't see it.

Lin Xiao believed it.

Crane is a member of the [Marine Iron Triangle], which is as famous as Sengoku and Garp since [The Great Pirate Era].

Even if you are old.

But still will not be fooled by this little trick.

If Crane doesn't even have this bit of strength and experience.

Then Lin Xiao would be really surprised.


[Washing fruit] is the [Devil Fruit] that even people like Doflamingo who engrave [crime] into their bones are afraid of.

Claims to have the power to purify everything.

And how could one be fascinated by such a small trick to create illusions?!

The fact is just as Lin Xiao expected.

Just as the voices of the three fell.

The figure of the crane has already come to the front of the three people in [Phantom Fog].

The eyes of the three "relatives" all showed complacent expressions.

They took advantage of this trick,

I don't know how many people have been killed.

Even the group of Marines that rushed into the [Phantom Fog] before.

All of them are brainwashed here.


There were grim smiles on the faces of the three of them,

When secretly preparing to attack the crane.

Crane Vice Admiral activated the ability of [Wash Fruit] directly before they did.


Crane Vice Admiral with his arms crossed in front of him,

The three people in front of them suddenly became brand new clothes that were dried on the clothes rail.

And at this moment.

They have returned to their original appearance.

All of them are capable users of Black Maria's [Artificial Devil Fruit SMILE].

And in their unconscious state,

There are also bursts of words in the mouth:

"Ah, I feel that all the sins in my heart have been purified..."

"It seems to be a good person..."

"The sun is really warm today..."

Seeing this sudden transformation.

Black Maria and her subordinates who have been hiding in the [Phantom Fog],

...ask for flowers...

Suddenly exclaimed.


"The 【Phantom Fog】created by Lady Black Maria...is actually ineffective against him?!"

"How come no one has ever been immune to 【Huan Xue】......"

A large group of pirates swarmed out from behind the fog.

The last one to come out was the huge Black Maria.


Confusion and anger were written all over her face.

[Phantom Fog] Never missed before.

I didn't expect today,


He actually overturned his car while dealing with a dying old lady.

How could this not make her angry?!

"It's unforgivable to dare to use other people's memory!!"

Crane Vice Admiral spoke first.

His old face was as cold as frost.

Anyone can see it.

This kind old man who has always shown kindness to others.

Really angry at the moment.

"Damn old guy..."

Black Maria, holding a huge [Wheel into the Way], roared angrily:

"Since you have already seen through it..... were you kidding me just now?!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

With a flame burning in front of the hand,

It looks like a gigantic wheel-like [wheel into the way],

It has already smashed the crane Vice Admiral head-on.

"【The Way of Fushou Wheel】!!!"

"This weapon...should be relying on that [Human Face Dog] to constantly maintain the flame on the weapon?!

Crane Vice Admiral dodges swiftly.

His old eyes are like torch balls. .

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