I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 428 Crane's Explosion! [Please Subscribe! 】

"Looks... you seem angry?!"

After Black Maria stared at Crane Vice Admiral for a while,

Then he said with a smile:

"However, if you use [Devil Fruit]'s ability so frequently, your stamina...should be depleted quickly, right?!"

"You don't need to worry about this..."

He said indifferently: "Because... I will get rid of you right away!!"

"Purifying Foam!!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

[Wash fruit] ability activates again.

Countless crystal clear soap bubbles swept out from the crane's hands.

It turned into huge arms like swimming dragons in mid-air.

Outflank towards Black Maria.

"I didn't expect you to be able to do this kind of commitment......"

A look of fear appeared in Black Maria's eyes,

Immediately, the huge [Wheel into the Way] in his hand waved back and forth, 11 in front of her.

Form an impenetrable steel net.

Smash the foam arms that hit the head with a bang.

"It's just a pity, this level alone can't threaten me!!"

A smug look appeared on Black Maria's face,

Because she has already found out.

As she kept smashing the oncoming foam arms,

Crane's face has become paler and paler.


While she was using this trick.

Natural physical exertion is great.

Even if Crane used to be a member of the [Marine Iron Triangle] that was not inferior to any strong man.

But she is more than 70 years old this year.


Before that, there have been many battles.

And he has been using the ability of [Washing Fruit] to deal with [Artificial Devil Fruit·SMILE] ability users.

So the physical strength will naturally be a little tight.

This is also the most fundamental reason why Black Maria is so confident.

"Swish Swish Swish...!!!"

The [Wheel into the Way] in Black Maria's hand waved wildly.

The figure kept rushing towards the position of the crane.

"Hehehe, it seems that the damage I did to these arms... seems to return to your body as they break!!"

On the front feet of the huge ancient tarantula on the lower body of Black Maria,

Bursts of faint green color suddenly emanated.

Apparently a very poisonous venom.

Towards the crane Vice Admiral stabbed in the past.


But he was swiftly dodged by Crane Vice Admiral.

"I have already figured out your attack method, but there are still many attack methods that I have not shown..."

Black Maria is not angry either,

but while attacking,

On the one hand, she smiled regretfully and said:

"Oh, it looks like you found the venom on the toe......"

"Then what about this move...【Maria's Web】!!"

A few sticky but very strong spider webs went straight to the crane.

The speed is fast.

If the bullet is average.

Even though Crane Vice Admiral dodged most of them.

But the right leg ended up getting tangled in a spider web.


Her entire body can only move within a fixed area.

The activity space is greatly compressed.

"Caught oh...."

There was a smug look on Black Maria's face,

Manipulating the spider web to pull it back violently.

At the same time he said with a smirk:

"Then.....please die with peace of mind!!"

"As a fighter, I will never show mercy to you just because of your age!!"

Black Maria dropped the [Windao] in her hand.

Instead, he put on two knuckles on his hands.

The heavy fist wrapped around 917 [Armament Haki] hit Vice Admiral like a torrential rain.

"Oiran Knuckles!!!"


bang bang bang!!!

The foam arms made by Crane Vice Admiral were shattered.

And herself.

Also had to use [Armament Haki] to resist Black Maria's attack.

for a while.

The situation seems to be developing in a direction that is extremely unfavorable to the crane.

And to prevent her from escaping.

Black Maria even sprayed out several spider webs around the two of them.

Close all escape routes in all directions.


Black Maria smiled triumphantly and said:

"I think you still have some spare energy... why don't we play more aggressively?!"

"Perhaps you may not have noticed that the spider silk...is all burning?!"

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