I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 440 Big Mom's Horror Talent! [Please Subscribe! 】


At this moment, facing BIG MOM who has fallen into a state of rampage.

Not to mention Green Bull and Kizaru.

Even if you add him or Magellan.

Can't stop the opponent at all.

After all, BIG MOM's Man of Steel.

It cannot be breached by using [Armament Haki] or [Devil Fruit] abilities.

Before BIG MOM broke out officially.

He never dreamed of it.

Things will turn out like this.

They are four [general level] powerhouses.

Even when facing two Four Emperors.

into such an embarrassing situation.

If this gets out.

I'm afraid Marine's face will be directly scanned.

but now.....…

Akainu can't control that much anymore.

Getting rid of BIG·MOM and Kaido is the problem he continues to solve now.

Akainu couldn't help looking down.

But found out.

The situation on the Xia Fang Ping stage is even more grim.

On the platform that was split into two parts of 957.

Marine's side has been captured by all members of [Beasts Pirates].

And surrounded by the executives of [BIG MOM Pirates].

And the other side of the world ZF.

Then [Ice Ghost] wreaked havoc.

Even though many [pacifists] have already ended up in charge of cleaning up.

But every moment.

There are new [Ice Ghosts] forming.

The idea of ​​stopping killing with killing is obviously not realistic.


Really wiped out all the ZF soldiers in the world.

But that is obviously impossible.


When Akainu's eyes fell on the master [Kong] Kong.

each other's face.

But he had no idea of ​​making a move.

What the hell is he waiting for?


Akainu seemed to think of something suddenly.

Look up above the sky.

over there,

It was Lin Dao's figure.

Could it be that [Kong] Sora didn't have the real reason why all the [SSG] members were dispatched.

Just guarding against Lin Xiao?!

Think here.

Akainu couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat from the fright.

If Lin Xiao makes a move in this battle.

The consequences were simply unimaginable.

Whether Kaido.


But all of them were once defeated by that guy Lin Dao.


The four highest combat powers of their Marines came out together.

However, he has contacts with Kaido and BIG MOM.

Seems to have the upper hand.

But actually...

They are always at a disadvantage.

If it weren't for the superiority in numbers.

I'm afraid now.

They've officially lost it.


This is an inherently fragile balance.

But because of their previous wrong decisions.

And was broken by BIG MOM.

The next battle direction.

Not even Akainu could have predicted it (bbfb).

"Damn it, that guy's strength...has he really surpassed Admiral and Four Emperors?!"

Akainu didn't want to believe it though.

But the facts are in front of us.

Even Kaido and BIG MOM dare not provoke Lin Xiao easily.

And even if Lin Xiao only had one guard by his side this time.

Chief [Kong] Kong also had to keep a large number of people.

To deal with the accident that he might shoot.

This is the best proof.

Lin Daoming was just sitting there watching the play by himself.

But its influence.

But far surpassing anyone who is fighting below.

Akainu clenched his fists.

Quickly thinking about the solution in my heart.

He couldn't let the situation continue to deteriorate.

It is necessary to find a breakthrough that can break the status quo.


Marine and the coalition forces of the world ZF.

It is very likely that this crucial battle will be lost.

This is the last thing Akainu and others want to see.

He absolutely does not allow this to happen.

"Your Majesty... Big Mom's strength seems to have improved a lot?!"

Fujitora stood behind Lin Xiao.

There was a puzzled look on his face.

It stands to reason...

Kaido and BIG·MOM have been fighting with the four Admirals of Marine for so long.

maintain the previous level.

That's pretty good.

The enemy is, after all, an Admiral of equal strength.

Instead of cats and dogs.


After BIG·MOM was eliminated three Homiz.

into insanity.

The strength has grown even further.

This shocked Fujitora immediately.

in his subconscious.

Can do this kind of commitment.

It seems that there is only [the strongest emperor] Lin Dao whom he is loyal to. .

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