The old man was very happy.

"Gu Xiao, are you still abroad?"

Mo Cinian touched his chin and suddenly smiled.

If he was abroad... then things would be much simpler, and he would have many ways to deal with the Dragon King.

After thinking for a moment, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After a long silence, the other side answered the call, and the voice was a little low.

"Hello, An Nian, what's the matter?"

Listening to the voice on the other side, Mo Cinian was silent for a while.

This is his cheap big brother, Mo Xiu.

"Brother, help me find someone who is not in the territory of Dragon Country"

"Go ahead"

"Gu Xiao, a Dragon Country native, went abroad more than ten years ago, and should be doing well now..." Mo Cinian thought for a while. Gu Xiao has been overseas for more than ten years, and he is also a Dragon King God of War template. Maybe he has become a mercenary leader or a killer leader. It is impossible for his eldest brother not to know him, right?

"Gu Xiao? Never heard of him... I'll ask someone to check"


After hanging up the phone, Mo Cinian was a little confused.

Could it be that he made a wrong inference? In fact, Gu Xiao is not a son of luck? The real protagonist is someone else?


On the other side, across the ocean.

"Go check for someone named Gu Xiao, a Dragon Country native who went abroad more than ten years ago"

A young man about thirty years old was standing in front of a huge cross, and this cross was actually hanging upside down. The man clasped his hands together and prayed to the church with an extremely pious face.

Behind him, there were more than a dozen people with different faces, mostly white, but also quite a few Asian faces.


"Gu Xiao? I seem to have some impression. Wasn't there a conflict in the Middle East some time ago? A mercenary group ordered a batch of weapons and ammunition from us, and the head of the mercenary group seemed to be... seemed to be called Gu Xiao?"

"Gu Xiao? I seem to have some impression of it... When they went to Russia to perform a mission before, they had friction with our brothers, but they were pressed to the ground and beaten. It seems to be called the Dragon Tooth Mercenary Group? There are only more than 300 people... Little Karami who can't even beat the regular army in the Middle East!"

"Go check first, find out all the people named Gu Xiao who went abroad more than ten years ago"

Mo Xiu finished praying, and then slowly turned around.

His face was as handsome as a crown jade, and his face was unparalleled. His face was almost 70% similar to Mo Cinian, but his eyes looked deeper than Mo Cinian's, and his momentum was more restrained.

"Yes! Let's check it out right now!"


About ten minutes later, Mo Cinian's phone rang again.

"Anian, I have found the information you want. There are not many people named Gu Xiao who left Longguo more than ten years ago. There are only three people, one is a woman, and the other has died in a shooting case. You should be looking for the last one... the leader of the Dragon Fang Mercenary Group-Gu Xiao"

Mo Xiu rarely said a long string of words.

"Well, it should be him!" Mo Cinian's eyes showed a hint of joy.

"What's wrong, Anian? Did this man offend you?"

"It's not that he offended me, but he made me feel unhappy. Brother, just don't kill him!"

Mo Cinian knew his elder brother very well. Compared with cruelty... he was like a toddler in front of him, less than one percent of his.

Mo Xiu perfectly inherited the most cruel side of Mo Zhanhong, and even surpassed him.

And he just inherited the cynical side of his cheap father, to put it bluntly, he was lustful.

In fact, he was a little worried. What if Gu Xiao, the Dragon King God of War, was killed directly?

[Ding! Gu Xiao's luck value was greatly fluctuated, and his luck level was reduced by 2 levels. The current luck level is 4]

Mo Cinian: "..."

Isn't this a bit too fast? We haven't even met yet... The luck level has dropped by two levels?


Middle East.

There are many places here that are very chaotic and disorderly. They are called no man's land, which means that there is no sovereign country occupying the area. It is extremely chaotic...

"What? They don't provide us with weapons and ammunition?"

A black man was shocked and said, "What a joke? Don't we have a long-term cooperation with them? Every year we spend millions of dollars just to buy weapons from them. Why do they just stop it?"

"Yeah, what's the right of Mo Shui Group? We are their big customers, right?" Several younger brothers were also indignant.

"It seems that we have never offended them, right? Boss...what do you think?"

Everyone's eyes turned to one person.

He was a very young man, who seemed to be less than 30 years old, but everyone looked at him with a kind of fanaticism and conviction.

The leader of the Dragon Fang Mercenary Group, the soul of the entire mercenary group, has the highest combat power.

Gu Xiao!

Gu Xiao's appearance is not outstanding, and he has a common face that can't even be recognized in the crowd.

But his eyes are unusually sharp.

"I don't know, Mo Shui Group can't break off the deal with us for no reason. Could it be that someone in our group offended them?"

Gu Xiao sat in the center seat, holding a black pistol in his hand, looking up at his brothers with a scrutinizing look in his eyes.

"Impossible! Although some of the brothers are quite stupid, they are not stupid enough to offend the Mo Shui Group. There is such a huge arms company behind the Mo Shui Group. It is too late to curry favor with them..."

"Yes, Lord Dragon King, you can't wrongly accuse the brothers!"

Gu Xiao shook his head, "No, I just have some doubts, and I don't know why... I always have a feeling of uneasiness in my heart, as if something big is going to happen"

Gu Xiao's words scared the people of the Dragon Fang Mercenary Corps.

"Lord Dragon King... Don't scare me!"

"Don't misunderstand me, this is a matter of life and death!"

How can they not be anxious?

The main reason why they are so loyal to Lord Dragon King is that... This Dragon King has a very terrifying ability to predict danger.

Many times when the Corps went on a mission, Gu Xiao led people out of danger in a life-or-death situation.

The most terrifying time... the Dragon Fang Mercenary Group encountered a major crisis. Even though Gu Xiao had predicted it in advance... more than a hundred brothers were killed or injured, and even the former leader died.

So as long as Lord Dragon King said there was danger... it was likely that someone would die!

Gu Xiao's brows tightened more and more, "My perception is not wrong, and this sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger, even... even giving me a feeling that it was more terrifying than the time when the old leader died!"

Gu Xiao couldn't stay calm anymore, and even began to cover his chest.

"Run! There is a major crisis!"

Gu Xiao didn't know what was going on. His sixth sense told him that he had to run quickly, otherwise it would be too late!

But the situation was too dangerous, and he couldn't run there at all, "Follow me to the cave... quickly!"

Gu Xiao stood up directly when he thought of this.

His appearance stunned the others.

So fast?

And before they could think about it.

Several younger brothers ran in in a hurry.

"Lord Dragon King...Lord Dragon King, something bad has happened! There are planes outside... No... Bombers, coming to bomb us!"

Gu Xiao was dumbfounded by his younger brother's words, "Bullshit, are you blind? Who would use a bomber in this place..."

And at this moment, a roar came from the sky!

Low-altitude roar!

Then there was a tremor.

"Fuck you, who is this lunatic?"

Gu Xiao couldn't believe anything at this moment, "Hurry to the cellar! Someone wants to destroy our Dragon Fang Mercenary Group!"

The scene suddenly became a mess.

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