The two of them were so close, and the two of them were so close.

It was so explosive!

He You actually kissed Mo Cinian on her own initiative!

Although there have been recent rumors that Mo Cinian is the financial sponsor behind He You, this is just a guess after all, and it can't be taken seriously!

Now it seems... all the rumors have been blown up!

And it's obvious that the two of them have been in a relationship for a long time.

He You smiled, and it was so beautiful!

As for Qin Hao... he was completely stunned.

He had never thought that He You was actually having an affair with Mo Cinian.

Such a simple and kind girl... how could she be with a big scumbag like Mo Cinian, the King of the Sea?

Mo Cinian is just a rotten person, with so many women around him... why are you so upset?

[Drip! The son of luck ‘Qin Hao’ mentally collapsed, the host gained 10,000 collapse points]

Haha, what a rubbish!

Only 10,000 collapse points?

Sure enough, he is a son of luck at the sewer level.

But a mosquito leg is still meat, not to mention that Mo Cinian doesn’t care much about collapse points.

What he mainly enjoys is the process of torturing the sons of luck, training these sons of luck to collapse.

“Xiaoyou... how come you have contact with Mo Cinian?”

The expression on Qin Hao’s face was extremely stiff.

He You’s beautiful eyes were tightly frowned, “Who are you? Why do you care about me?”

She is a smart girl, Boss Mo is very face-conscious, for a guy like Qin Hao... he must be slapped in the face.

Mo Cinian’s expression was indifferent.

“Qin Hao, right? There will be no place for you in the entire Longguo entertainment industry in the future. You are banned”

Mo Cinian sentenced him to death in one sentence.

What big director? A well-respected celebrity in the domestic entertainment industry?

Nothing in front of capital!

He only needs one sentence, and no one or company in the entire Dragon Country or even the world will dare to cooperate with him.

Are you still making movies?

What do you make? Maybe someone will want Qin Hao to make a pornographic movie himself!

Qin Hao was stunned for a while, and then laughed angrily.

"Do you know who I am? Do you really think you can ban me just because you are a big boss?"

Obviously, this Qin Hao did not know much about Mo Ci Nian's power. He only knew that he was the boss behind Rolling Stone Entertainment.

Mo Ci Nian naturally did not intend to continue to entangle with him. There was no need to say so many words to the dead.

Qin Chun looked at Qin Hao with a touch of sympathy. If he offended Mo Ci Nian... Qin Hao would die!

No one could save him!

Qin Chun knew Mo Ci Nian's power very well. No matter how powerful Qin Hao was... he was just an ordinary person after all!

What can he compare with Mo Ci Nian?

" still want to ban me? In the past two years, so many capitals wanted to ban me but couldn't do it. Are you qualified?"

Mo Cinian glanced at Qin Hao. These low-level sons of luck always have an inexplicable self-confidence.

Perhaps only sons of luck above level 7 can have a little IQ.

Mo Cinian stretched out a finger, put it on his lips, and made a gesture of silence.

"The ban I am talking about is a ban in the physical sense. Do you understand?"

But obviously, many people present did not understand.

"Hehe...then come!" Qin Hao turned around and left.

Only those who are very familiar with Mo Cinian know what he meant by his words just now.

Really. Ban!


"Brother Mo, I almost forgot the business. Xiao Meng was assassinated just now. The police are now tracking down the murderer."

He You said hurriedly, pulling Mo Cinian to Chun Ri Meng.

At this moment, the little Lolita huddled up into a ball, her watery eyes timidly looking at Mo Cinian with fear.

Although her arm had been bandaged, it still oozed a little blood.

Compared with other girls, this one was a real Lolita, and it was illegal, a death penalty for sure.

She was 1.2 meters tall, soft and cute, curled up like a big kitten, the kind that could be killed with one punch.

Of course, Mo Cinian had no interest in her at all.

Although Boss Mo had a slight Lolita control attribute, the same thing still applies... three-dimensional copper alchemists should go to hell!

Mo Cinian glanced at the little girl of luck with indifference.

Activate the golden pupil!

A faint golden light flashed in his eyes.


In an instant, the little Lolita's past experience

Things flashed through his eyes like a movie.

Everything about her past was clear to Mo Cinian.

Even the scene of her being held in her mother's arms and feeding her when she was a child was clearly seen.

"Sure enough, it's unusual"

Mo Cinian nodded. Kasuga Moe's identity was rather strange. When she was a child, she stayed in a certain laboratory with various tubes inserted in her body all day long. She seemed to be some kind of experimental subject, but later the laboratory was banned for illegal human experiments.

After many twists and turns, the little girl ended up in the Fengjian family.

Now it is estimated that the experimental subject of that year is to be destroyed. Anyway, Kasuga Moe is involved in disputes between at least two forces.

Of course, Mo Cinian is not interested in these disputes between forces.

Just don't provoke him. If you provoke him... you will get all the forces!

Qin Chun also walked in front of Mo Cinian at this time, "How about... you take her away? I feel that this girl's identity is not ordinary. We can't protect her well if she follows us."

Mo Cinian: "..."

Looked down at Chun Rimeng who was curled up.

Well, as the name suggests, she is really cute.

It feels like raising a daughter to bring her around?

Xiao Ruoran is already pregnant with a baby girl, so he, a big villain... goes to raise a lucky girl?


He You also pulled Mo Cinian's arm at this time, "Mo Cinian, those killers just now were very professional. I doubt they will attack her again. No one is safer than you with her."

Mo Cinian's mouth twitched.

I am your man, you don't consider me... and want to bring danger to me?

Mo Cinian looked down at Chun Rimeng, and the little loli looked at him timidly.

Scary adult.

This made Boss Mo feel like a father.

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