The two nurses in the mental hospital joined forces to hold Ye Chen down. If it was Ye Chen's previous strength, it would probably be impossible for ten nurses to hold him down, but he was now very exhausted and powerless! He regretted very much, why did he play around in the mountains? When he was learning to refine the "Wanzhang Cuanxisan", he did not study hard because the antidote to this poison was very difficult to refine. The result is miserable now!

What does diarrhea mean to collapse?

His intestines were stretched out for more than ten centimeters, and he still forced them back in. He was almost dehydrated.

Only Ye Chen was a son of luck. If it were someone else, he would have become a mummy long ago.

"No, I just have a stomachache. I want to go to the hospital, not the mental hospital!!!"

Ye Chen was lying on the bed, helpless and furious.

According to his condition, he must be sent to the hospital first, but how could Mo Cinian let him go to the hospital?

"I have seen many mental patients, but this is the first time I have seen a patient as smelly as you! I feel dirty even cleaning you up. How much shit and urine have you defecated?"

The director of the mental hospital frowned when he saw this situation. Such a difficult patient must be handled by him personally!

"Fuck, your butt is leaking? You are not even sent to the hospital?"

"Still defecating? I beg you to stop defecating, okay?"

[Drop! Ye Chen's mentality exploded and he had the urge to die. The host gained 20,000 points of collapse value]

Ye Chen lay on the bed, with no desire to live. He really wanted to die.


"It can be seen that Ye Chen is really miserable!"

Although Mo Cinian had only met Ye Chen twice, he had already taken nearly 80,000 points of collapse value from this son of luck.

Ye Chen spent the whole night yesterday in a state of collapse. In the end, Mo Cinian was tired of hearing it and directly blocked the system prompt sound.

It's really like leeks. After cutting one crop, another crop comes. The 50,000 collapse points accumulated before have just been spent, and now another 50,000 collapse points have come.

"Increase his strength! This leek seems to have a strong ability to withstand pressure. Give him something new!"

Mo Cinian showed a sinister smirk at the corner of his mouth.

Although he didn't know what Ye Chen did to cause him to have diarrhea, after all, he had diarrhea all night and must have been exhausted.

It's really pitiful for the protagonist. He didn't even start building a harem after going down the mountain, but his butt was already in trouble.

Since the last time he was poisoned, he has become much more cautious. He usually hides behind the scenes. Even if he is facing each other head-on, he will first give the opponent a negative buff, not giving the protagonist a chance to trick him.

This feels like raising a digital pet~

Forget it, I won't increase Ye Chen's strength for the time being, don't let my digital pet die.

I am such a kind person~

Just as Mo Cinian was sighing, a cell phone rang.

"Hello, hello, are you Mr. Mo Cinian?"

"Yes, I am!"

"I am a staff member of Xusheng International Transport Company. The items your father shipped for you have arrived. Because they are too expensive, you must come in person."

"Thank you, I will go." Mo Cinian smiled slightly.

After hanging up the phone, Mo Cinian's smile became even bigger.

"Let's go! Chen Jiu, let's see what kind of car this is!"

No man can refuse a sports car, and Mo Cinian is no exception. He has seen many sports cars and has driven many of them.

If it were an ordinary sports car, it would not be in his eyes, but this sports car could make his cheap father praise it, and it was a hot-selling product with only one in the world, which greatly aroused his interest.

"Yeah," Chen Jiu nodded, and then stood up from the sofa.

Just when Mo Cinian was about to get up, Lin Qingqiu called.

"Mo Cinian, I'm about to help you get Weiwei. As long as there is a date tonight, I guarantee you can get her!"

"I don't have time now, you guys can have fun!"

After saying that, Mo Cinian hung up the phone.

"Master, don't you take Miss Lin with you to pick up the car?

Children should be more interested in sports cars, right? "

Shen Jiu said.

"Tsk, what does she know about sports cars?"

He patted Shen Jiu's shoulder.


Lin Qingqiu was a little stunned when Mo Cinian hung up the phone, and blinked twice.

She was ready to create an opportunity for Mo Cinian to capture Duan Weiwei, why did he seem to have little interest?

Humph~ a fickle man!

Lin Qingqiu snorted coldly.


The journey to the air transport company was not far, only more than ten minutes.

After arriving, a large group of staff gathered around, including many girls, looking at Mo Cinian. The eyes of the old man revealed a kind of longing.

They had already known that this person was an important customer of the company. In order to transport this person's things, the transportation company opened a separate channel for him.

It was extremely precious. The insurance cost alone was an astronomical figure!

"Hello, Mr. Mo and Mr. Shen. I am Bai Tao, the general manager of Xusheng Transportation Company. I will receive you~"

Bai Tao did not waste any words and went straight to the point. Most rich people like to be straightforward.

"Please follow me. The things are here! "

Soon, the group came to a huge container.

Not only containers, but also rows of coolly dressed beauties, and a party of many supermodels.

Mo Zi Nian was speechless.

Ahem, use this to test cadres? Which cadre can't stand such a test?

But Mo Zi Nian casually looked at the girls in the party, to be honest... I was really disappointed!

Basically they are all 'cyber beauties', full of technology and hard work!

And their appearance is too low, estimated to be around 80 points at most.

Put on some makeup, maybe in the eyes of others, they are goddesses who can be licked, but in his eyes, it's just a joke~

Giving a look to Chen Jiu, the other party immediately understood and waved his hand.

He said coldly, "Let them go! "

Bai Tao was a little embarrassed, but he immediately drove the girls away, still smiling and humble.

He still misjudged the person, thinking that Mo Cinian was the kind of nouveau riche who would like this kind of thing, but... he didn't like it at all.

It was very embarrassing!

"Gentlemen, I will unpack the things at your command. We have professional masters to help you unpack!"

"Well, okay, open it, I want to see what rare goods are?"

Mo Cinian sat cross-legged next to the container, supporting his head, looking free and easy.

This made Bai Tao even more shocked. This kind of person could never be a nouveau riche, he must be the young master of some powerful family.

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