The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Ye Chen was very excited.

He probably heard from the nurses that the girl who haunted her during the day actually had a very tragic life!

She and her grandmother depended on each other for life, but now her grandmother was terminally ill!

Isn't this a chance given to him by heaven?

As long as he saved the girl's grandmother, she would definitely fall in love with him at first sight. He was already very painful after losing Lin Qingqiu. It was not easy for him to meet true love again... He didn't want to miss it again.

When he thought of Lin Qingqiu... Ye Chen couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

That was clearly the woman he liked... But in the end, she actually fell into Mo Cinian's arms and gradually turned into someone else's shape... Ye Chen had the urge to go crazy.

"Mo...sooner or later I will kill you and help Miss Lin get rid of your clutches"

Ye Chen clenched his fists tightly.

Then he looked into the ward with a burning gaze.

What the nurses said was right. I couldn't come openly. I had already given that girl a very bad impression during the day.

She would not give me the opportunity to save her grandmother. Instead, she might think I was a lunatic.

I can only pretend quietly...and then surprise everyone!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but raise an exaggerated arc at the corner of his mouth.

He could already imagine the scene of the girl crying and throwing herself into his arms.

As soon as he said it, Ye Chen took out a thin bamboo tube from his pocket like a magic trick. After fiddling with it for a few times, white smoke began to come out of the tube.

Ye Chen blew the white smoke gently into the ward.


Soon, all the nurses in the room fell down.

Ye Chen tiptoed in and came to the old man's side, frowning.

"The pulse is like a stone falling into a cold abyss... The three-turn resurrection needle may not be enough, and it needs to be combined with Chinese medicine decoction... I'll write down the prescription first... Just put it on the table, and the girl will know that she is very smart..."

Ye Chen raised his hand and wrote a string of prescriptions on a piece of paper, and pressed it under the cup at the head of the bed.

Then he started to do the ancestral needlework.

The acupuncture was completed in a few minutes.

"Huh... It feels so good!"

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Although the acupuncture only lasted for a few minutes, it consumed a lot of his energy, especially now that he was very weak.

He touched the old woman's pulse and found that the pulse had gradually turned from sinking to resurrection. The acupuncture he just gave her could at least keep her alive for a year.

Since he came down the mountain, he has encountered many setbacks in his medical practice, and he was almost hit to the point of doubting his life.

But now... that confident and arrogant little evil doctor is back again!

"Thank you for my kindness, girl... you can't run away!"

Ye Chen showed a wicked smile, then turned and walked out of the ward.

Just a few minutes after Ye Chen left, a figure also walked in.

Wearing a pair of gold-rimmed round glasses and a tall figure, who else could it be but Shen Jiu?

He looked at the three unconscious nurses, and then looked at the old man lying on the bed.

The old man's complexion clearly showed that his condition had recovered a lot.

"Young Master is really as good as a god"

Then Shen Jiu walked to the table, took the prescription on the table, and looked at it.

Hmm~ I don't understand it, but I accepted it.


"Hehe... prescription? This is really good!"

Looking at the prescription in his hand, Mo Cinian smiled.

She took out her cell phone and called Duan Weiwei.

"Hello... Brother Mo, what's up?"

The girl got up early and looked at the incoming call on her cell phone - Dear Boss.

"Oh... my friend just came back and helped your grandma check her condition, and also wrote down a prescription... You can go and get some medicine according to the prescription."

The toothbrush in the girl's hand, who was brushing her teeth, fell off.

"Mo... Brother Mo, what did you say? The miracle doctor... is back?"

"Yes, my miracle doctor friend came back yesterday..."

"Okay, I'll go to the hospital now!"

Duan Weiwei was rushing to the hospital, and Mo Cinian would naturally not let Ye Chen, a light bulb, appear.

So Ye Chen was arranged by the 'good doctors' to have a small operation today... general anesthesia!

Hearing that it was Ga's hemorrhoids, Shen Jiu didn't know where he found the doctor, so he was happy.

Huan picked Pi Yanzi to do it. When Ye Chen was just sent to the hospital, he had a simple anal fistula, anal fissure and prolapse... They sewed it up by Pi Yanzi and hung a shit bag on the outside... As a result, the stitches have to be removed now... Hemorrhoids.

It sounds horrifying. If it were in ancient times, he would be the Minister of the Ministry of Justice.


The girl almost ran all the way to the hospital.

"Mo... Boss Mo"

After seeing the figure of Mo Cinian, Duan Weiwei stopped, with hope in her clear eyes.

When she saw the grandmother lying on the bed, the girl was stunned.

All the tubes on the old man's body were pulled out, and even the ventilator was withdrawn, but the old man's complexion looked a lot rosy, and it was obvious that he was much better than before.

But he was still in a coma.

"Mo... Brother Mo"

The girl raised her eyes and glanced at Mo Cinian.

"My miracle doctor friend flew back to City A from another place last night to help your grandma prolong her life with acupuncture. This is the prescription he gave you. Just boil it and take it."

Mo Cinian handed the prescription in his hand to Duan Weiwei.

Of course... this is a copy he asked someone to rewrite.

Ye Chen, this idiot... an illiterate who didn't even learn elementary school, has such ugly handwriting that he feels ashamed to show it to him.

"Thank you! Thank you, Brother Mo"

The girl took the prescription and bowed to thank him without even looking at it.

In her opinion, this miracle doctor friend of Boss Mo must be very capable, otherwise how could her grandma's condition turn from critical to safe overnight?

How great a miracle doctor can do this?

Thinking of this, the girl's mind became heavy again.

Brother Mo must have lost face and begged for help for his grandma. This favor... I'm afraid he can't repay it even if he sells her.

Thinking of this, she felt more and more guilty.

Except herself...she seems to have nothing to offer.

But the girl who has always been self-abased feels that she is not worthy of Mo Ci Nian.


Seeing the girl like this, Mo Ci Nian laughed.

Such a naive girl...can be easily deceived, and she will be grateful to you if you give her a little favor.

So easy to get.

Whether it is a person...or her heart.

I am afraid that such a naive girl can only exist in urban novels. In reality...there are only countless green tea bitches.

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