The majesty in Han Qianye's eyes emerged, and he said lightly:

"Hehe, senior? I'm not that old."

"Didn't you still want to charm me just now, you can continue."

Coldness pervades the air.

Han Qianye neither admitted it.

He also did not deny Qin Yinye's brain supplement for him.

Hear this.

Qin Yinye was even more certain.

This is a senior who doesn't want to reveal his terrifying cultivation base.

And she has already seen through her advantages.

In front of him, nothing counts.

"Sir, I'm sorry, it was the little girl who was abrupt."

In the face of such unknown powerhouses, Qin Yinye naturally did not want to be the enemy.

Immediately restrained the usual coquettish attitude.

of course.

It's not that Qin Yinye has never met someone stronger than himself.

She had never been like this before.

Just because Han Qianye is really anti-routine.

It wasn't even affected by her at all.

This is outrageous.

"Ha ha."

Han Qianye endured nausea, stared at Qin Yinye's beautiful eyes, smiled lightly, and said nothing more.

The pair of originally tender and full of autumn waves.

At this moment, in Han Qianye's eyes, not to mention nausea.


Han Qianye's eyes narrowed slightly while smiling lightly.

The light in his eyes is like a gathering of dark clouds, gradually gloomy.

As if to say: Go away!

"I'll go now."

If it was in the past, Qin Yinye would still want to try it out.

But at this moment, seeing Han Qianye staring at him, he was still so cold.

Forty-four Qin Yinye has a new brain supplement, and the secret realm is born! (5/10)

Qin Yinye also gave up completely.

Understand your own charm, in front of this unknown big terror.

Doesn't work at all.

This inevitably caused some waves in Qin Yinye's heart.

For the first time, I was treated like this by a man.

Naturally a little tasteful and curious.

However, Qin Yinye did not dare to delay.

Dodge away immediately.

She came down to find her sister.

Don't want to continue wasting time here.

"What happened to the old man in the dark?"

"Is that senior's servant?"

After Qin Yinye left Xuan Tianzong, she still had some doubts in her heart.

She sensed the existence of the old man just now.

It is found that Shang Lao is after her appearance.

It formed a situation to protect Han Qianye.

I was a little nervous before.

Not paying attention.

Think carefully now.

Some can't figure it out here.

"Could it be that this senior is the reincarnation of a strong man and is currently in a weak state?"

Qin Yinye did not hide her appearance along the way.

Just met a few Xuan Tianzong elders.

Just a few words.

It is convenient to tell everything about Han Qianye that I know.

Qin Yinye's methods are better than Soul Search.

After all, these people of Xuan Tianzong.

Even if he was searched for souls, it was impossible to reveal the slightest thing about Han Qianye.

But Qin Yinye's few words came out.

That's the beauty of glamour.

It's easy to get any information.

However, Qin Yinye didn't get any real information either.

Just to judge roughly.

Han Qianye had to stay in Xuantian Sect for some unknown reason.

And it has been in a deep sleep for a long time, waking up only once every three years.

In this way, it is even more proof that Han Qianye is not in his prime.

Perhaps because he needed to recover himself, he had to fall asleep.

"Hehe, it seems that he really has no cultivation at this moment."

"Otherwise, how could it be so powerless when you kicked me just now?"

"Also, it's simply too outrageous to completely hide what Xiu is about."

"It's not impossible to hide from other cultivators, but it's absolutely impossible for my perception to go wrong."

"I was shocked by that sword just now, so I didn't think about it."

Qin Yinye quickly overturned her previous opinion of Han Qianye.

Various situations indicate.

Han Qianye should not be as terrifying as she thought before.

"But, no matter whether he is prosperous or not, and whether he is a reincarnation."

"Being indifferent to my charm is enough to show it's extraordinary."

Qin Yinye didn't think about reversing the senses.

Because of that vicious secret technique, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do it.


Even a single act of carelessness may affect the mind of the Tao.

After a little more thought.

Qin Yinye did not doubt that Han Qianye had an extraordinary origin.

After all, the Sword of Immortal Execution is so terrifying that it is impossible for ordinary people to obtain it.

There is no shit luck picked up by ordinary people.

That's what some biographical books fool people.

The real treasures can only be obtained by those who are chosen by heaven, or those who have fortunes against the sky, and who have cultivated the spirit of reaching the sky.

Moreover, it is impossible for ordinary people to have the support of such strong men as Shang Lao.

But no matter what Han Qianye's origins are.

Qin Yinye also speculated that Han Qianye might not be in his prime now.

Just now, she was shocked by the aura of Zhu Xianjian.

In addition, Han Qianye was unmoved by her beautiful eyes.

So be preconceived.

Thinking of Han Qianye is too aloof.

This is the lower realm, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it will be suppressed.

And the higher the cultivation base, the greater the restriction and the smaller the threat.

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