Of course.

Although in the past month, after the special training of U17, as well as the sparring with Oni, and the sparring with Irie and Tanejima on weekdays, his strength has improved a lot, and it can even be said that he has made a big leap.

But Fuji is very clear that Oni and Tanejima at this time are only in the first year of high school.

Their strength is far from being as strong as that of the third year of high school, and they are probably only 60% of their level.

In other words, let’s not talk about whether he has reached the level of Oni and Tanejima now.

Even if he has reached it, it is only 60% of the level of Oni in the third year of high school.

There is still a big gap from the top masters in the world.

So Fuji is only satisfied with his own growth, but not proud of anything.

He knows very well... If he wants to gain a foothold in the world, or to be invincible in the face of those strong people, he needs to become stronger.

As for becoming stronger, Fuji also has his own plan.

At present, his skills are basically close to saturation, and maybe he can still improve, but it is difficult to improve as quickly as in the past.

After all, he is only in the first grade of junior high school now, 12 years old. People of this age have a limit.

When reaching this limit, it will become very difficult to become stronger.

Only when the body grows further can further enhancement be achieved.


Nanjiro would not have to gain a foothold in the world after the age of 18, or even become the world's number one in his twenties.

Therefore, if Fuji wants to further enhance, training is not enough. Actual combat is possible.

But it must be in a desperate situation. It is difficult for him to break through in a general sense.

What Fuji needs is a breakthrough in realm.

And there are many kinds of such realms.

For example, the realm of selflessness.

It is very popular in Japan, especially in the field of junior high school, and it is the goal pursued by many people.

Like Tezuka is one of them.

He studied selflessness and opened one of the doors, the limit of a thousand hammers and a hundred tempers, in elementary school.

But the realm of selflessness, for the current Fuji, has not improved much.

Even the limit of a thousand hammers and a hundred tempers and the limit of brilliant talent will not have a great increase for a person of Fuji's strength.

The limit of seamlessness is okay.

But it is too difficult to master that kind of thing. Maybe Fuji can master it by spending time studying it.

But Fuji can't afford to waste time.

After all, the French competition will be held in a few months.

In just a few months, Fuji can't guarantee that he can definitely open the limit of perfect fit.

And there is another realm that people pursue in Japan.

It is Ashura Shinto.

If perfect fit is the ceiling of the realm in junior high school, those who step into this realm can make themselves invincible in the country.

Then Ashura Shinto is the ceiling of high school.

People who step into this realm dare not say that they are invincible in high school, but they are definitely among the best.

For example, Byodoin has stepped into Ashura Shinto.

His combat power is absolutely No. 1 in Japan.

There is also Tokugawa Kazuya.

He also entered this realm, although not as strong as Byodoin. At that time, he was only ranked fourth.

But don't forget.

When Byodoin was a senior high school student, Tokugawa was only a sophomore.

If Tokugawa reached the third year of high school, then there is no doubt that he would be the No. 1 of the Japanese team.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that Ashura Shinto is the ceiling of high school students.

It is true.

Perhaps there is a more powerful realm than Ashura Shinto in this world.

But at least in the original work, the strongest realm in the high school world is Ashura Shinto.

And when it comes to Ashura Shinto, I guess everyone doesn't know what Fuji is thinking.

That's right!

Fuji plans to try to impact this realm and go to Mifune's master, Rokkaku's coach, Maguto, to try to master this realm.

After all, although Ashura Shinto is very powerful, the time it takes from 0 to 1 is much shorter than the limit of perfect fit.

In the original work, Byodoin seems to have taken about a month to master it.

Fuji can still afford a month.

And once he enters Ashura Shinto, the improvement of physical performance by Ashura Shinto alone can bring his strength to a whole new level.

Not to mention, there is a more powerful power hidden at the end of Ashura Shinto.

If he can master it, his strength will be greatly improved, and that kind of improvement may be beyond the imagination of even Fuji.

After all, in the original work, the Alaya-vijnana that Byodoin learned from the dark cave was so powerful that it was explosive, and it was much stronger than Yakutsu's Mumoku-vijnana.

As for the other passage, it is named the passage of light, which is the opposite of darkness.

Although it is unknown what kind of power is contained in it, it should not be weaker than Byodoin's Mumoku-vijnana. (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

As the saying goes, one yin and one yang.

The extreme of yin is so terrifying, so the extreme of yang will definitely not be weaker.


Sitting on the stone steps outside the court with Oni and the others, Fuji picked up a bottle of mineral water and took a sip. Then he said to Oni, Tanejima and Irie:"In a few days, I will be back to Yamabuki.".!"

"National competition?"

Irie asked with a smile


Fu Er nodded and said,"The national competition will start in a week. As the director, I naturally have to go back!"

August 24th is the opening day of the national competition every year.

Now it is August 17th.

It has been exactly one week.

"Okay! Then you can go back!"

Irie did not try to stop Fuji.

After all, the national competition was very important. When they were in junior high school, they fought tooth and nail for the championship.

"So when are you going to come back?"

It was Gui who asked this question.

After spending some time together, the friendship between Gui and Fuji has deepened.

Although Fuji is three years younger than him, Gui still regards Fuji as his friend.

"'I'm not sure about that for now! '

Bu Er shook his head and said,"I will probably go out once after the national competition, but I can't be sure how long it will be for now!"

"But he should be able to come back before October!"

Fuji naturally went out to practice Ashura Shinto with Rokkaku's coach, Maguto.

In the original work, Byodoin took about a month to master it.

So Fuji thought that he should have taken about that long.

"Before October?"

Ghost nodded.

He could still accept a month and a half.

"Then we will wait for you here!"

The ghost said to Fujimichi.


Bu Er smiled and nodded.


Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Fuji was also planning to return to Yamabuki.

But before leaving, Kurobe actually arranged a match for him.

His opponent was the No. 4 player in the first team, Ganggu Hara.

Fuji probably guessed what the Kurobe coaches were thinking, probably wanting to see how strong he is now (Wang Nuohao)!

But now he is only No. 7 in the first team, and he seems to have not even got a badge of the top five in the first team.

So, Fuji accepted Kurobe's arrangement and had a match before leaving.

The battle did not last long, and it was over in half an hour.

After the game, Fuji carried his racket on his back and left U17.

On the court, there was a figure half-kneeling on the ground.


Seeing the defeated Cyborg Hara, many people gasped.


Cyborg Hara only scored two points in the whole game.

In the small dark room, Kurobe sat in front of the screen. He first glanced at Cyborg Hara who was half-kneeling on the ground, and then looked at the other surveillance screen where Fuji was leaving.

"Even when facing the No. 4 player in the first team, Gangguyuan, did Fuji still win easily?"

He knew that with Fuji's strength, it would not be difficult to defeat Gangguyuan.

But he did not expect that this match would be so one-sided.

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