On the other side, looking at the slowly rolling tennis ball behind him, Yukimura's eyes were also looking at the free and easy figure on the opposite side.

"Is this your true strength?"


It is extraordinary.

Especially these endless tricks are even more amazing.


But at the same time, Yukimura's fighting spirit was also ignited

"This is more like an opponent!"

Yukimura is different from Sanada.

Although Sanada has lost, Yukimura has not.

Of course, it cannot be said that he has never lost. When he first started to play tennis, Yukimura still lost, but after he got on the road, he never lost again. He has been at the top for a long time and has never been defeated.

And now, in this elementary school competition, he actually met an opponent of equal strength like Fuji, and the opponent is about the same age as him.

This naturally aroused the will to fight in Yukimura's heart.

And Fuji naturally felt Yukimura's will to fight, and his eyebrows were frivolous.

But Fuji is not worried. Although Yukimura is still very strong, it is not entirely true to say that he can beat him.


Fuji serves.

Then, he once again used the Flying Swallow Returning to the Nest.

But this time he did not score like before. Yukimura intercepted it before it landed.

"Did you see through it in an instant?"

Although the weakness of the Flying Swallow Returning to the Nest is before landing, in other words, as long as you fight back before landing, the effect of the Flying Swallow Returning to the Nest cannot be exerted.

But even so, Yukimura can do this at the age of elementary school, which also surprised Fuji.

Should we say that he is worthy of being the son of God in the future?


At this time, the tennis ball flew over.

Seeing this, Fuji also took a step forward and intercepted it.

Yukimura was not to be outdone and also fought back.




The speed of the two people's fight became faster and faster. In the end, the whole court was filled with a faint smoke.

"This kind of confrontation!"

Inoue's scalp tingled.

It's not that he had never seen such fierce confrontations, but what level were those competitions?

National competitions in junior high school.

Even Kanto competitions are rare.

Fuji and Yukimura, these two are only in elementary school, and the confrontation is so shocking that it also shocked Inoue.

On the other hand, Sanada's eyes were also shocked. In addition to being shocked by the strength shown by Fuji, Yukimura was also stronger than before.

"So... is this Yukimura's true strength?"

Sanada always thought that the gap between him and Yukimura was not that big. After all, they had fought many times in the past and the score difference was not big.

But after watching the game, Sanada found that he was wrong.

Yukimura was much stronger than him.

If he was at the fifth level, then Yukimura was at the seventh level, or even higher.

"Damn it!"

Sanada gritted his teeth.

It wasn't that he was jealous of Yukimura or Fuji's strength, but he found that he was so far behind these two.

This greatly stimulated Sanada's self-esteem.




On the court, the battle became more and more intense.

In terms of the score, the two were also very close.

Often when one scored, the other quickly caught up.

This situation continued until the eighth inning without any change.

"So strong! This is Yukimura Seiichi and Fuji Shusuke!"

"Indeed! Whether it is Yukimura or Fuji, their strength is far beyond that of people of this age group! Even in junior high school, I have never seen many people stronger than them!"There were discussions all around.

However, Fuji and Yukimura did not stop fighting. After a short break, they launched another attack.



On the court, seeing his attack blocked by Fuji again, Yukimura's eyes were fixed.

"In that case!"

As his thoughts turned, Yukimura quickly went to the net and smashed the tennis ball that flew high into the air.

""Good shot!"

Looking at Yukimura's wonderful smash, Sanada couldn't help but cheer.

Although Yukimura's smash was not as fierce as his, the problem was that Yukimura's smash was at a very good time, and Fuji would definitely not be able to return it at that angle.

However, he didn't know that Fuji's mouth had a smile on his face.


Yukimura's smash was at a very good time, but it was not difficult for him to return it.

Because... he had that trick.


In an instant!

Fuji's figure turned.

Then, he turned his back to Yukimura and pointed the racket at the tennis ball in the opposite direction.


The tennis ball that was about to fall to the ground, under Fuji's move, bounced directly out, and then flew over Yukimura's head and hit the baseline.


"Game! Fuji Shusuke, 5-4!"

After the ball fell, the field was once again in an uproar.

Countless people's eyes were wide open.

He actually used that posture to counter Yukimura's smash.

Similarly, Sanada outside the field was also stunned. He probably couldn't believe that Yukimura's smash at the right time was actually hit back by Fuji, and in that posture.

The move that Fuji just used was naturally the brown bear trap.

This move was specially developed by Fuji to deal with smashes.

Although Fuji did not use it in the previous duel with Sanada, it was because even if he did not use this move, it was enough to counter Sanada's smash.

But Yukimura is different.

Yukimura's strength is much stronger than Sanada.

Therefore, Fuji also used this move.


On the court, Yukimura stared at Fuji who was slowly standing up.

Not only did he master the powerful skills of the disappearing serve and the flying swallow returning to the nest, but his opponent also had this kind of move to restrain the smash.

Although Yukimura believed that he could win this game, after all, he still had a trump card to play, but he could not deny the threat of Fuji.

This was an opponent that he needed to use all his strength to defeat.


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