
The game continued.

Although Akutsu did not give up, the gap in strength was there after all. He was facing Fuji, who even Yukimura could not defeat.

Although Akutsu was also very strong and challenged the entire Yamabuki Tennis Club alone, he was no match for Fuji.


"Game! No. 2, 5-0!"

…… boom!

"game! Bu Er, 6-0!"

The game is over!

"Awesome! He made Akutsu not get even one point!"

6-0 Akutsu.

This was undoubtedly unbelievable for the freshmen and even the old members of the tennis club. After all, Akutsu had challenged their entire tennis club before.

And those members of the third grade who had noticed that Fuji was good in advance, they also didn't expect Fuji to be so strong.

In front of the window, Ban Li was also shocked by Fuji's powerful strength.

6-0 Akutsu.

This is too strong.

At the side, Ban Lao couldn't help but be moved. Although he was Yamabuki's coach, the strength shown by Fuji in this game also shocked him.

It's not something that can be described by the word"strong".


In the tennis club, Akutsu, who lost the game, turned around and was about to leave, but the next moment, Fuji's voice sounded behind him.

"Are you going to run away now?"

Akutsu turned around abruptly and stared at Fuji with anger.

"What did you say?"

Fuji didn't care about Akutsu's angry look. He chuckled and said,"Is this the first time you feel frustrated?"

"What do you want to say?"

Akujin's face was extremely gloomy. Although this was indeed the first time he felt frustrated, the other party's direct words inevitably made him feel a little unhappy.


However, Bu Er smiled and said,"I just want to say that if you want to escape after losing, then I really look down on you!"

"You guy!"

Upon hearing this, Akutsu's face became extremely gloomy.

Looking at Akutsu's angry look, Fuji smiled and said,"My name is Fuji Shusuke. If you want to defeat me, you can join the tennis club. I'm waiting for your challenge!"


Akutsu snorted coldly, turned around and left.

At this time, Tezuka came over, looked at Akutsu who was leaving, and said,"Will this guy really join the tennis club?"

Tezuka naturally wanted Akutsu to join the tennis club. After all, Akutsu was very strong and he challenged the entire Yamabuki tennis club alone.

If Akutsu could join, together with him and Fuji, Yamabuki's singles would be perfect.

But looking at Akutsu's proud character, Tezuka knew that it might be a bit difficult to get this guy to join the club.

"Don't worry! He will!"

The reason why Fuji was so sure that Akutsu would join the tennis club was naturally because he understood Akutsu's character.

This guy's self-esteem is stronger than anyone else.

It can only be said that Akutsu is rather arrogant, so it gives people the impression that he doesn't care much about this failure.

But only Fuji knows how much Akutsu cares.

After losing to him this time, this guy will definitely think about getting it back.

Fuji believes that in a few days, Akutsu will join the club.

Of course!

Akutsu's purpose of joining the club is definitely not to play well like other people. This guy's purpose is to defeat him.

But Fuji didn't care.

In Fuji's opinion, as long as Akutsu joins the club, it's fine, and he doesn't care for what the purpose is.

After continuing to chat with Tezuka about Akutsu for a while, Fuji came to the members who were defeated by Akutsu.

Perhaps they were shocked by the scene of Fuji's previous victory over Akutsu. At this moment, these members saw Fuji and instinctively moved their throats.

Seeing this, Fuji smiled and said,"I want to ask about the application form for joining the club. I was delayed because of the match with Akutsu before, so I want to ask, is it too late to join the club now?"

"It's not too late, it's not too late!"

How could they say it's not too late? They were so happy that a new student like Fuji joined their Yamabuki Tennis Club!

Immediately, someone brought two application forms.

Fuji smiled slightly, took the application form from the other person, and then handed one to Tezuka. The two simply filled it out and handed it to each other.

"I have something to do here, so I'll leave first!"


Bu Er smiled and nodded, then turned and left.

However, before he had walked for long, a member ran up to Bu Er.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Bu Er stopped and asked the man.

"Our coach wants to see you!" the man replied

""Coach, do you want to see me?"

Fuji naturally knew who the coach of Yamabuki Junior High School was.

Ban Lao.

Nanjiro was in Yamabuki during that era, and he was a very capable coach.

And this time when Fuji attacked Akutsu, Fuji wanted to establish his authority and also to attract Ban Lao's attention.

But what he didn't expect was that Ban Lao would find him so soon.

Immediately, Fuji said to this man:"Then take me there!"


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