"Natsu, you little bastard, why is the forest outside on fire?

Yuan Feng opened the door and saw Natsu with a dark face. Without saying a word, he punched Natsu on the head.

"Damn it, Yuanfeng, you bastard, I didn't mean to do that. I was just practicing and I got so caught up in it that I ended up in the forest. Then I saw a fire, so I tried to put it out with my fire finger gun, but it got bigger and bigger."

Natsu said to Yuanfeng calmly while picking his nose.

"I really admire you, an idiot. How can fire put out fire?"

Then Yuanfeng pulled Naz and took out the black knife, holding it in his hand, and jumped out of the window of the room.

"Boy, you've always wanted to see me use a black knife, so I'll show you today."

"Really? Really? Yuanfeng, you are so cool. Come on, come on."

"Don't rush me, just step back and stay away from me."

Yuan Feng saw Natsu slowly moving away from him, about ten meters away, then he held the knife in his right hand, closed his eyes and used his observation Haki to feel the breadth of the burning forest around him.

"It's about three hundred meters long. It looks OK. It should be put out."

Yuan Feng said and opened his eyes. His domineering spirit gathered in his right hand. He slashed horizontally. A hundred-meter-long light green sword flew into the burning forest. After flying to the center, the sword light dissipated and burst into strong winds. It was like a storm. The airflow instantly put out the fire in the entire forest. Natsu, who was ten meters behind Yuan Feng, was also blown against the castle wall by the airflow.

The whole process lasted about ten seconds. Natsu was blown against the castle wall by the airflow. After slowly sliding down, little stars appeared in his eyes. A burst of flames broke out under his feet. He ran to Yuan Feng like spraying concrete.

"Yuanfeng, teach me, teach me this move."

Yuanfeng looked at Natsu with stars in his eyes and couldn't help but slap his forehead. Yuanfeng knew that if he was seen using the black knife by Natsu, he would definitely pester Yuanfeng to teach him, just like when he was using the flying finger gun and was seen by Natsu, he had no choice but to teach Natsu the two navy six styles, shaving and finger gun.

"Natsu, you can't learn this, forget it"

"You haven't even taught me yet, how do you know I can't learn it, Yuanfeng, you stingy guy"

"First, learn how to use the finger gun and shaving that I taught you."

"Hehe, Yuanfeng, don't be scared, Fire Finger Gun!"

Magic circles kept appearing on Natsu's fingers, and small fireballs sprayed out from his fingers.

"The speed is not bad."

Yuan Feng has the foresight of observation Haki, and he slowly avoided Natsu's fire finger gun, but as soon as he finished speaking, a series of explosions appeared in Yuan Feng's ears. Yuan Feng turned around and looked at the deep pit behind him after the explosion, only to find that Natsu not only improved his speed but also his power. Each fireball had the same explosive power as a grenade, which should not be underestimated.

"The power has been improved, but it's still not enough."

"Humph, I knew you would say that, watch me."

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Natsu put his two palms together, and after crossing all the fingers except the index finger, a huge fireball with a deep red color and a little black slowly appeared between the two fingers, and then slowly the fireball began to get smaller and smaller, as if it was constantly squeezed. Although the fireball became smaller, the temperature did not drop but rose instead, and the color became darker and darker.

"Damn, what is this kid doing? He actually has such a strong energy fluctuation."

Yuan Feng's face gradually began to become solemn, but it was too late to ask Natsu to stop now, so he had no choice but to continue.

"Yuanfeng, I told you, a bastard, to underestimate me. I will roast you like a roasted pig and then take away your black knife."

After saying that, the black and red fireball in front of Natsu's finger burst out at a razor-sharp speed and flew towards Yuanfeng.

""Heart Net World"

Yuanfeng opened the Heart Net World. The attack launched by Natsu was enough for Yuanfeng to face up to. Looking at the fireball in front of him that was gradually slowing down because of the Heart Net World, Yuanfeng held the knife with both hands, swung it from top to bottom, and cut the black and red fireball emitted by Natsu.

Then the cracked fireball gradually became dazzling.

"It's going to explode."

Yuan Feng looked at the black and red fireball that was about to explode, and immediately rushed to Natsu with his super speed, quickly grabbed Natsu and lifted him up, then ran away. The next moment, the center of the fireball began to explode. The huge explosion sounded in the ears of Natsu and Yuan Feng, and a deep pit of about ten meters appeared in the distance where the explosion occurred.

"Yuanfeng, you bastard, did you see that? I am awesome, right? I spent the whole night thinking about this move. You told me to compress the power and then release it, but I did it. Hurry up and teach me the move you just used."

"I'm not going to teach you a lesson. You just came up with this trick on the spur of the moment, right?"

Yuanfeng punched Natsu on the head and shouted loudly. At the same time, he looked at the deep pit in the distance and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

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