I, the wizard, the foolish Buddha
#318 - Angel's Path, the orthodoxy of the old church, and the gathering of black wizards
罗兰 如实 告知 : “ 是 凯瑟琳 殿 下 派 我 来 的 . 我 叫 罗兰 . 冯德莱恩 . 托斯塔 . 阿莱耶 。 有 男爵 封地 和 头 衔 。 凯瑟琳 大人 是 我 的 未 婚妻 。 ”
Roland truthfully said: "It was Her Highness Catherine who sent me. My name is Roland. Von der Leyen. Tosta. Aleye. I have a baronial fief and title. Lady Catherine is my fiancée."
约翰逊 用 一脸 异样 的 目光 打量 了 一番 罗兰 , 那眼神 就 好 像 在 看 精神病 。
Johnson sized Roland up with a strange look, his eyes as if he were looking at a lunatic.
罗兰 : “ ? ? ? ”
Roland: "? ? ?"
罗兰满 脸 诧异 的 问道 : “ 老师 , 怎么 了 , 有 问题 吗 ? ”
Roland asked with a face full of surprise: "Teacher, what's wrong? Is there a problem?"
约翰逊 说 道 : “ 你 的 妄想症 , 该治 一治 了 。 死 了 心 吧 , 大小姐 不 可能 看 上 你 的 , 你 也 更 不 可能 是 她 派 过 来 的 。 ”
Johnson said: "Your delusions need to be treated. Give up, the young lady could never fancy you, and it's even more impossible that she sent you here."
罗兰露 出 了 满脸 的 黑人 问号 。
Roland looked utterly perplexed.
自己 和 凯瑟琳 灭 了 枯血堡 的 事儿 , 闹 得 很 轰动 。
The matter of him and Catherine destroying Bloodwood Stronghold caused quite a stir.
因为 神 , 所以 南方 这边 也 有 过 新闻 。
Because of the gods, there was news about it even in the South.
罗兰 在 三头 蛇 的 书房 中 就 看过 这些 报纸 , 上面 写 着 ‘ 未婚夫 . 黑渊 男爵 ’ 等 等 字样 的 。
Roland had seen these newspapers in the hydra's study, with words like 'Fiancé. Baron of Black Abyss' written on them.
可 这 老家伙 怎 么 不 知道 ?
But how could this old fellow not know?
恍然间 , 罗兰 暗暗 拍 了 拍 脑门 。
In a moment of realization, Roland secretly patted his forehead.
那 是 二十多 年 前 的 新闻 了 !
That was news from more than twenty years ago!
老 黑渊们 是 十几年 前 出来 的 。
The old Black Abyss folks came out more than ten years ago.
隔 了 七八年 呢 。
There's a gap of seven or eight years.
七八年 前 的 报纸 去 哪 找 ?
Where can you find newspapers from seven or eight years ago?
对于 东境 来 说 , 枯血堡 是 大事 。
For the Eastern Borderlands, Bloodwood Stronghold was a big deal.
但 对 于 南方来 说 , 就 是 一则 新闻 罢 了 。
But for the South, it was just a piece of news.
连头条 都 算 不 上 。
Not even worthy of a headline.
很多人 看 一眼 就 不 注意 了 。
Many people glanced at it and didn't pay attention.
所以 , 在 疯人院 里 根本 就 没 有 人 和 老 黑渊们 聊 这些 事儿 。
Therefore, no one in the asylum ever discussed these matters with the old Black Abyss folks.
说白 了 , 就 是 疯人院 的 消息 太闭 塞 了 。
To put it bluntly, the asylum's information was too isolated.
大家 倒 是 对 南方 的 时 事政治 很 关注 , 但 东境 的 事儿 , 他们 没有 消息 的 获取 渠道 。
Everyone was quite concerned about current affairs and politics in the South, but they had no way of getting information about the Eastern Borderlands.
罗兰 在 蛇 戒里 找 了 找 , 找 到 了 一个 小 吊 坠 。
Roland searched through the snake ring and found a small pendant.
吊坠饰 品里 有 他 和 凯瑟琳 的 合影 相片 。
Inside the pendant was a photo of him and Catherine together.
罗兰 说 道 : “ 你 看 , 我 的 确是 凯瑟琳 大人 派 来 的 。 ”
Roland said: "Look, I was indeed sent by Lady Catherine."
老疯子 惊疑 不定 的 伸头 看 了 一眼 , 随后 便 翻 了 个 白眼 , 随后 老 疯子 也 拿 出来 了 一个 吊 坠 , 吊坠 里 有 一个 相片 。
The old madman stretched his neck out to take a look with suspicion, then rolled his eyes. Afterwards, the old madman also took out a pendant, inside of which was a photo.
罗兰 有些 疑惑 的 , 接过 来 看 了 看 。
Roland, somewhat puzzled, took it and looked at it.
那 是 一张 公主加冕册 封 的 留影 , 相片 的 背景 是 一个 非常古 老 的 宫殿 。
It was a photo taken at a princess's coronation and investiture, with a very ancient palace in the background.
高台 上 有 一个 华贵 的 公主服 十四五岁 小 女孩 。
On the high platform was a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl in a gorgeous princess's dress.
她 手持 权杖 , 头 戴 王冠 。
She held a scepter in her hand and wore a crown on her head.
虽然 一脸 的 稚气 , 可 却 和 小大人似 的 , 非常 稳重 。
Although her face was full of childishness, she was like a little adult, very steady and composed.
这个 相片 有点 老 了 , 吊坠 是 亚 历山德拉时代 的 古董 。
This photo was a bit old, and the pendant was an antique from the Alexandra era.
而且 , 背景 上 的 宫殿 充满 了 暮光 的 风格 , 明显 不 是 这个 时代 的 照片 。
Moreover, the palace in the background was full of twilight style, obviously not a photo from this era.
所以 , 这不是 凯瑟琳 的 照片 , 是 亚 历山德拉 的 照片 . 但 一样 。
So, this wasn't a photo of Catherine, it was a photo of Alexandra... but it was the same.
虽然 才 十四岁 , 但 已 经能 看 出来 是 凯瑟琳 了 。
Although she was only fourteen years old, one could already tell it was Catherine.
恍然间 , 罗兰 意识 到 了 什么事 , 他 拿 起 了 自己 的 相片 看 了 看 , 随后 狠狠 地 揉 了 揉 眼睛 。
In a flash, Roland realized something. He picked up his own photo and looked at it, then rubbed his eyes hard.
自己 和 学姐 合照 的 时候 , 学姐 没 有 用 原本 的 样貌 说 是 罗兰 与 学姐 的 合影 , 实际 上 是 学姐 、 安娜 和 罗兰三人 的 合影 !
When he took the photo with Senior, Senior didn't use her original appearance, saying it was a photo of Roland and Senior, but in reality it was a photo of Senior, Anna, and Roland!
虽然 学姐 在 那 时候 的 样子 , 和 自己 本体 也 有 七八分 相似 , 但 她 那 时 属 于 ‘ 无名者 ’ , 无法 追踪 , 无法 感知 。
Although Senior's appearance at that time was seven or eight parts similar to her true form, she belonged to the 'Nameless Ones' at that time, and could not be tracked or sensed.
也 不会 有 人 认出 来 。
No one would recognize her.
老约 翰逊 像 是 收藏 女儿 照片 一样 , 将 照片 收 了 起来 。
Old Johnson put the photo away as if he were collecting a photo of his daughter.
他 说 道 : “ 哼 哼 , 我念 你 脑子 有 毛病 , 这次 就 不 和 你 计较 了 “
He said: "Hmph, I'll let it go this time since I think there's something wrong with your head."
顿 了 顿 , 老约 翰逊 又 说 道 : “ 你 小子 在 我 面前 乱 说 没什么 , 你 要 是 让 小姐 听 到 了 , 以 她 的 性格 你 会 很 惨 的 ! ”
After a pause, Old Johnson said again: "It's nothing if you talk nonsense in front of me, kid, but if the young lady hears it, you'll be in big trouble with her personality!"
罗兰十分 的 无语 , 他 知道 约 翰逊 这个 人本身 就 很 犟 , 还 有点 情绪病 ( 狂躁 症 ) , 不能 和 他 争论 。
Roland was very speechless. He knew that Johnson himself was very stubborn and had some emotional problems (mania), so he couldn't argue with him.
于 是 便 低头 说 道 : “ 是 是 是 , 我 有 病 , 我仰 慕凯瑟琳 大人 已久 , 已经 得 了 妄想症 了 不过 我 的 确是 她 派 来 的 。
So he lowered his head and said: "Yes, yes, yes, I'm sick. I've admired Lady Catherine for a long time and have already developed delusions, but I was indeed sent by her.
我 是 她 亲 手册 封 的 男爵 , 也 是 她 的 嫡系 。 ”
I am a baron personally appointed by her, and also her direct subordinate."
约翰逊 冷笑 道 : “ 别装 了 , 臭小子 。
Johnson sneered: "Stop pretending, brat.
别 以 为 我 不 知道 — — 你 肯定 是 千目 之王 那个 老东 西派 来 的 ! ”
Don't think I don't know—you were definitely sent by that old thing, the King of a Thousand Eyes!"
罗兰 : “ ? ? ? ”
Roland: "? ? ?"
暗暗 吐 槽 了 一番 后 , 罗兰 暗道 : ‘ 这家伙 似乎 认定 了 我 不 可能 是 凯瑟琳 派 来 的 。 '
After secretly complaining, Roland thought to himself: 'This guy seems to believe that it's impossible for Catherine to have sent me.'
想 了 想 , 罗兰 说 道 : “ 老师 , 您 慧眼 如炬 。
After thinking for a while, Roland said: "Teacher, you have discerning eyes.
我 的 确是 千目 之 王派 来 的 。 ”
I was indeed sent by the King of a Thousand Eyes."
约翰逊 哼 了 哼 , 说道 : “ 哼 , 我 就 知道 。
Johnson hummed and said: "Hmph, I knew it.
你 的 身份 的 确 没 有 问题 , 身上 魔力 也 不会 是 破绽 , 毕竟 转生 到 东境 的 天使 和 圣子 多 了 去 了 .
There's indeed no problem with your identity, and the magic on your body won't be a flaw either. After all, there are plenty of angels and holy sons reincarnated in the Eastern Borderlands.
但 是 你 没 有 信仰 , 这是 一个 巨大 的 问题 !
But you have no faith, which is a huge problem!
所以 要 是 碰到 裁判 所 的 那些 人 , 你 恐怕 就 要 麻烦 了 天使 和 圣子 如果 没有 信仰 , 那 不 就 成 了 堕落 了 的 异端 了 ? “
So if you run into those people from the Tribunal, you're probably going to be in trouble. If angels and holy sons have no faith, wouldn't that make them fallen heretics?"
罗兰 的 脸色 有些 凝重 , 的 确 , 如果 ‘ 洛伦斯 先生 ’ 突然 失去 了 信仰 , 那 不 就 成 了 叛徒 了 吗 ?
Roland's expression was a little heavy. Indeed, if 'Mr. Lawrence' suddenly lost his faith, wouldn't that make him a traitor?
约翰逊 说 道 : “ 最近 那个 伊莎贝拉派 人来 调查 我们 了 , 你 这样 在 医院 乱 走 可不行 。
Johnson said: "Recently, that Isabella sent people to investigate us. You can't just walk around the hospital like this.
我 给 你 一些 东西 。 ”
I'll give you something."
说 着 , 老约 翰逊 随手 打开 了 床边 的 抽屉 。
Saying that, Old Johnson casually opened the drawer next to the bed.
他 嘀咕道 : “ 教廷里 的 人 厉害 着 呢 , 可不能 小 看 了 那 群神棍 。
He muttered: "The people in the Holy See are powerful, so don't underestimate those religious fanatics.
想要 完美 的 伪装成 一个 修道士 最 好 的 方法 , 就 是 成为 一名 伪信徒 。
The best way to perfectly disguise yourself as a monk is to become a false believer.
研究 神明 , 本 就 是 东境 巫师 的 必修课 。
Studying the gods is a compulsory course for wizards in the Eastern Borderlands.
你 学习 学习 这些 东西 , 有 好 处 。 ”
It would be beneficial for you to study these things."
抽屉 里 的 东西 , 看起 来 都 是 病人 无聊时 的 折纸 玩具 。
The things in the drawer all looked like paper toys that patients made when they were bored.
老约 翰逊 跳 出来 了 几个 , 然后 施展 了 一个 真言术 , 随后 那些 折纸 玩具 就 变成 了 几卷 经文 。
Old Johnson took out a few, then cast a truth spell, and then those paper toys turned into a few scrolls of scripture.
罗兰 拿 过 来 看 了 看 , 不由露 出 了 古怪 的 神色 。
Roland took it and looked at it, and couldn't help but reveal a strange expression.
发现 上面 的 内容 有点 眼熟 — — 正是 那三个 抄 经人 的 写 的 东西 !
He found that the content above was a bit familiar—it was exactly what those three scribes had written!
这些 文献明 显是 从 那个 抄 经堂 ( 黎明 女神 像 的 厅 堂 ) 里 偷 偷 抄 写 来 的 。
These documents were clearly secretly copied from that scripture hall (the hall with the statue of the Goddess of Dawn).
老约 翰逊 手里 的 这个 版本 , 明显 比 抄 经人 手里 的 版本 更加 的 完整 。
This version in Old Johnson's hand was clearly more complete than the version in the scribes' hands.
但里面 依然 有 一些 翻译 上 的 错误 。
But there were still some translation errors in it.
看来 , 这群 老家伙 已经 是 将 修道院 从 里 到 外 都 逛 了 个 遍 了 。
It seemed that this group of old fellows had already wandered all over the monastery, inside and out.
连抄 经堂 这种 地方 都 偷 偷 进去 过 了 !
They had even secretly entered places like the scripture hall!
看着 罗兰震 惊 的 神色 , 老约 翰逊 笑 眯 眯 捏 了 捏 自己 鼻子 上 的 大 胡子 , 有些 得意 的 说 道 : “ 这些 文献 你 先 看 着 , 等 我 找 到 机会 , 带 你 去 看 原版 。 ”
Looking at Roland's shocked expression, Old Johnson smiled and pinched the big beard on his nose, and said with some triumph: "You can look at these documents first, and when I find a chance, I'll take you to see the original."
罗兰 面色 古怪 的 说 道 : “ 老师 , 我 已 经去 过 了 。 ”
Roland said with a strange expression: "Teacher, I've already been there."
老约 翰逊 微微 一 愣 : “ 什么 时候 去 的 ?
Old Johnson was slightly stunned: "When did you go?
昨晚 ? ”
Last night?"
罗兰 没法 说 下午 去 的 , 于 是 便 说 道 : “ 是 , 昨晚 去 了 。
Roland couldn't say he went in the afternoon, so he said: "Yes, I went last night.
那些 东西文字 不 多 , 也 就 几千字 , 我 都 背下 来 了 。 ”
There weren't many words in those things, only a few thousand words, and I've memorized them all."
约翰逊 的 脸色 变得 极为 精彩 。
Johnson's expression became extremely interesting.
这小子 知道 原本 的 内容 其实 就 是 几千字 , 看来 是 真 的 见 过 。
This kid knew that the original content was actually only a few thousand words, so it seemed that he had really seen it.
当初 他们 过来 后 , 花 了 很长 的 时间 , 才 发现 了 那里 。
Back then, after they came here, it took them a long time to find that place.
为 了 偷 偷 进去 也 花 了 一番 心思 。
It also took some thought to sneak in.
这小子 来 圣城 才 多久 ?
How long has this kid been in the Holy City?
老约 翰逊 露出 了 十分 不爽 的 神色 , 他 像 是 一个 老头 一样 , 将 一 只 腿 踩 在 了 床 上 , 考究起 了 罗兰 。
Old Johnson showed a very unhappy expression. Like an old man, he stepped one leg on the bed and began to examine Roland.
罗兰 对答 如流 。
Roland answered fluently.
越 是 考究 , 约翰逊 的 脸色 就 越 精彩 。
The more he examined, the more interesting Johnson's expression became.
虽然 这小子 缺少 神学 基础 , 只知 其文 , 不明 其意 。
Although this kid lacked theological foundations, he only knew the words but didn't understand the meaning.
但 在 翻译 上 却 非常 准确 。
But he was very accurate in translation.
约翰逊 是 识货 的 人 , 他 听 了 听 就 知道 , 罗兰 的 翻译 才 是 对 的 !
Johnson was a man who knew his stuff. He listened and knew that Roland's translation was correct!
当初 为 了 更加 准确 的 翻译 出 这些 东西 , 老约 翰逊 不 知道查 了 多少 文献 。
Back then, in order to translate these things more accurately, Old Johnson didn't know how many documents he had checked.
还 与 很 多 入院 的 教廷 ‘ 神语 大师 ' 探讨过 一些 教廷 内部 一直 有 歧义 的 神文 。
He had also discussed some divine texts that had always been ambiguous within the Holy See with many hospitalized Holy See 'Divine Language Masters'.
在 神学上 , 约翰逊 是 绝不次 于 一位 红衣 大主教 的 。
In theology, Johnson was by no means inferior to a cardinal.
这种 级 别 的 主教 , 可 都 是 圣子 的 老师 。
Bishops of this level are all teachers of the Holy Son.
约翰逊 不 由 对 罗兰 的 身份 产生 了 怀疑 — — 怀疑 他 不 是 巫师 。
Johnson couldn't help but suspect Roland's identity—suspecting that he was not a wizard.
罗兰 从 约 翰逊 的 脸 上 看出 了 狐疑 之色 , 可 他 却 镇定 自若 。
Roland saw the suspicion on Johnson's face, but he remained calm.
问答 了 一番 后 , 约翰逊 突然 皱眉 问道 : “ 你 之 前 说 , 你 叫 什么 ? ”
After a round of questions and answers, Johnson suddenly frowned and asked: "What did you say your name was before?"
罗兰 说 道 : “ 罗兰 . 冯德莱恩 . 托斯塔 . 阿莱耶 。 ”
Roland said: "Roland. Von der Leyen. Tosta. Aleye."
约翰逊 恍然 大悟 , 他 看 着 罗兰 , 像 是 看 到 了 一块 宝贝 一样 笑 眯 眯 了 起来 。
Johnson suddenly realized something. He looked at Roland and smiled like he had seen a treasure.
罗兰暗 暗叹息 了 一番 。
Roland sighed secretly.
他 暗道 : ‘ 老头子 这 副 表情 , 八成 是 与 我 姓 氏 有关 .
He thought to himself: 'This old man's expression is probably related to my last name.
可 整个 东境 都 知道 我 姓 啥 。
But the whole Eastern Borderlands knows my last name.
我 的 姓 氏 根本 就 瞒 不住 。 ’
There's no way to hide my last name.'
罗兰 说 道 : “ 老师 , 我 的 确能 完整 的 翻译 出神文 . 您 知道 , 我们 家族 专门 研究 古神语 , 并 留下 过 很 多 疯狂 的 文字 。 ”
Roland said: "Teacher, I can indeed completely translate the divine text. You know, our family specializes in the study of ancient divine languages and has left behind many crazy texts."
这不是 什么 秘密 , 黑渊人 都 知道 阿莱耶家族 留下 过用 古神语 编写 的 观想法 , 甚至 文献 。
This was no secret. The people of the Black Abyss all knew that the Aleye family had left behind contemplation methods and even documents written in ancient divine languages.
但 没 有 人 对 这玩意 感兴趣 。
But no one was interested in this stuff.
因为 谁 研究 谁 疯 , 且 几乎 没有 任何 价值 。
Because whoever studies it goes crazy, and it has almost no value.
约翰逊 意味 深长 的 说 道 : “ 阿莱耶家族 可 不 是 研究 古神语 这 么 简单 啊 , 小子 。 ”
Johnson said meaningfully: "The Aleye family is not just studying ancient divine languages, kid."
罗兰 追问 , 约翰逊 笑 而 不答 , 转移 了 话题 。
Roland pressed for an answer, but Johnson smiled and didn't answer, changing the subject.
他 说 道 : “ 你 特地 查阅 这些 文献 , 恐怕 不 是 为 了 伪装 什么 信徒 , 而 是 为 了 晋级 你 知道 其 中 的 弊端 吗 ?
He said: "You specially consulted these documents, I'm afraid not to disguise some believers, but to advance. Do you know the disadvantages of it?
想 好 了 吗 ? ”
Have you thought about it?"
罗兰 说 道 : “ 想 好 了 。 ”
Roland said: "I've thought about it."
约翰逊 点 了 点头 , 不过 出于 慎重 , 他 又 给 罗兰 讲 了 一番 弊端 。
Johnson nodded, but out of caution, he told Roland about the disadvantages again.
约翰逊 根本 就 不怕 有 人 能 偷 听 到 , 在 这里 , 除 了 那位 黑渊元 老 , 最有 手段 的 就 是 他们 这群 黑渊 巫师 。
Johnson wasn't afraid that anyone could eavesdrop. Here, apart from that Black Abyss Elder, the most resourceful were their group of Black Abyss Wizards.
修道院 的 人 想 要 知道 他们 平时 在 房间 里 说 什么 做 什么 , 得 先去 东境学 几百年 。
If the people of the monastery wanted to know what they usually said and did in the room, they would have to go to the Eastern Borderlands to study for hundreds of years first.
所以 , 约翰逊 什么 都 给 罗兰 说 了 。
Therefore, Johnson told Roland everything.
包括 一些 关于 上 古时代 巫师 成神 的 禁忌 , 与 神向 大贤者 们 偷师 的 的 事儿 。
Including some taboos about wizards becoming gods in ancient times, and the matter of gods stealing from the Great Sages.
所以 在 上 古时代 , 有 很 多 人 和 神 都 走 了 信 、 理双 修之路 练出 毛病 的 案例 可 是 多 着 呢 。
So in ancient times, there were many cases of people and gods who took the path of cultivating both faith and reason and developed problems.
约翰逊 告诉 罗兰 , 两条 路 一起 走 很 容易 迷路 — — 用术语 讲 , 就 是 找 不到 自己 的 锚点 了 !
Johnson told Roland that it was easy to get lost if you walked both roads at the same time—in technical terms, it meant you couldn't find your own anchor point!
Practicing and practicing, you eventually lose sight of what you are.
To put it bluntly, it means easily falling into the lower world, and then never being able to climb back up.
Many mysterious creatures were originally 'Gods' or 'Wizards'.
They were pulled into the lower world and completely lost themselves, becoming part of the chaos.
In Roland's words, it's like 'becoming an immortal'.
Shepherd Trees, Coral Trees, including the earliest Leona, are all immortals.
Johnson said, "My little Junior, we're not researching these things just to pretend that the path ahead is blocked.
In fact, it's more like the path ahead is blocked for many people.
Nowadays, in this plane, the only path that is still clear is the Path of Faith.
In ancient times, many great sages explored the Path of Faith to study the Path of Truth.
Now, someone needs to walk this path again.
The King of a Thousand Eyes is walking this way, the White Queen is walking this way, and now we must join this team.
For people like us, reaching the stars in this lifetime has become a luxury, so we no longer have any expectations for the future.
But you need to think carefully, cultivating both faith and reason can lead to big trouble."
Roland said, "Lord Rabbi, I've seen people who awakened into strange things after taking the Prisoner Seed... So, this path, if you're not careful, will turn you into a 'manic angel', right?"
Johnson laughed and said, "Angel? That's a wizard! The 'earliest wizard' in the eyes of the Twilight Lunatics.
You've seen these things, so you can be considered a pure Black Abyss wizard.
It seems that in the years we've been away, the academy has still been training apprentices according to the orthodox Black Abyss principles."
Roland was greatly embarrassed.
He thought to himself, 'I wonder what Dean Johnson would think if he saw the rules set by the White Chess professors in the academy... But thanks to the White Chess professors, otherwise I would have suffered in the academy all those years.'
Johnson, that old thing, couldn't help but treat Roland like his own son.
But that's because Roland is a 'cultivable apprentice who fought his way out of the crowd'.
They don't treat those 'consumables' like that—equivalent exchange, I give you knowledge, and you have to be my guinea pig.
Of course, many of the heinous rules have now been abolished by the White Queen and Catherine. The Black Abyss wizards of the old era exploited and oppressed the lower-class apprentices too harshly.
Although it could cultivate more outstanding elites, too few people survived. From a cold political perspective, it was not conducive to long-term development.
Or rather, it was no longer applicable to this new era.
Therefore, the Black Abyss wizards supported abolishing the old and establishing the new.
Johnson explained the mysteries of the Path of Dawn to Roland, and Roland suddenly understood many things.
After listening for a while, Roland suddenly realized that his position seemed to have solidified a bit, and he seemed to be able to feel a power hidden beneath the surface world.
It was a gentle, sacred power, it didn't exist at all, yet it seemed to be everywhere. When Roland used faith to guide them, a ball of holy flame burned in his hand.
Looking at this flame, Roland showed an extremely strange expression. He suddenly looked at the fireplace, using his own magic to activate that sacred power, and then a holy flame ignited in the fireplace!
Roland's face became very colorful, this was the Fire of Dawn!
And he hadn't used any magic spells just now!
He guided the Fire of Dawn as if he was casting a practical ignition spell!
Roland hurriedly opened the Book of Aleya and took a look, and found that he had an additional 'position'.
[Divine Title: Novice Priest]
[Faith: Path of the Holy Dawn Angel. Zero-Order Early Stage]
Johnson, who was beside him, muttered as he looked at the flames in the fireplace, "What a pure holy fire... So this is the purest holy fire?"
Roland said nervously, "Teacher, I've only listened for half an hour and I've become a novice priest. Isn't my promotion speed a bit too fast? Will there be any trouble?"
Old Johnson snorted and looked at the Aleya Notebook in Roland's hand and said, "Hmph, when you were meditating with your family's visualization method, didn't you notice any problems?"
Roland was stunned, not understanding what he meant.
He didn't even think about why his holy fire was called the Fire of Dawn.
Teacher Johnson said, "Your family's visualization method was written by the church."
Roland: "? ? ?"
Johnson said, "To be precise, it's the Old Church. The Aleya family are a group of lunatics who tried to integrate the Path of Truth into the Path of Faith. But every Aleya who cultivates this path has become a wizard, not a priest.
The Old Church is determined to kill all wizards.
So that group of lunatics would burn one person to death for every person they cultivated.
Later, I heard that they created a magic book. This book would never allow people to become wizards.
So generation after generation, people held this book and cultivated crazily.
And then they turned into distorted things that were neither wizards nor priests. Aha, the Twilight Council calls them 'Primordial Wizards'. The South calls them 'Fallen Angels and Divine Aberrations', and we in the Black Abyss generally use 'Lower Mysterious Creatures' to refer to this kind of monster."
Roland: "."
Johnson said, "I saw your family's visualization method hundreds of years ago.
At that time, the Aleya family still had people, and their relationship with the Twilight Council was still okay.
That group of lunatics couldn't wait for everyone in the Eastern Territory to cultivate their visualization method.
Granting contracts, the Twilight School forced some apprentices to practice it.
During this period, your family perfected this ghost thing.
Of course, they perfected it in the direction of 'madness'.
According to the requirements on the visualization method, those who cultivate this path must believe in themselves and regard themselves as gods.
The path of the wizard is the path to becoming a god, which is indeed a good idea. So we secretly used magic potions and this visualization method to cultivate a batch of apprentices.
Indeed, many outstanding talents have emerged, but no one has been able to successfully enter the first Gate of Truth.
All those who went forward had their hearts taken by their shadows and turned into strange things.
Your family is more suitable for cultivating this thing. But the consequences are even more tragic.
It's also an unexpected accident that you can become a formal wizard. From a probabilistic point of view, we've secretly cultivated people, plus the Aleyas, and we don't know how many people have died.
There should have been a relatively normal 'Aleya Wizard' by now... I mean, at least maintain a human form."
Roland: "."
Johnson looked at Roland and said, "The moment you came into contact with this thing, you were accompanied by the mysteries of the lower world.
The core of your visualization method is to explore the lower world and 'distort reality' of yourself. The speed is naturally extremely fast.
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You ask me about the disadvantages... What other disadvantages can there be?
You know the disadvantages yourself.
It's nothing more than shadow taking the heart (inner demons) and shadow devouring the body.
In fact, I think you should cultivate both faith and reason, after all, this is the correct solution for the Aleya path.
However, I don't recommend that you worship yourself. Otherwise, the disadvantages will probably be doubled.
So, what I'm telling you is not the path of false faith.
But the true 'Path of the Holy Dawn'. Because the power of the Goddess of Dawn can purify your madness.
I originally planned to tell you after I finished explaining it. Let you choose for yourself.
But you have a divine title without praying. Of course, you can always take the path of false faith."
Roland asked nervously, "You want me to worship the Goddess of Dawn?"
Johnson said, "Of course I don't want my favorite student to believe in God... However, this is the Old Testament.
In the New Testament, God is truth.
But in the Old Testament, God is just a symbol of truth.
So the Old Testament doesn't lead to the palm of God's hand, but to the truth behind God.
Cultivating this path doesn't require wholeheartedly throwing yourself into God's embrace.
Many churches in the South are different from the cults of the Abyss, which emphasize absolute control over believers.
The Dawn Sect is a very tolerant sect.
They will not punish false believers, and they will not hate apostates.
You've seen many such believers... The White Chess wizards are one of them.
The White Queen defected from the South long ago, but is still regarded as a friend by the Dawn Sect.
The God of this sect will not have any restrictions on His angels and believers... He doesn't even care who believes or doesn't believe."
Roland asked in surprise, "Are there no disadvantages at all?"
Johnson said, "Yes—have you noticed that the monastery is particularly, particularly clean? The clothes everyone wears are almost spotless?"
Roland was slightly stunned, recalling Florence's pure white robe.
Johnson said, "People in this sect all have severe cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder... Of course, they don't think so themselves, they insist that this is the effect of divine power."
Johnson chuckled, "The Holy Spirit Hospital was founded to treat this disease. So as long as you take your medicine on time, it can be relieved."
Roland breathed a sigh of relief, obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness, that's nothing.
It's like there are no side effects.
He didn't take it seriously.
However, Roland secretly sized up Johnson's clothes, which were unusually clean and tidy.
If this is a disease, it's pretty good, isn't it?
Roland said, "Are we going to continue preaching today?"
Roland looked at the clock on the wall; it was already five o'clock.
He felt he'd done enough for the day and didn't dare practice any more.
He planned to grab some food first, then find his senior to discuss some academic matters.
The teacher said, "Of course, we need to explain! This is just the beginning. Before we deal with those six things, you need to break through to Tier 2.
However, I have something to do; I need to go out in a bit.
Well, we have a gathering tonight. I'll take you with me and have everyone explain things to you. Their understanding of the gods is no worse than mine."
Roland felt a little panicked when he heard this.
This one instance of power transfer was already so terrifyingly effective.
If twenty-plus people transferred power to him, wouldn't something go wrong?
Old Johnson saw through his student's thoughts and said, "We have so many people watching over you, and there's equipment over there. Nothing will happen to you; it's actually safer with more people. And we'll set a pace."
Roland breathed a sigh of relief.
After a pause, Roland said with a suspicious look, "Teacher, what are you guys doing at the gathering today? It's not just getting together to play cards and eat grapes, is it?"
Johnson glanced at Roland and said, "Tonight, we're conducting a black magic ritual. That old dog Williams went crazy today and we're short a person."
Roland thought to himself, 'I knew it! These guys are up to something!
However, I do need to meet everyone.'
Besides, Roland needed everyone to transfer power to him and protect him. So, he definitely had to go.
Therefore, Roland solemnly said, "Teacher, I must correct you. That's not a black magic ritual. We are scholars of the Arcane Academy; we never study anything like black magic. To be precise, we are monks of the 'Sacred Hymn Order,' and we discuss things related to theology."
Johnson gave Roland an approving look and said, "I have to go out for a bit to take care of something. I'll arrange for someone to find you later. Also, in the next few days, we'll have to cooperate with Williams to deduce new theories. I won't be in the room at night, but you have to come back.
There will be room checks at night, and you have to cover for me."
After a pause, Johnson glared at the little rascal in front of him and said, "I'm telling you in advance so you don't sneak out to find women at night!"
Roland felt a little guilty; he really was planning to sneak off for some romantic escapades that night. He said, "How could I?"
Roland planned to bring his senior over.
That little bastard.
Old Johnson treats his senior like his own daughter. But this guy is planning to bring his daughter to the ward to do bad things.
If Old Johnson knew about this, he would be furious.
Johnson snorted and said, "Life in the monastery is very boring; we go to bed when it gets dark. How could someone your age stand being idle?
I just heard you mention Isabella and Jeanne, who are my good disciples and our little princesses. We did plan to have them use these two identities before.
Jeanne might be, but Isabella is definitely not.
Don't believe her identity just because she said a few words to you.
And don't get too close to her.
She's using you and Anna!"
Roland agreed readily.
A great doubt arose in his heart.
Isabella was obviously his senior. Even if he often mistook people, Anna shouldn't make such a mistake.
Moreover, his senior had possessed Anna before. If Isabella wasn't his senior, who else could she be?
Roland felt that many things might be revealed tonight.
Johnson waved his hand, letting Roland go do as he pleased.
Roland looked at the time and decided to get some food first. Then, he said goodbye to the old rascal, telling him to have someone look for him in the cafeteria later, and then left the room.
Passing by the restroom, Roland went to use it.
When he came out to wash his hands, he saw someone getting hot water in the distance.
The old man's back looked very familiar, and he couldn't help but walk over with some doubt and greeted, "Teacher Johnson?"
The old man was indeed Johnson.
He was holding a small silver basin and getting hot water.
Hearing someone call him from behind, Johnson turned around and glanced, then frowned, "Call me 'Father' outside."
Roland quickly corrected himself and asked, "Father, didn't you say you had something to do? It's not just coming out to get water, is it?"
Johnson glared at Roland and said, "What do you know!
I was originally going to give a sermon, but they're in a hurry over there. The gathering has been moved forward."
He looked around to make sure no one was there, pulled Roland, and said, "I was going to have someone look for you anyway. Since we've run into each other, let's go together. We'll go directly to the 'Sacred Hymn Poetry Seminar.'"
Roland scratched his head and followed Johnson.
On the way, out of caution, Roland asked a question, "Father, what god do you believe in?"
Johnson stroked his beard and smiled, "Naturally, the 'Holy Goddess of Dawn.' She is the most tolerant of gods, even if you get exposed, the punishment won't be great."
Roland said, "I mean, truly believe. You don't seem like a purely fake believer."
Teacher Johnson couldn't help but give Roland a deep look. His student was really hard to teach. He had only talked to him for a short time, and he was already exposing secrets.
However, this wasn't a secret among the upper echelons of the council.
Johnson said, "I was once a believer in the 'God of Twilight,' and now I am a believer in the 'Pure White Goddess.'"
Roland's expression became a little interesting.
The God of Twilight referred to the King of Thousand Eyes.
The Pure White Goddess referred to the White Queen.
Roland had always been puzzled. Since the King of Thousand Eyes and the White Queen had taken the path of faith, did they have believers?
He didn't expect that the Eastern Territory actually had their believers.
Roland asked curiously, "Are there also their believers in the South?"
Johnson stroked his beard and said smugly, "I don't know if the King of Thousand Eyes has believers here. But there are believers of the Pure White Goddess here.
Knowledge isn't free. They let me provide guidance in their faith, and naturally, they have to pay the corresponding price."
Roland's expression became even more interesting.
This old guy Johnson was really an excellent 'Eastern Territory Missionary'!
At this moment, the two passed a corner, and Roland accidentally bumped into Johnson's arm.
The old guy cursed, "Watch out! You almost spilled my water. I just washed my clothes!"
Roland was stunned and said, "This water isn't dirty... Wait, why are you still carrying this basin?
Old Johnson glared and said, "I told you, I'm not staying in the dormitory for the next few days. It's not convenient to get water over there; it's a long walk back and forth. Of course, I have to carry the water over. Otherwise, how will I wash my face tomorrow morning?"
Roland hesitated for a moment and said, "The logic is indeed quite reasonable... But, won't the hot water get cold overnight?
Why don't we cast a preservation spell on the water? I still have some magic power left."
Teacher Johnson snorted and said, "It won't get cold if you don't sneak over to exchange my hot water."
Roland was speechless for a long time.
Just then, Roland suddenly noticed that something was not quite right with the basin. Looking closely, there was an angel's reflection in the water... No, it wasn't a reflection; it was a holy sigil!
This was not an ordinary silver basin at all.
This exquisite little silver basin was a relic of the church.
Roland had read a lot of literature today and had been given a power transfer. He inexplicably understood a lot of theological knowledge.
Therefore, he could already understand some simple holy sigils.
The holy sigil of the basin was very simple; it mainly had only three functions.
One was to purify the water quality—after a period of time, the water would become very, very clean.
One was to increase the sacred power. If left overnight, it would be almost like holy water, which was very good for people with demonic contamination.
Therefore, Old Johnson was using this water as drinking water for taking medicine—the rest was used to wash his face and body.
It seemed that Old Johnson also had a bit of a cleanliness fetish.
As for the third function, it was insulation.
So, this was not a water basin at all; it was a thermos!
Roland couldn't help but reveal a strange expression.
If this was a thermos, then who changed the water for his roommate last night?
Roland muttered, "It definitely wasn't me! I couldn't have done such a thing!"
Old Johnson complained, "You kid have amnesia. You don't even remember what you secretly did last night."
Roland snorted and ignored the old madman.
Johnson seemed to have used a kind of truth spell. The two swaggered through many areas, but people turned a blind eye to them.
Soon, they went downstairs, passed through a courtyard, and then entered the area where the monks lived.
Johnson told Roland that the 'Special Intensive Care Unit' of the Holy Spirit Hospital was in the basement here.
This treatment area was commonly known as the 'Black Wizard's Confinement Treatment Area.'
The mentally ill criminals who were serving their sentences were basically treated here.
Johnson and the others naturally had no cases on them; their identities were cleaner than anyone else's.
However, there was a special person who was under house arrest here.
So, everyone came here for gatherings every time.
After Roland heard these things, he couldn't help but ask about the identity of that lady.
Johnson smiled mysteriously and said, "You'll know when you get there."
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