Author: 猫夜叉 (Nekoyasha)

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I had come up with a new story in my head. It was an alteration of the scenario that made use of the already-recognized-as-existing ‘Blue Meteor’.

There might have been a better way to do it. But I whole-heartedly believed that what I had right now was going to be the best way to do things I could come up with at that moment.

The power of the gods was absolute, but not equal.

Even world-renowned gods’ powers’ effects differed greatly based on various aspects.

Take this occurrence as an example. The one who had started the stampede was the goddess Astaroth, also known as the hero god. The divine beast Fenrir had attempted to stop her. And those were the facts and the truth.

However, the public opinion was different. Apparently, Fenrir had caused the stampede, and the goddess Astaroth had gone to stop it. The story the people believed in, which was the exact opposite of what had actually happened, had been made by other gods of equivalent power.

It was disgusting, really. And that just made me feel even more sorry for Fenrir.

This whole thing could have likely been started by someone plotting to kill Fenrir.

After all, Fenrir was also known as the ‘God-Eater’, and as such, was a natural enemy of the gods.

…Well, that’s how my thoughts went, even if I didn’t have any proof. Still, I doubted I had strayed into the realm of delusions there.

However, regardless the reason, the fact that they had the divine beast in a bind did not change.

They were trying to end this fake story with the subjugation of Fenrir.

––That was not true.

However, my words alone would not be enough to right that. Which was why I had decided to write even more lies on top of the ones already there, and turn a third party into the perpetrator, creating a new story.

The one who had caused the stampede was the ‘Blue Meteor’.

As long as I got them to ignore the details and believe that that was what had happened, it was my win.

What I was going to do most certainly wasn’t something worthy of praise, but we were too late into the game to be worried about that.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

But first, I had to turn my thoughts into words.

However, in order for the plan I had thought up to work, I needed a skill I was not equipped with.

So in other words, in order to receive more power, I had to make a new contract.

…Athena will probably be angry. About what I’m about to do.

“…No. But still.”

Steeling myself, I turned towards Athena.

I was trembling. So in order to hide that, I spoke.

“Kami-sama, I–”

“–Yuno-san, I’ll be all right,” she said, her red eyes full of a strong determination.

The sight of her illuminated in the moonlight like that truly made her look like a goddess.

“That was my wish. So please, save Fenrir. I never thought I would be able to monopolize you anyway…!”

…I haven’t even said anything yet.

And yet, it seemed like she had somehow understood what I had been thinking.

“…Yuno-san. You showed me the light. So please, don’t waver. Your kindness is a wonderful thing that can make everyone happy…!”


My heartbeat rose. How lucky I was.

“B-but… p-please don’t forget me, okay…? T-that I w-was the first g-god who made a contract with you…!” her face turned more and more red the more she said as she fidgeted.

I didn’t miss a single word she said, even as her voice faded into nothingness at the end.


Still, as I had thought, there was no joy in parting ways.

It was said that one could make a contract with a god only once.

Most gods wouldn’t be happy about the person they had made a contract with making a contract with another god.

And yet, Athena had allowed it.

“…Thank you. Kami-sama, I will do my very best.”

There is no need to worry, Athena.

My number one priority was the goddess Athena. That would never change.

Even if the first god I had actually made a contract with was that old man called Zeus.

I gave her a small nod, then turned away.

All that was left now, was––

I walked over to Fenrir, knelt down, and looked it in the eyes.

That moment, I felt a large number of gazes fixed on me.

“Fenrir-san. Could you please make a contract with me?” I asked quietly, causing Fenrir to look at me in surprise.

“…What are you thinking?” Fenrir’s voice echoed in my head.

While I was slightly surprised, I continued on.

“…I have a good idea. It is, I think, the best way to break out of this situation.”

That was half the truth. The other half was that it would help with future plans of mine.

“…Mind your own business. I don’t need your sympathy. …Or are you saying that I would lose to that woman?”

Fenrir let out a low growl, its black fur standing on its end.

No. That’s not it. That’s not what I meant.

And if a fight were to break out, the one to lose would probably be my sister.

I shook my head.

“…I might even be able to end this without fighting,” was all I said.

“If you really think so, you do not understand the gods.”

…I thought as much.

I didn’t know how gods worked, but I knew they had something akin to pride.

“I want power,” I said straightforwardly, making Fenrir’s eyes widen again.

“…I do not understand. Your power already exceeds mine. Why would you–”

“The skill that lets you change your appearance. That is the power I want. Even just changing the size of my body would be enough.”

My intuition told me.

That I could get that skill by making a contract with Fenrir.

Fenrir glared at me as if it had seen through everything.

“…You intend on turning the whole world against you?”

Turn the whole world against me, huh.

I suppose that is what I am trying to do.

However, the answer to that question was a ‘no’.

“No. I won’t be turning the whole world against me.”

Yuno Astario still had unfinished business.

“…I see. You are thinking of something foolish. But you know what? Your plan does certainly sound interesting. So much so that I wouldn’t mind seeing where you end up. However–”

“–Then you’ll have a front-row seat. I need your power.”

I had opened up a new path. And I wanted Fenrir to be next to me as I followed it.

…Or perhaps that was just my weakness speaking.

“…Very well. I’ll go along with you,” Fenrir said, looking towards the forest.

I gave it a small nod.

With that, my preliminary preparations were complete.

“Mr. Soleil! I’ll go take her back into the forest,” I said, and the teacher gave me a small nod in response.

“……Don’t take too long. I’d be responsible if something happened.”

His voice sounded so mildly-annoyed I couldn’t help but grin a little.

––He really does not change, does he.

As I was about to set off towards the forest with Fenrir, Luna blocked the path, walking in front of me with elegant steps.

“…We can keep her.”

“…If she wants that,” I said, gently stroking Fenrir’s head.

The very same moment –– Fenrir’s soft paw batted my hand away.


Fenrir and my eyes met.

…Indeed. It didn’t have to be now.

“It is as you can see. I think I should take her back to the forest.”

“…Right. And your real reason?”

I had the perfect answer ready for that.

“I have to go to the toilet.”

“Do it here.”

That’s going too far.

“My lady, I–” I tried to say, but Luna looked at me with a confused expression.

“It’s… over now. You came back safe. That’s plenty enough, I think.”

…That surprised me.

It was the kindest I had ever heard her voice be.

“Stop thinking so highly of yourself. Everyone has their own way of life. And you’re just a human. My uncouth, vulgar knight. That is who you are,” Luna said walking right up to me, looking up at me with her purple eyes. “If you still have to go, vow to me. Vow to me that you will come back to me unchanged.”

Her eyes, filled with worry, stared straight at me.

“…I swear. I will definitely come back. I will continue being by your side, unchanged in who I am.”

“…Good. And don’t you forget those words.”

She stepped aside. I walked past her.

“––Stupid,” I heard her whisper as I walked away.

––I turned around one last time, thinking I felt the hair on the back of my head being pulled on.

My sister and Alice were looking at me.

So, as if to answer them, I gave the two a small smile.

Nothing will change. I will always be me.

Then we walked over the grass and between the trees for a while, away, into the forest.

“…You have good companions.”

I couldn’t help but stroke Fenrir’s head as she said that.


It didn’t bat away my hand this time.

I noticed its fluffy tail wagging back and forth from the corner of my eye.

“Here is as good a place as any,” said Fenrir as I went to stand in front of it.

I knelt down, looking straight into that pair of golden eyes.

“From now on, I will be under your protection. Use me as you see fit.”

…Hm? Wait, isn’t this happening the wrong way round?


“You will turn the whole world against you today. Having even one ally more will be better for you. That’s how I meant that.”

…I see… I see.

“I do not know what you may be thinking, but I do know that many magical folk will come seeking your protection from now on. Me being by your side will help your reputation.”

“Good point.”

I don’t really know about that.

But if the divine beast Fenrir-san says so, it won’t be wrong.

Moreover, that was a declaration that Fenrir would be my ally.

“Then, if you would.”

Fenrir held out its cute front foreleg towards me.

‘It’s like a hand’ I thought idly to myself as I took it on both of mine and planted a kiss on its back.

––That moment, the trees of the forest creaked.

A vortex of wind arose with us as its centre, expanding outwards.


It was so strong I had to close my eyes.

The sound of the plants swaying in the wind sounded like the trees themselves were rejoicing. It was as if I could hear every sound in the forest.

“…Yuno Astario… Thank you,” said someone, hugging me gently.

“I found… a meaning for living in such a world,” came the voice of a young girl trying not to cry, and I could hide my surprise.

A human…? And that voice… I’ve…

A strong light attacked my retina as I opened my eyes in order to make sure.

…And within that light. I saw nothing. Which was why it must have been a hallucination.

I saw nothing like a girl laughing happily yet crying at the same time.

The Divine Beast Fenrir, who protected the forest, and was betrayed by humans, by the world.

I knew it was just a convenient fantasy I had made up, thinking ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if it were so?’

––Yes. Nice. Wouldn’t it be nice.

This must be the proof of the bravery Athena showed me.

The lump in my throat told me the answer.

––My choice had not been wrong whatsoever.

The light so bright I didn’t even want to open my eyes gradually subsided.

Simultaneously, I could feel power flowing into me.

“The skill ‘Transformation’. Among the few benefits I have bestowed upon you, I believe that is the one you were looking for,” said Fenrir, looking like the same wolf as always.

…She wasn’t crying, nor was she human.

I guess it must have been a fantasy of mine after all.

Still, on a different note.

“…The skill… ‘Transformation’… you said?”

“What’s with that face.”

I wonder what face I’m making.

The modern meaning of the characters used to write it is something very different, but its original meaning was indeed transformation, now that I think about it.

Yep. Mhm. Nothing strange at all.1

“It is a skill that allows you to change your appearance to whatever you want.”

…Change my appearance… however I want…

I focused on the power lying dormant deep within me.

It was… there. I singled out the skill from among the power that had come flowing into me.

If I could change into whatever I wanted––

Using the skill ‘Transformation’, I remade my body.

The colour of my hair –– silvery-white will be okay. Like Athena’s and Luna’s, like the beautiful moon.

The colour of my eyes –– a deep blue. Like Alice’s sky-blue eyes.

My face… lemme think. I’ll try and make it look good enough not to lose to Kraim.

The size of my body will be that of an adult. And I’ll wear something beautiful and black, like Fenrir.

I could feel the changes taking place.

Everything suddenly looked smaller, and I caught a glimpse of a silvery strand of hair waving in the wind out of the corner of my eyes.

The body itself was male. I could change that if I ever needed to, but it mattered little currently.

––And thus, I had acquired the mask I wanted.

“……What do you think?” I asked Fenrir slightly worriedly.

“…Not bad.”

Great! I got this…!

I was quite excited.

Or at least, that was what my elevated heartbeat told me.

“I guess we’ll get going right away then,” I said to Fenrir, kicking the ground and flying up into the sky.

‘…I want wings.’ came a stray thought as the full moon shone down on me.

The first thing that came to my mind were Lucifer’s three pairs of black wings.

If I could freely change my appearance, there should be nothing I couldn’t do.

I promptly used the ‘transformation’ skill to give myself wings.

As for the colour… white. I’m an evil god, so the opposite would be the best.

“…! I did it!”

Splendid white wings appeared on my back.

I tried focusing on my back to move them. As I did so, I felt them catch the wind, propelling me upwards.

…Well, I guess the time has come.

Despite being human, I was going to manifest as a (fake) god.

I already had the power to make people think so.

I took a deep breath.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.

After all, I would be playing the role of an evil god.

I would have to stand in front of my sister and the royal knights as the culprit behind the stampede.

However, strangely, I didn’t feel scared.

I glanced back at Fenrir, who was looking up at me.

That’s right. I had steeled myself for this a long time ago. All I had to do now was do things well.

Athena, Luna, Big Sister. And Alice and Kraim.

“…I’ll be going now,” I murmured to myself as I turned into a wind tearing apart the night sky.

1 The name of the skill in Japanese is 変態, which the more cultured among you would probably recognise is read as ‘hentai’. Yes, that one. However, it can mean either pervert, which is the modern meaning that Yuno alludes to, or transformation, which is its original meaning and also the actual meaning of the two characters, which mean change 変 (hen, kawaru), and state/figure 態 (tai) respectively. I’m afraid I don’t have the brain cells to translate something like this into english while keeping the meaning, which is why I’m subjecting you all to this ridiculously lengthy explanation which I’m going to “YUNO SLAAAASH” (as Rei Astario would put it) right here since it’s getting too long.

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