Author: 猫夜叉 (Nekoyasha)

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Ferris Magic Knight Academy – Arena

Athena and I were standing face to face in a corner of the place where I had first shown off my skills in front of my classmates.

A large number of gazes were piercing my back.

Our class was in the middle of a self-study period to train for the fighting competition, but it seemed like they were curious about what we were doing.


Athena’s face was bright red as she stood there with her eyes closed, her arms crossed, and slightly trembling.


Finding her very cute, I just watched her in silence, albeit a little nervously.

“…!” she let out a cute grunt, and what I had been waiting for finally happened.

Her silvery-white hair billowed in the wind that suddenly began blowing with her as its centrepoint. Then, she was enveloped in a warm, gentle light.

“K-kami-sama! You’re glowing!” I said, unable to hold myself back, and, as if perhaps finally having noticed it herself, she opened her crimson eyes.

While she appeared to be surprised by the light enveloping her, she still looked straight at me with moist eyes.

“…Y-Yuno-san! I-I did it!” she said happily.

Hearing that made me happy too.

––It seemed like her divine powers had increased.

Before, she had only been able to float, but it now seemed like she had acquired a new power. In other words, she had become more famous.

And I knew why.

Rumours had been spreading from the royal knights that ‘apparently there was a goddess who repelled that Blue Meteor, the evil god Noah’

Now that I think of it, we were told to keep quiet about a fight between gods happening at the training camp, let alone about the appearance of the evil god Noah.

Even so, human curiosity is hard to extinguish.

And since rumours spawned more rumours, people had began whispering about how my goddess – Athena, had been the one.

Can I call her that? Well, it’s the truth, at least.

The gag order had made things a bit worse, but there had been plenty of people who had seen what had happened, so it wasn’t entirely unexpected that things ended up how they did.

…Thank goodness.

That flash of inspiration I had had in the middle of that predicament had come back to give me a present.

“I can’t only float now, I can also make light…!”

“You did it, Kami-sama! You looked very divine!” I said as her crimson eyes glittered.

Aaaand then she immediately began fidgeting and repeatedly glancing at and then away from me, her face red.

“U-umm… am… I even just a little bit useful now?”


An invisible blast hit me.

I died inside.

Let us use this as a lesson. People are powerless when faced with an overpowering cuteness.

Amazing…! Extremely amazing! That shyness and modesty more than doubled her cuteness!

……! Wait, this isn’t good, me! I have to properly put this into words before I depart to the paradise of the goddess!

“Of course! With you by my side, there’s no need to worry about walking down dark roads at night!”

“…! Yuno-san!”

We then embraced each other tightly and passionately… well no, actually we just grabbed each other’s hands and looked at each other.

Aah… this is bliss. She’s smiling so happily.

However, as if wanting to destroy that happiness, Maro approached us from behind me with a suspicious smirk and glint in his eyes.


Extremely regrettably, I let go of Athena’s hands.

And, sure enough, Maro opened his mouth, speaking with an unpleasant tone.

“Hey hey, that whole thing was a joke, right? She didn’t even glow that strongly, and what could you even do with such a dim light anyway? As expected of your goddess, Yuno. Inco–”

––That’s the one thing I won’t let you say.

Knowing that answering would be futile, I neck-chopped him.

I did it so fast that the wind it created made a small cloud of dust rise up from the ground to the sky.


Maro collapsed onto his knees with a thud, then faceplanted into the ground.

I gazed at him coldly.

Sorry, Maro.

I was not going to let anyone disrespect Athena in front of herself as long as I lived.

“H-hey, he just collapsed all of a sudden!”

“I was watching him the whole time, and nothing happened…”

My classmates began making a fuss.

But, it didn’t seem like anyone knew what had happened.

But that was only natural; I had gotten a little serious and very nearly hit him at a speed the human eye couldn’t follow.

“…Eh? Maro-san?”

Athena also began panicking, albeit a little late, unable to understand what had happened.

Mr. Soleil also came over to us with his usual bored look on his face and crouched down next to Maro, muttering “Good grief.”

“…He’s unconscious. He might have a slight concussion, so he should be taken to the infirmary…” he said, checking Maro’s pulse by placing a hand on his neck.

…He has a point, we can’t just leave it like this.

“Mr. Soleil, I’ll take him to the infirmary,” I told our teacher as I picked Maro up and slung him over my shoulder without waiting for an answer.

“…Alright. Thanks.”

I gave Mr. Soleil a nod, and then turned to Athena, who was still panicking.

“Kami-sama! I’ll be taking this guy to the infirmary! Also, thank you for showing me that lovely power of yours! It was a very gentle light that’s very befitting of you!”

“…! T-thank you very much!” she said with a huge smile on her face as she bowed her head for some reason, which made me smile.

––Thank goodness she smiled.

…Oh, right.

“…Would you also like to come with us?”

I was being rather pushy, but I still thought it would be better than leaving her there all on her own. Normally, I would just have asked Alice to look after her, but, unusually for her, she wasn’t present.

“A-actually, I have something I need to do…”

“…Is that so. All right.”

To be honest, I was a bit surprised, but she had said that she had something to do, and it wasn’t like I could force her to come with or anything. Or rather, I didn’t want to, not that I couldn’t.

Anyway, I’ll get going then.

I walked out of the arena while carrying Maro.

And, just as I passed Mr. Soleil, his orange eyes turned towards me.

“Keep it in moderation, okay?” he whispered. I didn’t answer, just met his gaze for a moment and then went on my way.


Just before I left the arena, I glanced over my shoulder at Mr. Soleil.

I see.

––It seems like there was one after all.

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