The change set in rather fast.

I passed by quite a few students on my way to the third floor where Athena was.

And as I did so –– I could feel that the gazes directed at me were different.


Previously, most gazes directed at me had ones scorning my incompetence or cold glares that looked at me like I was an idiot.

But now, it was different.

Many of them were filled with interest… and hints of surprise.

––That was my answer.

I had undoubtedly, become the correct me – no, the me I wanted to be.

“…This is fine.”

I felt somehow lighter.

It seemed like I had managed to do it without messing up.

And as I walked up the shaded, stone steps, the cheers became louder.

I stepped out of the exit into the sunlight, arriving on the third floor, where Athena and the others were.


The sunlight was really bright.

At the same time though, my ears caught the roar of cheers enthusiastic enough to make one think a hero had appeared, more than enough to make my heartbeat jump up.

It was a festival. And those cheers were being directed at me…


‘And I’m in the middle of it,’ I thought, and my heartbeat sped up a notch again.

“Yuno-san!” came Athena’s voice.

The moment I heard her cheery voice, my exhaustion was blown away.

She was up and to the left from me, waving towards me from the very back row of seats.

Kami-sama, people will stare if you wave like that?

And in fact, a lot of onlookers were indeed staring at her, full of curiosity.

She would probably notice in a few moments.



She sat down, her face bright red, and began to fidget.


She was so cute I could help but start laughing as I walked over to them.

“Yuno-san! Congratulations!” she said to me, smiling happily, her red eyes glittering.

“Thank you! I’m invincible thanks to your ‘Spear Arts’!” I said, and her face immediately turned even redder from embarrassment.

My skill with the spear was thanks to the Skill I had received from her.

…But that’s enough for now.

“T-that’s n-not true a-at all…!” she said slightly proudly but still rather unconfidently, looking away.

…One day, the day will come.

The day when you’ll believe in yourself from the very bottom of your heart.

“…No, kami-sama. I won thanks to you.”

If I hadn’t met you, I would––

“Why don’t you sit down?”

Luna’s purple eyes were fixed on me.

Oh, right.

I nodded and sat down in a seat.

As I did so, Luna gave me a mischievous smile and a meaningful look from my left.

“Those were two splendid fights. You’re quite the actor, hmmm…?”


She really does see right through me.

But, that’s who Luna was. I would probably start doubting her identity if she ever tried to compliment me for something simple.

“So, did you manage to get a feel for it?” she asked as if it was nothing, and while I was utterly surprised, I still managed to nod.

––I had gotten a feel for it.

I had gotten a feel for exactly how much strength would be the perfect amount in the last two fights.

Enough strength not to lose. And a laughable amount of holding back.

The more powerful people in the stands might already have been having doubts as to my true strength.

As to the incompetent me’s strength.

I thought back upon the gazes of the third-years.

I hadn’t thought the reactions would differ so much based on what grade they were in.

“First years’ and third years’ strengths differ by more than just that number…”

There had been a larger gap in strength between us first years and the third years than I had thought.

And while I thought and monologued, the cheers had changed.

––They were now scornful and derisive.

It was really unpleasant.

The reason also became apparent soon enough.


Tina had stepped onto the stage, her red side-ponytail swinging with her steps, a nervous look on her face.

“She’s here. The girlie who won the first round through a fluke.”

“Idiot! She’s a Barrett… what’re you gonna do if someone hears you!?”

…I see.

Those were the kinds of whispers I heard. And not just a few of them, either.

––I remembered her saying “I don’t have any friends. I’ve always been called the incompetent one of our family. I don’t really care about what others say about me anymore.” when she made the contract with Athena.

The only difference between the two of us was that she was a daughter of the Barretts, one of the four great noble families.

And so, people didn’t openly jeer at her.

In fact, this somehow felt even more malicious.

And… while I wanted to think I was just imagining it, Tina was most likely also aware of the atmosphere.

Her face was rather tense, and her expression was a lonely one, unbefitting of her.

…That’s not like you, Tina.

I haven’t known you for long, but I know just how charming and strong you can be.

“Look… she’s trembling.”

“That’s ‘cause the first round was terrible.”


I took a really deep breath.

––I didn’t need to think about it.

“TINAAAA! GO GET ‘EM!” I shouted as loud as I could, drowning out the whispers.

Gazes gathered on me. Some of them felt quite nostalgic.

But, so what?

That had nothing to do with me. I just thought her hard work was worthy of praise.

“Good luuuuuuuck!”

Tina, you have allies here.

I alone have no doubts about your victory.

So please smile. Winning should be fun––

“TINAAAA!” I shouted again.

“S-SHUT UUUUUUP! I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIMEEEEEE!” she shouted back even louder than I had, her yell echoing throughout the entire arena.

Next thing I noticed, the arena was silent.

Tina was glaring at me, her face red and shoulders trembling.

And then––


The best smile ever lit up her face.


“Tina-san! Good luuuck!” Athena shouted cutely, her whole body swaying from the effort.

Her shout was followed by––

““Good luuuuck!!””

––the usual cheers.

I heard a few familiar voices among them. Most notably, Selena-san’s.

…Thank goodness.

If she just did everything as we had practiced, she wouldn’t lose.

It’s way more wonderful when you’re smiling.


I unwound the tension in my body and sat back down, loosening my shoulders. As I did so, Luna looked at me and gave an exasperated sigh.

“…Well aren’t you a sly one.”

“Eh? Uhh… what do you mean?”

Luna responded with a small smile and a gentle expression.

“…It was the best. That’s why,” she said, closing her eyes, her silvery-white hair fluttering in the wind.


Whether that was a compliment was up for delicate interpretation, but… I really liked that gentle smile of hers she made occasionally.

Feeling that things would just get even more confusing if I didn’t let it go, I turned back towards Tina.

She was holding her spear in a low stance, concentrating hard.

Her stance was a basic one – her posture lower than your usual left-half-of-the-body-at-the-front stance, almost as if she was my doppelganger.

Her opponent also had his sword pointed at her, waiting patiently for the start signal.

…He was probably quite strong. The moment I came to that conclusion from observing his stance––


––with the referee’s signal to begin, the match started.


The boy sent a strong slash downwards, which Tina blocked head-on.



There was still a difference in their strengths. The boy pushed forwards step by step. And so, Tina had no choice but to step backwards.

The boy had the upper hand when it came to physical strength.

“Hey, look. She’s losing.”

Annoyed by that statement, I still maintained my composure.


She wasn’t going to lose.

I had become convinced of it when I saw the strong light in her eyes, even with the pained face she was making.

The next moment, Tina pulled her spear back and stepped away, swiftly distancing herself from her opponent.

Then, her posture low, she pointed her spear at him.

“Take thiiiis!”

She attacked.

The brown-haired boy swung his sword to the side, changing his posture to block her attack.

However, once he had done so, Tina was the one dictating the flow of the fight.

––Go on, Tina, show them.


Lightning surged around Tina.

At the same time, she sped up.

It was a very Tina-like attack, focused on one point.

Her speed was so great that it would be extremely difficult to dodge it if one hadn’t already started to evade it.

A flash of lightning struck her opponent’s stomach.

It had all happened in an instant. That was how brilliant and swift her attack had been.

As per tournament regulations, swords and spears had been magically blunted so as not to inflict any lethal wounds. However, her strike had been so powerful, one couldn’t stay standing after having been hit with it.

Tina stood there in the now-silent arena, her shoulders heaving up and down. She was accompanied by a small cloud of dust rising from the ground.

And then––

“The winner is: Tina Barrett!”

––cheers erupted from the stands.

“No way… It’s like the first round all over again…”

When I heard that whisper, I couldn’t keep my heart from jumping in joy.

Tina looked up at us, grinning.

I grinned back.

Our gazes met.

And then, Tina held her spear high up into the air.


She had a huge, smug smirk on her face.


I couldn’t help but start laughing.

Luna leaned forwards to look at me, her purple eyes slightly narrowed and a teasing smile on her face.

“Just for the record, you had the same look on your face, you know?”


––wait, really?

“She did it! Yuno-san! Tina-san won!” Athena cheered happily to my right.

“She did!”

I also smiled happily.

Tina was waving in response to the cheers, a happy look on her face.

“Congrats, Tina.”

The competition was, needless to say, a knockout tournament. And Tina and I were in different blocks.

Two more wins each, and we would face each other in the final.

And while that was the most ideal development for me, it was also the best one for her.

The only problem was… Maro, who was in the same group as Tina, and had said that he was going to make a contract with a famous god…

Well, not like I can do much about it.


…I, at least, will not lose.

But for now, the cheers and the air of excitement were all sincere, heartfelt congratulations and well-wishes for Tina Barrett––

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