Staring at the door she lets the magic crawl over my body, holding her breath, and quietly opens the door. 

As the poison of the coneflower is denser than the air, she climbs up the tall tree in front of her.

She lets out the breath she has been holding, filling her lungs with fresh air, and looks around.

The poison of the coneflower has turned into a white haze that covers the ground like a veil.

The poison is flowing out from the entrance of the village. There are many humans surrounding the village, and the wizards seem to be searing small piles of coneflower, creating a wind behind them.

In the center of the village, there is an open square.

There, at this very moment, a sword reflecting a dull light is swung down.

A dark figure collapses, and something round rolls slowly away.

It is a scene that didn't feel real. A dream is something you see with your eyes closed, not with them open.


Is this happening for real? 

“It's a shame to kill such a beautiful woman without even tasting her.”

"Although I'm paralyzed by poison, I'm a dragon-man. If I want to die, you won't stop me." 

"Wow. the demon just said."

There are two men wearing armor.

I notice the bright red pattern on the shoulder of the armor, which shines in the dense moonlight.

A magnificent rose is drawn within a circle of twining vines.

He is playing with the object that has just rolled over his toes. Spica knows it is the head of a dragon-man, who is beheaded while her body is covered in mud and blood flows out of her body.

Her name was Elena.

She is a woman who acted like an older sister to Spica. She is very close to Val, who was the same age as her, and they are going to get married next week. She is the one who earned happiness, the one who has to be happy.

And yet. Why? Why? ...She's dead.

No, She's not dead, she's been killed. By the human in front of me.

"I'll take this one, I guess."

The knight, who opens his mouth, crouches down and begins to do something with Elena's head. It is too dark to see clearly.

After a moment, the knight stands up and holds two horns in his hands as if he is holding a playing thing.

Not only did he kill her, but she was also playing with her pride.

Instantly, an uncontrollably strong rage overwhelmed my body.

My eyes turn red, my vision blurred, and I hear the sickening sound of the tree trunk supporting my body caving in.

Tears are streaming down my cheeks, and my body is screaming for me to kill the enemy in front of me.

The range of my body drove me to jump from the tree.

"Spica? Is that Spica?”

I’m about to jump down from the tree when I hear a voice so faint that it is lost in the rustling of the trees.

"Spica? Frau! Thank God…!

It is a familiar voice, one that Spica is used to hearing.

She turns around to see a strange old woman standing on a branch just like Spica. She works as a matchmaker for the Velvet family and is like family to her.

"Elena is, Elena is …?”

My words are incomprehensible, but Frau seems to understand them.

“It’s horrible. How can they do such a cruel thing?”

"What the hell is going on?"”

“I don't know, but the enemy is human. The humans are attacking us.”

As if in response to their conversation, a man in the square brandishes a sword and shouts loudly.

Ironically, it is like a scene from a heroic tale.

"Dragon-men! I can see that you, foul creatures in this village will become the great enemy of human beings. So, we will destroy you in order to protect the future of mankind! Listen, this is a holy battle.

“Come on, my people, let's annihilate every last one of our enemies!"

As if startled by the loud voice, the birds all flew away at once.

What is that?

It's not like we've done anything to them.

I feel an explosion of frustration and anger dwelling inside me.

This village is happy and sad with the daily blessings, and it is the best way to live out our days peacefully.

That's why it is unthinkable and unbelievable that we will become enemies of humanity in the future.

Nevertheless, it is the humans who decided to slaughter us. 

You humans.

If that's what you want, then that's what you'll get.

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