After Flash Butterfree joins the team, this episode gradually comes to an end.

At the end, Su Yihan throws out a new setting through Xiaogang’s mouth.——

“Xiaozhi, you now have more than six Pokémon, can you send one back to Professor Oak?”

The audience also learned a new setting, that the best number of Pokémon a trainer can have is 6.

Xiaozhi heard that, and felt that if there were too many Pokémon, he would not be able to take care of them.

So in the Pokémon Center, Xiaozhi released all the Pokémon he had.

Pikachu, the three great Pokémon of Kanto, Caracalla, and two Butterfrees.

These are the 7 Pokémon Xiaozhi has now.

That’s right, there is no Pidgeot.

Su Yihan thought about it for a long time when revising the script, and finally did not add Pidgeot.

In fact, the reason why so many viewers in the previous life were obsessed with Pidgeot is not It’s because of how popular it is.

But the joke of”waiting for Ash for 20 years in vain” is too famous.

As a fighter, Ash’s Pidgeot’s presence is not as high as that of the cyan Pidgeot.

After all, readers can think about it.

Has Pidgeot ever fought any classic battles with Ash?

Not to mention Pidgeot, who was thrown into the forest by Ash just after he evolved.

Even the scumbag Su Yihan thinks that Ash is a scumbag.

You might as well just let him go.

And make him wait for you for 20 years.

Don’t you go back to your hometown every time after playing in the league?

Why don’t you go there on the way?

Tui! Scumbag!


After releasing all the team members, Xiaozhi asked them who was willing to live with Professor Oak.

Almost without any hesitation, the two Butterfrees, who had already established a relationship, took the lead in expressing their opinions.

Butterfree said that they no longer had the desire to fight, and now they just wanted to go back and give birth to little Rayquaza.

“Do you want to teleport two Butterfrees? Okay, no problem.

During the video call, Su Yihuan, the screenwriter, director, and actor, finally appeared again. After listening to Xiaozhi’s request, he made a gesture to him.”OK”gesture

“Don’t worry, Xiaozhi, mom will take good care of these two children.”

At this time, Aunt Huazi, played by Teacher Bai, suddenly jumped into the camera.

“Mom? Why are you at Professor Oak’s place?”

Well, the children who are watching the show now haven’t thought much about it.

When they continue to watch and find that every time Professor Oak appears, Aunt Hanako is by his side and she is getting bigger and bigger, they will feel that something is wrong.

Well, Mr. Su is looking forward to that day.

It’s like when he was a child in his previous life, he watched”Initial D” and really thought that the one driving the Mercedes was Natsuki’s father.

Alas, sometimes not understanding is a good thing.



The popularity of this episode is naturally far less than the two episodes updated last week.

Although many students secretly rejoice that the atmosphere has finally returned to their familiar happy daily life, they also secretly look forward to tomorrow’s update to be a big one.

After all, tomorrow is the last episode to be updated this summer vacation.

And seeing the message under his own Weibo, Su Yihan also showed a confident smile.

At such a critical moment, how can you not hold back a big one?

It’s just like when the dog author’s book is ready to be put on the shelves, it must be stuck at the climax.

But what Su Yihan never expected was that this episode was not very popular, but someone brought him popularity.

When Su Yihan himself felt that tonight’s hot searches would have nothing to do with himself and Pokémon.

A term led the second place on the hot search list.

The heat it caused was even higher than the famous scene of Gala Gala’s death last week!

Even because she was not allowed to play Kona, Da Mimi, who had not been in contact recently, called Su Yihan for the first time.:

“Xiaozhi’s father, you are famous.”

As expected of Da Mimi, she saw the relationship between Professor Oak and Aunt Hanako at a glance.

Su Yihan opened the computer and took a look.

The first place on the hot search list with the”hot” mark was written:

#Taiwan otaku: If it was Xiaozhi, I believe he would do the same#

Su Yihan blinked and clicked in to take a look.

In the video, the Taiwan news anchor first narrated the events before and after the incident in a somewhat motorcycle accent – a few hours ago, a stabbing incident occurred in the Taiwan subway. The 20-year-old suspect Hong brought three controlled knives to the subway and indiscriminately attacked tourists. The people quickly fled and the scene was extremely chaotic.

At this time, a long-haired passenger rushed up and subdued the criminal after fighting with the knife-wielding suspect for a minute.

After playing the surveillance footage, the camera gave a man with black hair parted in the middle, wearing round-frame glasses, and a bandage on his face.

“Thank you for thinking of me so highly.”

“I just want to share a sentence with you……”

“If it was Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, I believe he would do the same.”

After traveling to this parallel world for more than 20 years, this might be the first time that Su Yihuan was stunned.

After a long time, Su Yihuan first forwarded this video using the official account of the studio and left a message——

“If it was Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, he would definitely do the same.”

PS:I wonder if you know the prototype of this incident.

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