“My god, this special effect is amazing.”

In Tangren Film and Television Company, Hu Xuan slapped himself on the forehead after watching the OP.

Although it can’t compare with”Avatar” which created a global box office miracle some time ago, it is definitely better than the domestic ones.

Lao Hu said that with such amazing special effects, you don’t use it to make a movie to make money in the theater. It’s a waste of talent to make it into a TV series, right?

“This drama has a larger audience than The Legend of Sword and Fairy.”

Yuan Hong analyzed, pinching her chin.

If the main audience of The Legend of Sword and Fairy III is between 15 and 35, then the audience of Pokémon is between 5 and 35.

After all, children between 5 and 15 may not like the handsome boys and beautiful girls in The Legend of Sword and Fairy, but they will definitely like the majestic Charizard and the cute Pikachu.


The main film begins, and the trailer begins.

The scene shows Da Mu, played by Su Yihuan, and Ju Zi, played by Jia Jingwen, confronting each other in the Quartz Arena.

However, compared to the three-minute battle footage in the trailer, the main film is obviously more detailed.

The commentator shouted::

“Welcome to the first Quartz Conference finals. The two finalists are Yukinari Ohki and Kikuko!”

Just like the scene in the trailer.

Ohki and Kikuko engage in a fierce 6V6 battle!

Although each round of the battle is not explained in too much detail, there are still ten minutes of battle scenes.

Charizard, who uses violent tactics to crush the opponent with strength! Arbok, who uses the strange pattern on his chest to confuse and intimidate the target! Dragonite, who soars in the sky, looks simple but has a thunderous momentum! Gengar, who comes and goes like a ghost in battle!

Not to mention children, even adults are deeply attracted by this passionate battle.

Finally, when Gengar fell in front of young Ohki.

The commentator shouted loudly:

“The champion of the first Quartz Conference has been born! He is – Oki Yukinari!”

At this time, the camera zoomed out and gave a”boy” who was watching the video.

Seeing the young Oki holding the cup in the picture, the boy in pajamas jumped and shouted:

“As expected of Professor Oak!”

The boy clenched his fists and said to himself:

“I want to be a Pokémon Master too!”

However, just as I finished speaking, a beautiful woman holding an alarm clock suddenly entered the bedroom and said unhappily:

“Xiaozhi, 10pm is the time to go to bed.”

The appearance of Aunt Hanako surprised many viewers born in the 80s and 90s.

Hey, isn’t this Ah Zhu?

“I know, Mom, but tomorrow is the day to receive the initial elves, how can I sleep?”

Xiaozhi pursed his lips.

At this time, the TV screen changed to Su Yihan’s old Oak with gray hair.

The original sportswear was also changed into a white cloak symbolizing scientific researchers.

The old Oak, or Dr. Oak, picked up the pointer and knocked on the photos of the three elves on the blackboard.

“Hello everyone, I am Oak. Today I will introduce the most suitable partner Pokémon for beginner trainers. They are Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle.”When

Xiaozhi, who was being scolded, heard the voice of Professor Oak, he immediately turned his head and looked at the TV.

“Really, I have to go to bed after watching this show.”

Aunt Huazi, played by Teacher Bai, rubbed her temple helplessly, then closed the door and went downstairs.

In the first half of the first episode, Su Yihan used this subtle way to slowly implant the setting of the Pokémon world into the audience’s mind.


Thousands of children watching TV had a heated discussion

【Have you noticed that Charmander looks a bit like Charizard? Both have fire on their tails?】

【Not only that, think about the three huge elves that appeared at the beginning, don’t their colors and species correspond to these three?】

【My mom just said,”Why is there a garlic on the back of this toad?” It really confused me. I can’t look at Bulbasaur straight anymore.】

【Hahaha! Now that you mention it, it does look like a garlic turtle, right?】

【It’s a frog, alright. If you insist, it’s also a garlic toad.】

【Could it be that these little guys will become like the ones at the beginning when they grow up?】

【I don’t want to! I was cuter when I was a kid!】

【Nonsense, it’s obviously better to grow up, there is a kind of beauty of strength】



The previous trailer has given the answer. As expected, Xiaozhi had an accident. He stayed up too late and was late the next day.

When he rushed to Oak’s laboratory in his pajamas the next day.

After being severely ridiculed by his nemesis, Xiaomao, who is also Professor Oak’s grandson, he finally got his partner Pikachu.

Looking at the yellow mouse in front of him, Xiaozhi rubbed his hands excitedly.

No matter what, it’s enough to have a partner to travel.

However, when Xiaozhi hugged Pikachu’s round belly with both hands and lifted it up……


Pikachu’s body trembled, and the red electric sacs on both sides of his cheeks released electricity, instantly turning Xiaozhi into a black-haired Nikki.

Professor Oak next to him complained::

“It is shy and doesn’t like to get close to humans. Once touched by people, it will release electric shocks.”

Xiao Zhi, who was twitching all over from the electric shock, wanted to cry but had no tears.”Why didn’t you tell me earlier?……”

Under the persuasion of Professor Oak, Xiaozhi finally did not wait for the next batch of initial Pokémon to”arrive”, and insisted on taking the illustrated book and six Poké Balls given by Professor Oak, and chose to embark on a journey with this Pikachu.

However, it took less than ten minutes for this man and mouse to form a team.

Pikachu first refused to enter the Poké Ball, and was unwilling to obey Xiaozhi’s orders to fight. He even laughed at his master after he made a fool of himself.

This made many viewers who put themselves in Xiaozhi’s shoes inexplicably difficult to have a good impression of this yellow-skinned mouse.

PS:Friends who have read my previous entertainment articles should know that two years ago, when the whole country was in a state of anxiety, my grandfather fell ill. At that time, my entertainment blue dye had just been published on the first day, and I was shocked when I received the call.

Because my grandfather has cancer, I don’t know whether he was in a state of anxiety or the cancer had attacked.

Fortunately, it was later determined that he was just in a state of anxiety, so the book was written smoothly.

And now my real life is also a mess, so I dare not guarantee the future of this book.

Therefore, please don’t give me rewards for now, I’m really scared.

If you don’t mind, you can give me some free flowers, book reviews, etc.

Thank you for your support. There will be a lot of troubles when you are almost thirty years old. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

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