warning: triggering topics such as torture, body horror, gore, suicidal thoughts, insanity, and cannibalism are mentioned in this chapter. Please skip this chapter if you feel uncomfortable reading such topics. Feel free to skip to Chapter 79 (will be updated tomorrow) since this is a two-part chapter.

"He will heal himself. So you have to be quick. And I recommend leaving his head for last, because... of course if you take out his head then he'll be dead. That is... unless you take his head apart piece by piece." Matthew let go of my hand and stood up.

"The person who will be able to do that can escape. I swear an oath that I won't interfere in their escape" As he said that, there was a sudden gush of pressure that blew us as if there was wind in this dungeon. He swore an oath. At least one of these kids will be safe if I let them kill me.

Matthew may have seen my expression and he smiled as well.

"But the thing is, will you stay sane enough to hold on to that wish? I'll just add that this mister can kill you as well. I'll come back tomorrow, I better see his corpse laid out here" Matthew walked away and sealed the door on his way out.

The children stared at me with horror and I wanted to comfort them. As soon as I raised my hand, they flinched and held the knife against me.

"I won't hurt you. I'd do it myself but I can't hurt myself. I want you guys to escape since I know I have no hope" I approached the children and held the knife that was pointed at me. If I apply pressure, it'll start to hurt and the third spell will activate. It'll make the knife fly away and it could hurt one of the kids.


"You know me right?" I asked the children and they looked at each other. Only one of them raised their hand.

"What's my name?"

"You're Lord Yohann right?"

"That's right. I'm sure you've heard the things I've accomplished with my friends"

The child nodded and started to cry. The other children were taken aback to know my identity. It seems that I may have made their hopes of escaping diminish by saying that I was one of the demon nobles. A demon noble and yet is powerless against Matthew. Pathetic.

"But Matthew swore an oath that he won't hurt you if you try to escape once you're done. So please, just do this"

The children began dissecting me. I held in my screams or I'd bite on one of the dirty clothes that were provided to me. They tried their best but they aren't as swift as Matthew. I could feel everything and it was close to that burning sensation of the second spell on this damn collar.

"P-please do it faster" I don't know how long I'll be able to hold out if they keep this pace. They only had my hands and forearm. They needed to get my shoulders and my feet.



"HGNN!" I was shaking in pain. I feel like I was going into a seizure at this rate. 

The children were crying as they did this and apologized for hurting me. I tried to smile and tell them it was alright since their safety is what matters more to me. They continued with their sloppy work.

'will you stay sane enough to hold on to that wish?'

I will try. I need to. They're too young. I'm willing to be the guinea pig. They need to-



"ARGH!" I cried as they sliced off the tendons in my leg.

It hurts so much. I want to die.

Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. Please kill me. It hurts so bad. It really hurts.


This time it was a stab. It seems like they already got used to slicing me into pieces that they're going for the kill and went straight at my chest. I grabbed the child who was on top of me but I couldn't push him off since I needed to stay strong.

"He's healing much faster now!" Another child said and now I realized why it started to hurt more than it did at first. This was cruel torture Matthew, I'll hand it to you.

"What are we supposed to do" another one asked and the child on top of me looked me dead in the eyes and said;

"Then we have to work faster. Please bear with it sir" The child emotionlessly told me and stabbed me once again.

They became more brutal and it hurts even more. Are they even dissecting me or are they just intentionally torturing me?

"P-ple-" My neck got stabbed and sliced.

"I got his throat"

I made a gurgling noise as I choked in blood. What happened to those children from earlier who were crying and apologizing?

To be fair I asked for this. 

This went on for a couple more minutes? hours? What was the concept of time?

I just know that I heard something snap.



Matthew returned to the dungeon the very next day as promised. It seems like the sight of the situation made him really happy because he grinned.

"I told you that you won't be able to hold on to that wish"

Matthew approached the emotionless Yohann. It seems like he's dead inside. He wasn't responding and the light in his eyes was no longer there as he stared at the mutilated corpses of the children.

"Good boy Yohann. I suppose you're hungry from all of that hard work. Go ahead, eat them. That's your reward"

Yohann crawled towards that pile and as he ate, Matthew did his usual routine of experimenting with spells to make Yohann into a monster like the rest. 

"Just continue working hard and I'll continue to treat you" Matthew patted Yohann's head and Yohann stared at him and nuzzled towards the warm hand.




"Yohann! Are you alright?" Kassandra shook her little brother awake. He had been groaning as if he was in pain and was crying.

Yohann opened his eyes. He was no longer in a small, dark, and bloody dungeon. He was in a wide and bright bedroom that was familiar to him.

He was no longer on the cold floor. He was instead on a comfortable bed.

He was no longer alone, his sister was right in front of him worried.

Yohann cried, he wanted to say how grateful he was to be able to be here once more. He was thankful that he got out of that nightmare.


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