Back in the room with Emery and Azarphy, Anael trembled in chains and waiting for a miserable human to decide his fate, which was very humiliating.

"So what are you going to decide?" Azarphy asked once again drawing Emery's attention.

"You shouldn't be thinking about his punishment, but are you thinking about food?" Azarphy said incredulously through mental power.

"What can I do if I'm hungry?" Emery said with a shrug as if Anael's question was small.

"Then what you will do?"

"Is there a way to seal Anael for now? I want to have coffee with Giovanni and go talk to Abbot about him. I want to keep everything clean and legal... Besides, would it be nice to know where the Grand Marquis is?" Emery said several things he had to do in one afternoon, he already wanted to go back to bed and pretend nothing was happening. But the last time he "slept" too much it felt like the world was ending..

"Why? You didn't want to meet that little marquis sooner…" Azarphy questioned worried as he might be another dog and cat Emery would adopt.

"Aren't you too worried?" Emery replied with some boldness, he didn't understand Azarphy's concern, just as Azarphy couldn't understand Emery's urgency to give Giovanni a new "golden finger".

"I just…forget it. I'm going to seal Anael in this little stone and then you can decide what you want to do with him." Azarphy was silent before answering.

He had no answer for his selfishness and the new desire he felt to have exclusively Emery's attention.

It was very embarrassing for a being like him!

"Don't worry too much, I just want to see if this Forneus guy is good enough to be Giovanni's subordinate... I'm not a demon collector if that's what you're thinking" Emery said almost apologetically to the strange Azarphy .

For some reason unknown to Azarphy, it made him happier and more relieved, but he would never admit to feeling that way to anyone.

"Wait... No need to seal me... I can be of help" Anael asked when a dark green colored stone with a "prison" rune appeared before his eyes.

"Oh... How to try to kill a helpless young boy?" Emery asked sarcastically and looked indifferently at the fair-haired man who knelt on the floor.

"No, no, I swear to God Daren!" Anael begged. Being sealed with an unknown fate was the worst for a spirit that has a long life, he could well be forgotten on this little rock for eternity.

"Um…I'm out of manpower to keep Naill and Giovanni safe…Bao doesn't seem like enough given the circumstances you've told me." Emery said to Azarphy with a soft look, almost saying:

"Let's make him our servant!"

Emery thought this aloud which made Azarphy smile, he liked the practical way the humans thought.

"Okay", Azarphy agreed and took out another stone but black and shaped like a star, the silver chain gleamed with small inlaid runes, the star had a large rune with the word "slave".

"That..." Anael said with some difficulty, but before finishing any protest sentence the chain was already around his neck and he felt a great weight in his soul.

He was now a slave!

Emery left the room accompanied by Azarphy and Arabeth, Anael stayed to truly care for Naill with the punishment of being sealed forever if he made any mistake.

When he left the room he saw two priests hanging around his bedroom door, they looked visibly nervous.

What did they want?

"What are you doing?" Emery's voice rang out in the hallway and startled the two priests, who had big eyes as they aimed at Bishop Darcy who was taller than them.

They forced themselves to calm down and smiled politely at the Bishop who was walking in his pale robes, the crest of the church embroidered with gold and silver threads and a few diamonds and soft sapphires, which made a garment that should have exuded very striking. simplicity as clerics who followed the God of Light.

The two priests quickly looked away from the flashy crest and they looked into Bishop Darcy's dark blue eyes, they still felt nervous. Bishop Darcy's reputation was not one of the best when he dealt with people who were of lesser status than himself.

"The Abbot wants to speak to your excellency," said one of the priests after staring at Emery for almost a long minute. In the end, the two priests were Abbot Eurico's errand boys.

"That's good, I'd like to talk to brother Eurico too" Emery said with an apathetic face. He who had difficulty expressing himself kept his face serious and with an indifferent aura, almost arrogantly. However, his polite words made the priests not so nervous around him.

"We came here to accompany Your Excellency," the second priest said to Bishop Darcy.

"Okay, I just need to get a few things from the bedroom. You can wait for me downstairs"

The two priests agreed with Bishop Darcy, furthermore, they preferred to be on the ground floor where the Holy Knights were making their rounds. Unfortunately, the rain fell again, the sun was still there, but the weather suddenly turned gloomy. The corridor that was being lit by the weak autumn sun looked a little desolate and frightening to the priests, and the breeze that brought the light drizzle left them shivering with cold.

Emery entered the room as soon as he saw the priests descend the stairs to the second floor. When he entered the room, Giovanni was still sleeping and the little dog Bao was sleeping in the armchair too.

Bao had his chubby furry belly turned up, of course, Emery couldn't resist and went to mess around with the fluffy puppy. He had even forgotten that this was a dangerous Manticore, now he only saw a small, obedient dog.

Bao: >_< *being grabbed*

Emery: u_u *rubbing face in hairy belly seriously*

Bao: Whatever makes you happy, Master... QAQ

Arabeth and Azarphy stayed outside the room invisible to humans, they were more interested in following the trail of the Grand Marquess Forneus with his supernatural powers.

After disturbing Bao enough, Emery approached the bed and sat down next to the sleeping Giovanni, he ruffled the short brown hair of the young man who looked very helpless sleeping soundly. Emery had a deep look in his eyes as he stared into the novice's unprotected face, the thoughts running through his mind were complicated and for some reason he wished he could see through this innocent face that was sleeping peacefully.

After a few minutes, Emery takes Giovanni's shoulder and shakes a little to wake the novice. It takes a while, but Giovanni has finally woken up, he scratches his eyes and stretches, his cheeks are a little pink and one side has crumpled marks from the sheet.

Emery pinches his rosy cheek making Giovanni wake up for good, he blinks his pretty clear eyes at Bishop Darcy.

"Time to get up to eat, it's pretty late" Emery said kissing Giovanni's forehead, he got up from the bed and went to the table. Giovanni blinks a little and his ears turn red, he wasn't used to being treated so intimately.

In a few minutes there was a delicious breakfast consisting of meat dishes, breads, fruits and cakes, of course, it was almost a brunch. There was water and low-alcohol red wine on the table. Wine was widely used on any occasion, both this and beer were heavily marketed as water at this historic time was not considered safe to drink unless the family had a family magician or priest who could purify the water.

In more developed cities the mayors and nobles had the magicians to purify the water for the residents in exchange for taxes. Unfortunately, large and medium-sized cities were not many in the Kingdom of Dawn and the common people of small towns and villages could only drink contaminated water or water from an alternative source such as rivers, lakes, ponds, the same ones that can be used to throw waste, do fishing activities and wash the game.

Fortunately, the development of fermented beverages is quite advanced at this time, with wine and beer being the two main sources of beverage for everyone, even children drinking one of these beverages.

Of course, the water that the son of an Archduke has access to is of the highest quality, and it cannot be compared to the contaminated water that ordinary people and low-status nobles consume.

Giovanni had already taken care of his needs and washed his face and mouth. Everything with magic was very simple, only temple fools who denied themselves the ease of life. Using the excuse of material detachment and a simple life, of course, if no one looks at the amount of hidden wealth of each one of these hypocrites.

Giovanni felt his body sore because of the power Yani used at dawn, his body was feeling pain because of the veins running the MANA were widening because of the continued use of advanced magic that the Warlock made using his weak body.

"Are you okay?" Emery asked seeing his pale face and red cheeks he didn't look well. He hadn't noticed this before, although it's not his fault after all when Yani and Giovanni are in the space of the soul fragment that leaves the body in suspended animation.

However, now that Giovanni had regained his body he could feel the effects of the earlier battle.

"I'm fine, I'm just really hungry," Giovanni said stepping away from Bishop Darcy. He thought the Bishop should already know about his "powers" thanks to the mighty angel who helped him.

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