I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 116 - Putting Pieces Together And Forming Theories (part 1)

As Emery unravels one more secret... Cough... Cough... that he didn't want to know about, Azarphy and Arabeth are wandering around Matteo Abbey.

"Why did you drag me here?" Arabeth asked suspiciously, the fallen angel's record with him wasn't good so he looked like a kitten with goosebumps ready to attack this feathered bird.

"There's something weird about the demon portal," Azarphy said nonchalantly, he wasn't in much of a joking mood. Abbot Eurico's eyes were very suspicious, besides, a Knight Leader like Levi Mulder wouldn't take care of dealing with demons, not with that arrogant and perverted personality..

Couple it all with the appearance of the demon Grand Marquis, the spirit of light Anael talking about angels wandering around, on top of that the keys to paradise suddenly appearing in Naill's body, there was something terribly wrong with the Portal of Hell, after all, already it was an aberration for a Marquess like Arabeth to have passed through the portal, much less the demon Grand Marquess.

Azarphy wasn't too shocked by a Hellgate in the Abbey, other religions use the demons or beings they demonize to increase their own power to control the masses.

However, the situation itself was awkward. After a severe pandemic and a considerable loss of exorcists in the Kingdom of Dawn, the church shouldn't want such a thing right now.

At least not the church in the capital.

"The portal was not opened by a human, it is impossible for a human to gather enough items or enough people for a Grand Marquis to pass through the portal, not without drawing the attention of the Vatican because such important items have suddenly disappeared or so many to have been 'borrowed' at the same time." Azarphy exposed some of his suspicions.

"But the portal was opened by the priest who killed himself, I know this because I saw with my own eyes him making the summoning circle" Arabeth argued back, he remembers everything the priest had done, the sacred items that he stole for years to sacrifice and call the portal to hell.

"A summoning circle is not the same thing as a hell portal, you should know that. A hell portal needs three or more summoning circles, can you ever imagine how many sacred items or human sacrifices would be made for that? But you said that a portal to hell has opened... like a demon you can't be mistaken about it..."

"Unless that old human's summoning circle was the last... Then someone else is opening temporary summoning circles to open the portal to hell... but maintaining the portal to hell is not something any human can do for a long time, the sacrifice would have to be very big"

"I see..." Arabeth said trying to assimilate what the fallen angel was expounding, but he found the whole situation too complex.

"Besides, when the human-made the summoning circle he died, right? But had his eyes been melted or sacrificed for this?" Azarphy interrupted Arabeth's speech to quench a curiosity he had been thinking about ever since he discovered that Naill's heart was one of the keys to the gate of paradise. Could the old priest's eyes be some kind of key to the portal to hell?

If so, there would be an explanation for the portal to hell being open by now. If not..., Azarphy did not even want to imagine how many human lives would have to be sacrificed to keep such a gate working.

Would that scare Emery in any way?

He was suddenly a little worried about whether or not he should share this information with that slightly silly human.

"No, he brought sacred items to sacrifice and his own blood to corrupt the items… His eyes were gouged out? I only stayed long enough to go through the portal and went after Giovanni," Arabeth said confused. He only stayed long enough to see Father Lattanzio lose consciousness and went after Giovanni, witnessing what Rutger had just done.

So his mind was just with hate and revenge, he didn't have much time to think about the poor old priest.

Arabeth thought that the priest had died from losing too much blood since he was old, but he didn't know that his eyes had been plucked out... Well, Arabeth was obsessed with Giovanni and then was distracted by Emery, then played by Azarphy, like would he have time to think about whether or not the priest had died naturally?

"That's the question... I wonder if this human has made a contract with some other being..." Azarphy muttered thoughtfully.

"I didn't feel anything else in that room but little demons there... There were some interested in making a deal with the priest, but none that required a specific body part." Arabeth said even more confused than before.

"Did you not feel the presence of another human being nearby?"

"At that time the corridors were empty, by the time I left until they discovered him... He performed the ritual just before dawn and the first mass of the day" Arabeth said not knowing about the question of time.

A being that could be considered immortal had no sense of time, nor would he or Azarphy pay attention to time, of course, now that they were interacting with humans they watched the passage of time more carefully as it was worth gold to the fragile lives. humans.

In short, if someone took their eyes off the priest, they would have 15 to 30 minutes to do this, clear the lanes and leave without being noticed by anyone.

"It would have to be someone already specialized in medicine and who would not arouse suspicion if someone found him in the corridor at the time of death... Was his blood normal?"

"He was a little weird, a little darker than other humans. But he was old so the blood color is a little different from other younger humans is normal, right?" Arabeth replied dismissively.

Arabeth was quite ignorant about a real human being, he could invade dreams and play with the minds of humans, but the physical knowledge and even habits of humans were foreign and unknown to the demon marquis.

The fallen archangel was speechless for a moment, he began to think Emery was the best, at least he had a smarter mind. He's going to argue with the human to keep his sanity, he even felt he got a little less intelligent talking to Arabeth.

He had to talk to the human to get some basic notion into the demon's mind.

Azarphy didn't respond anymore and concentrated on finding the greatest focal point of demonic energy, he wouldn't usually meddle in the affairs of demons and humans, but with the appearance of the Grand Marquis, he felt uneasy in his heart, as Emery seemed interested. on that little insect.

Azarphy would never admit that he was acting out of a little jealousy, he already had to share Emery's attention with Arabeth and Giovanni, he didn't want Emery to look at another demon too.

Yes, Azarphy wasn't worried about other angels, the portal to heaven, people dying, Lord of Plague, whatever a mighty demon... For him, it was all too small and he could sweep away with his power, but the only thing he cannot control is the will of humans.

If Emery wanted to take that big demon, what could he do?

Well, he could kill the great demon... but he felt that it would scare the human away... Ah, he didn't want that.

He didn't know why he didn't want the human to push him away or stay away, maybe it was for future delicious foods?

Yes, that was it. Azarphy was convinced of this very quickly.

If Arabeth had known what Azarphy was thinking, he would have spat blood and questioned his knowledge of angels. Where was the pride of angels? Didn't they think they were superior beings?

Now, here was Azarphy acting out of this feeling of little jealousy in a childish way of not wanting to share his things.

Very quickly Azarphy discovers the source of demonic energy, but everything is very strange because there are five small portals and there is a large central portal. The five small portals are positioned to form a pentagram star and receive energy from the central portal.

"This isn't just an ordinary hellhole..., this is an Array... I just don't know what the devil is for..., a Duke or will it be one of the monsters of the abyss..." Azarphy muttered to himself.

An Array was not uncommon, it was used a lot in the war between angels and demons, the angels used Array to summon the sacred creatures of the Paradise Dimension; the demons used an Array to summon an Abysmal Monster to battle or some demonic weapon of equal potency.

"Array... This is not possible, after all, it is not a war..." Arabeth could not believe it. Everyone knows that an Array can only be used in times of war otherwise it will cause a great disaster in the human dimension to the point of collapse.

"The human dimension will not collapse the other way around, the human dimension will further repress the intruders, just like reducing our powers so that we cannot break the laws of dimension. That's what the creator of the Array is waiting for, but why? There is something very wrong…" Azarphy said quickly and stopped for a moment. He got a little confused.

The truth is that an Array out of war can cause the human dimension to collapse, it is a pervasive truth for all foreign species. During wars the barriers of dimensional portals are weaker, so an Array that serves to summon armies, weapons, and monsters from the original dimension won't do much damage in the human dimension.

"Not quite, if it were easy to harm the human dimension, foreign species would have tried to dominate this place a long time ago. What makes me curious is what creature or weapon the mentor of it wants to bring to this dimension... If it's a weapon, many years of war between humans must be started because of the weapon. Now if it's a Monster from the Abyss or an army..."

"Forneus has a large army, is it for him is Array?" Arabeth asked curiously. Not that he cared about the human dimension, as long as his hired human was safe, the world could explode that he wouldn't care one bit.

"That's a possibility... which would be disastrous, but not so dangerous initially... but if it's a Monster from the Abyss, it would be a disaster that will kill hundreds of humans at once, but the Vatican can defeat such a monster with some losses...

"Even so, it's a not-so-immediate concern and it would be impossible for us not to feel such things come out of the portal with so much demonic energy. What worries me is not that now, but the Abbot of this place is one of the things that worries me right now..."

Arabeth was confused... They were talking about grand war plans that possible demons would be making, but was Azarphy worried about an old human?

Arabeth felt he wasn't being smart enough.

Author: (...)

Me either! *cry*

Bao: Wolf?

Arabeth (...)

Azarphy: You fools *sneering*

Author: QAQ

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