I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 121 - A Long Tempest (part 2) - R18

Arabeth was silent at Azarphy's question, they really didn't have to care about Father Rutger.

"But… And Forneus? Are we going to let him come out victorious and get stronger?" Arabeth still wanted to argue, he felt the hands of that feathered bird stroking his tail, which made him even weaker and he almost "purred" in satisfaction.

If he didn't distract that shameless fallen angel, he would be devoured again and defeated so badly that Emery would have to be called out again.

That would be very humiliating!

Azarphy smiled realizing the demon's nervousness and his greatest fear was his pride being trampled and seen broken by the human to whom he swore loyalty.

"But wasn't it good that time?" Azarphy asked whispering in Arabeth's ear, who for some reason felt his face get hot.

"Don't deviate from the subject!"

"Oh.... We weren't talking about..."

"We came here on a mission!"

Arabeth still argued strongly, looking like a fair and honorable person, as if he wasn't naked in the rain at that moment.

Azarphy very much wanted to laugh, but that would not suit his image as a mighty archangel, so he restrained himself and brought out a cloak to cover Arabeth's nakedness.

"Do you want to take care of Forneus now?" Azarphy asked hugging Arabeth's human body, the rain stopped touching the demon and he felt a little better that he wasn't getting wet anymore.

"Yes, if he gets stronger and Emery wants to get him too…" Arabeth didn't finish the sentence, because he didn't know why Emery was after a demon for Giovanni.

Azarphy grew a little more serious when Arabeth said this, which could turn out to be true.

"What do you suggest?" Azarphy asked not forgetting to nibble on cats' ears making Arabeth try to fight, but trapped in the archangel's embrace there was no real fight.

"Obliteration" Arabeth after the feathered bird let it abuse its strange cat ears.

"So radical" Azarphy scoffed a little.

"What if Zariel catches Emery's eye?" Arabeth teased, after all, the archangel seemed very determined to turn supernatural beings away from the human, of course, that this must be some kind of strange possession.

"Well, it depends on the attention"

The answer was surprised by Azarphy's answer. He thought the archangel would react more violently.

"Astonished?" Azarphy questioned lightly kissing his lips moistened by the rain and very attractive at that moment.

Arabeth: (...)

After having some tofu eaten, Arabeth became angry and demanded answers.

"Well, I need useful labor, you know," Azarphy said simply.


"Well, it's not bad doing independent missions and playing watchful for the human's sake, but while we're here, he must be seducing others and bringing more cats and dogs into the room"

Arabeth: (...)

The Demon Marquis had no way of rebutting what the archangel said, as it might as well be true. However, it surprised him how possessive Azarphy was about Emery. The strange thing was that the archangel didn't notice the net he was making to protect Bishop Darcy, but Arabeth wisely did not comment on it or dared to think too loudly about it.

He would only be mocked if he dared to talk about it.

"So, what about Forneus?"

"Do you want him to disappear now?" Azarphy asked ready to make the other demon disappear with just a little effort.

"I want..."

"You want to absorb his powers, don't you?" Azarphy interrupted Arabeth's speech, completing his most secret thought.

"Yes, it would be nice to teach this arrogant one a lesson," Arabeth said with great justice until his tail went skyward and he puffed out his chest proudly.

"Then we should get him stronger for you to gain more power," Azarphy said kissing those proud lips again.


"Which reminds me… Your body is already fine, right? I'll talk to the human to…" Azarphy stopped talking and made Arabeth more nervous, what does that old feathered man want to do?


"Secret" Azarphy disappeared with Arabeth to another place, while the angry demon beat him, but it didn't hurt at all.


On the other hand, Levi Mulder entered the room that was open, which cheered the man up, thinking that Rutger was waiting for him.

In a sickly way, Levi had been in love with Rutger for a long time, so getting back to all that teenage excitement about sex and possession wasn't so strange.

Finally, Rutger was awakened by the opening door, snapping out of his malicious thoughts to focus on the shadow in the doorway.

"You cried so much before, but now leave the door open for me," Levi said seeing Rutger's face being lit by the lighting instrument the man just turned on.

"You're crazy, what are you doing here?" Rutger said hastily getting up and closing the door.

Yes, he didn't run away to escape, nor did he go to throw Levi out of the room, the most important thing for him was that no one saw the honored holy knight and the exorcist in the same room in the middle of the night.

What he feared most was gossip and the loss of his reputation.

Even his physical well-being was put aside when faced with the possibility of being "caught" in the act by others.

"I came to see my toy," Levi said, his mood turning sour, he didn't like it when Rutger walked right past him and didn't come to greet him enthusiastically.

Did Rutger forget he was in control of everything?

Just thinking that he might not be in control, Levi got even worse and grabbed Rutger's skinny wrist tossing him on the bed with violence, making the priest dizzy.

"What are you..." Rutger tried to speak, smelling the strong alcohol that wasn't like sweet wine, which made the priest, even more, despise the knight who drank unrefined things.

Anger rose in Rutger's head making him forget about his own survival and fear of Levi, which further worsened Levi's paranoia that silenced the fragile priest with a hungry mouth.

Things happened fast and violent, finally throwing Rutger back to the reality that he was a helpless victim, as he felt the thick stick in and out of him, pleasure, hate, anger at the world and at himself populated his mind along with the pain and humiliation.

He wasn't a victim!

He couldn't be a victim!

Rutger said that to himself, being a victim and thinking like one was too humiliating for him.

The priest still thought that leaving the abbey he would be himself once more without being tied to what was happening now.

However, Levi's bite on his shoulder brought Rutger's mind back to the cruel present, with his arms locked behind his back as heavy sex was forced on him again and again.

Forneus watching all this happen was excited and his influence expanded to encompass the dark thoughts of Levi and Rutger.

The sacred powers were great, but they weren't omnipotent as all mortals thought, they worked according to the user's will and their vibration at the time.

If Rutger were a more luminous person the sacred power would automatically protect him from the demonic powers of Forneus, the same applies to Levi.

They could use the holy powers of their own volition, but the holy powers would not protect them back since they are not good people.

Forneus felt he was getting a little stronger and with now two possible pawns, he felt he could reap a lot in the human dimension.

"Who was the target anyway... A Bishop Darcy? Yes... a high power, but a mind full of lust... he doesn't seem so difficult to me."

Forneus thought, remembering his mission to make the life of Bispo Darcy and gather the soul. The human had caught the interest of one of the infernal emperors, Emperor Envy.

His master and lord.


Already in the cabin Mattias, guided by Bryan, managed to light a portable stove that did not emit smoke, which was quite interesting and new for the novice.

"This stove is produced by the Aurore Empire... It's quite common where I come from" Bryan commented seeing the human's eyes shine like a child when discovering a new thing.

"Are you from the Aurore Empire?" Bryan asked still looking at the white iron item which had a soft red glow and an attractive floral scent.

Bryan tensed for a moment, but then calmed down seeing that the human seemed more interested in the new object than in his reaction.

"No, I'm from the Elf Empire," Bryan said speaking something of the truth, but omitting it a little since he didn't say where exactly he belonged there in the Elf Empire.

"I thought you were a half-breed," Mattias said with some surprise. He couldn't imagine that the legendary elves could be played down to miserable being helped by a human-like him.

The mestizos (half-breed) of elves, fairies, and beastmen were common in many kingdoms and empires, some were races used as slaves (in countries that allowed this) or as servants, unlike the pure species that were treated with honor and courtesy, the mestizos they received the other side of the coin and were often despised by human beings.

There were exceptions like the Aurore Empire, which had very strict laws and was very open to mestizos as they were considered very important labor forces for the development of all territory.

There were commercial cities that were led and organized by mestizos, usually tourist and entertainment cities which allowed humans and mestizos to interact more freely, which also strengthened the image of the Aurore Empire to outside species while also seeing the empire as tolerant.

"I don't know if I'm a half-breed... For as long as I can remember I have only lived with my older brother, I don't remember my parents"

"I don't remember mine either, I was raised by my uncle who was in Basil County parish, he's a priest there... According to my uncle, my parents were merchants in the Aurore Empire, he said that when I graduated he would give up my inheritance…" Mattias said suddenly talking about himself.

He identified a little with the elf and even allowed himself to tell a big secret to Bryan, he looked at the dark elf with some trepidation, thinking that the other might mock him for being a fool and believe his uncle's words.

He had already told this to other people, but most of them looked at him with pity or mocked him for being a fool. Many said that his uncle just threw him on the course at the abbey to spend his inheritance money.

Luckily, Bryan didn't do any of that, just blinked his emerald eyes and ran a hand through his pink hair, before speaking with some doubt:

"But can priests have money?"

"Yes you can, at least I see the priests always with something dear to them," Mattias said without malice, he saw these things and thought it was normal, many priests received "gifts of gratitude" or had received "dowries" from their own families.

As the rain continued to fall Mattias explained what he saw in the abbey to Bryan, trying to explain his worldview to the uninformed dark elf.

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