

Of course, such a question and the reaction that seemed a little silly and out of the ordinary caused a little commotion in the pub lounge:

"Ah, now I understand why young master Darcy is here"

"Yes, yes, he must have been brought in secretly to treat some internal head injury..."

"The physical traumas of the Lunar Battle must have been enormous..."

"Poor child doesn't even know what year it is"

Josephina, Karl, Magda and Clark commented with some pity, looking at Emery, who ignored the comments as Anael's voice kept ringing in his ears like a looping video bug.

"Silence! Even though we're 150 years in the past, mumbling like that isn't going to help. Let's get out of here first and see what we can do to get back." Emery complained to Anael, who had left him with a sore head from so many rapid murmurs and in a language he was not supposed to understand.

Only he was getting it!

The original Bishop Darcy had learned the language of the spirits... When and for what reasons?

"I was just thinking out loud... No need to be so angry" Anael said with dissatisfaction.

"I'm not angry... Ah, but my head is hurting a little" Emery said, calming down and taking a deep breath as the guests talked animatedly about him.

"No need to be too nervous, let's get out of this" Emery said softly trying to comfort the young people behind him who looked very surprised.

Well, if it was before he transmigrated, maybe he would be scared too?

The conversation between the customers increased in tone and volume, even George ended up saying some things making Sarah elbow him to shut up, she glared at her older brother, after all, if you don't have something nice to say in a delicate situation like this, it is better to remain silent.

"Ash, don't you have any medicine to help young master Darcy?" Sarin asked his friend, he felt some pity that such a beautiful person had turned a fool.

Now everyone thought that the young master Darcy had been sent to church because of a possible head problem, now whether he was physical because of the clashes in war or whether he was mental because of a Wizard's exhaustion, they didn't know that much.

"This kind of medicine is difficult to make," Ash said with some helplessness. Although he was a Warlock, he wasn't one who healed people, he was a summoner and used little demons for services.

Similar to Bao who used the imps to keep watch and gather information around, the demon that Ash had a contract with was a large demon and had several subordinates who were errand boys and his subordinates.

"It's not like young master Darcy is someone poor" Uriel said with some anticipation to Ash, after all, they could make some money if they help someone from the Darcy Family and could even get a big favor.

"That... even if I want to help is not possible right now" Ash said, giving in to Sarin and Uriel's gaze. The two handsome men looked at each other and smiled together, ah, the Warlock's heart could not resist such beauties acting harmoniously.

Luckily, his demon could help him meet Emery later, now he would have to go through the contents of his master's books to find some item or medicine to cure dementia or a panacea to cure old internal wounds.

"Enough! You guys are being too noisy. This won't help young master Darcy, besides, it might just be temporary, so stop babbling nonsense."

Dolores managed to ward off the painful comments and questioning looks about Emery, soon changing the subject to the Autumn Festival.

Everyone was now chatting animatedly, while the sun filtered through the windows that despite the wood not so good the glass was clean although a little opaque from the weather, the light fell softly on the already cleaned tables.

It was time for everyone to leave for a tour of the city, including Emery's group needed to leave and seek refuge elsewhere.

There was a lot for them to think about now with this new information.

The guests were excited to go on a walk, it was 7 days until the great Autumn Festival and the traveling merchants had set up the tents and with many, beautiful and foreign items would be introduced in the local trade.

"The spices should also be at a good price" Nadia commented, excited and already thinking about what she should use in the Pub and what she should store.

"Yes, the foods that will be prepared are delicacies from various parts of the country. It's going to be very interesting," Sarin said with a sweet smile that earned him a mocking look from Uriel.

"We'll buy all the food you want," Ash said, smiling at Sarin, which left Uriel with a rather grim face.

"So we're leaving ma'am" Emery said getting up along with the others, who still looked stunned to know they had been played 150 years into the past.

Emery recovered more easily, after all, it had only been a few days since he had transmigrated, so it wasn't all that shocking.

He's shocked that he was in such a short time... God had something against him?

He just needed to find a way to get back to the right time, which assured him of this possibility was the bond of the contract he had and felt with Arabeth and Bao.

They proceeded to say goodbye, taking some jams and pickled vegetables that Nadia took out as she was going to make new ones together with her mother-in-law in the coming days of the Autumn Festival.

What would give her more chance to go shopping, yes, Nadia was this somewhat futile and consumerist character, which left Dolores worried about her son's and her future.

Mattias and Naill were carrying cloth sacks with the ceramic jars of grotto jams and pickled vegetables, the sack not massive, but something heavy.

Emery said goodbye to people politely, but with his serious face the farewell seemed very solemn, since Bryan was hiding behind Mattias watching everything.

"I hope we can meet again, Young Master Darcy," George said excitedly.

"Of course, if we meet again we'll have dinner together," Emery said, sounding sincere, though inwardly he didn't believe he would ever meet George again.

Well, unless the Beastmen naturally could live to over 200 years.

George doesn't seem to be someone who wields any magical powers, so his life should follow the natural course of the species and be short-lived.

"This is unfair, we also want to have dinner with young master Darcy" Josephina said in a joking tone.

"Of course, if we meet again, I'll take everyone out to dinner" Emery said feeling a little nervous... Did the dwarves live long?

"Oh, I'll charge you then," Ash said suddenly with a smile of many white teeth that stood out because of his full, dark red lips and skin as dark as the night sky.

Emery felt a little dismayed at Ash's statement, unlike the others Ash was a Warlock, it could be possible he was alive 150 years later.

"I will accompany you. The neighborhood is dangerous," James said, suddenly getting up from the table.

The heavy aura he brought as he approached could choke most of them breathing, but Emery remained as calm as ever and looked back at him.

Here was a problem that didn't even need 150 years to bother him, but he looked at Mattia, Naill and Bryan thinking that without Azarphy and Arabeth it would be better to have someone to help them.

Well, until he knew if he could control his powers without killing anyone.

Oh, wouldn't it be disastrous for him to kill someone important and change his future? I mean, in case you erase someone from his life?

Or rather, his body would suffer consequences... Who knows when he came back and ended up in another body?

"I would like that very much," Emery said, to the surprise of the others in the group.

After all, they weren't going to church as no one would recognize Bishop Darcy...

Wasn't it dangerous to take James with them?

"Do you want me to kill him?" Anael asked curious with Emery's decision.

"You are crazy! What if he is an essential character from the past? We could be killing each other."

Emery said angrily, the greatest folly was to kill characters from the past, after all, the butterfly effect could cause their death or change the future so radically that it could be worse than it already was.

A Dark BL getting worse... Emery would rather die right there than go back to a place that would have more homicidal maniacs, sad stories and heartbreaking tragedies, not to mention the sexual perverts who could rise to another level.

Ah, better not even kill an insect now!

Anael: *killing an ant*

Emery: (...) *fainting*

Future: *sexual perverts who use ants as torture*

Author: (...)

I don't like this stuff! QAQ

"We'll leave first," Sarin said getting up, which left Emery slightly surprised, after all, they didn't seem to take anything with them and didn't look like they were going to close the account moments ago.

"Here, ma'am. Three days and two nights for three people" Uriel said, handing over the copper coins.

"Thank you young people. Come back often!" old Dolores said with a gentle smile.

"So, see you soon, young master Darcy," Ash said with a shake of his head, being joined by Sarin and Uriel.

Dolores looked at the group and was a little dismayed, but her gaze went unnoticed by Emery who was receiving some trinkets that he didn't even have time to register in his mind given by Josephina and Karl, this was some kind of gift from the dwarves.

Well, Emery didn't know if that was so, but there were so many words and so much excitement that he just nodded seriously.

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