I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 177 - Truth Thrown In The Air (R-18)

Trigger Warning: Gore, heavy issues about human trafficking, abuse, and victims.


The truth is, he expected to be cursed or looked at in horror, but Dante's unflappable gaze took him surprised.

"I'm surprised, I'm sad, and I honestly want to go kill Captain Mulder, but that wouldn't solve anything now... Maybe even create more problems for you and me"

"Aren't you going to scold me?" what Rutger wanted to ask is if Dante wouldn't look at him as an inferior human, but he didn't have the courage to say it out loud.

"What can I say that you yourself haven't thought of before? But tell me something Rutger, have you ever been in Brother Giovanni's position, how do you feel with Levi around?"

"I want this bastard to die and disappear from my life! Burn it in the…" Rutger stopped talking and his hands shook.

"Exactly, so it's best to stay away from brother Giovanni, of course, if you can apologize and try to make amends somehow would be better. But seeing the situation right now, you better stay away from him."

Dante rather than seeming relaxed seemed severe and had thought about the whole thing, as he is a spectator he had a better view of the situation.

"That's it?" Rutger hadn't expected to just get advice from Dante after showing such weakness to him.

"We can talk more after dinner, but I don't think I can add anything more than keeping away"

Dante on the outside seemed very calm and walked normally alongside Rutger to the cafeteria, but inside he was quite thoughtful and a little scared, as an act from years ago could culminate in even more violence.

Well, the plot wouldn't be as sympathetic as Dante, as Alberto came out from behind a century-old tree whose shadow completely swallowed him up.

"So this Rutger guy is an old Levi's toy"

Alberto thought with some surprise, he didn't know any of Levi's toys, always hanging out with hookers and blackmailing young people from small towns and villages to warm his bed.

It was strange that a person in Levi's position as heir to an earl... Well, or not so heir, as Earl Mulder has remarried a young wife who can bear a child, but until then, Levi is the heir, only he didn't have any fixed mistresses.

Alberto could be said to be similar to Levi, he didn't have any steady lover because he liked heavy sex with men, but being part of the church, his relationship didn't last long, either because of work or because his partner couldn't stand the games heavy and Alberto's peculiar tastes.

"I could use that person to..." Alberto thought, in a sudden lapse of ambition, he decided for the moment to just watch Rutger and Dante's movements.

On the other hand, the witch of the god of death was sitting in the canteen using the transformation spell, with a rounded shape and thinning hair, which is not uncommon for older priests.

"Is Brother Gonzales all right?"

"He looks better than he did yesterday, but he's still pretty pale"

"I think he even got older... But who could blame him, right?"

"Yes, a terrible situation"

"Don't speak so lightly, Father Costa was my teacher throughout my ecclesiastical course"

"He was very strict, what's wrong with talking about him... he didn't become a good person just because he died in such a sinister way"

"How can you talk like that about a brother of ours?"

"Don't be a saint, we had the respect you should have for our seniors, but they had a decadent personality... Ah, that they had"

"Don't talk so loud, Father Gonzales can hear"

The groups at the tables were in a hubbub that they considered low, but which the witch could hear intently.

Father Gonzales was sitting alone this time and with a lost look at the slightly moldy wall, the food on the tray was getting cold, but it looked like the priest's soul was gone.

Suddenly, Father Gonzales gets up and starts screaming scaring everyone present in the canteen, he starts pointing to Abbot Eurico who was at a much more beautiful table and full of exquisite food that some novices have never seen in their lives, accompanied by the Marquis Borneos and by Count Bianco, along with two lower-ranking noble aides beside them.

"It's your fault!"

"You damn fool, the scheme was all proposed by you!"

"I'm not going to die with this secret!"

"Let everyone hear, that damned abbot is…"

Father Gonzales screamed madly, the veins in his flaccid neck looked larger than usual and his gaunt face was very red. His eyes were bleary yellow, and the dark circles under his eyes and eyes full of red veins proved he hadn't slept since yesterday.

"Asphyxiation" the witch muttered, moving her hand softly under the table, there were two runes drawn with the blood extracted from the two murdered priests.

Father Gonzales grabbed his own neck, the windpipe seemed to have closed, and the air seemed to escape from the lungs, nothing was coming in and nothing was coming out, he began to suffocate and a whole scene of death by asphyxiation was being enacted before everyone's eyes.

The abbot Eurico, who had turned pale, raised his voice calling the holy knights, soon the strong men had thrown the frail old priest to the ground immobilizing him, suddenly the priest had stopped choking and was breathing heavily, the pain in his lungs and now the pain through the body from the brute subjection of the knights made Father Gonzales dizzy, he wished he could lose consciousness.

Who would have thought that he would hear something like this about himself from the voice of his old acquaintance, Abbot Eurico:

"He must be possessed... Has become Satan's wife!" Abbot Eurico said quickly and gave a signal for the knights to execute the old priest right there.

The witch, seeing what was happening, touched the other rune of blood drawn on the wood, just as the holy knight was going to lower his sword to cut the old priest's neck, an invisible power pushed the bodies of the knights away.

Father Gonzales' body floated and frighteningly was bleeding from every orifice, but his mouth didn't stop uttering words that caused chaos in the canteen:

"You damn blind with that dirty noble was to blame! Why do I have to die because of you?"

"No… No… Don't kill me! Those bastards are the real culprits, worse than devils! No, please no..."

Father Gonzales asked and cried, blood, tears, and mucus mixed, the old priest's body couldn't even stand the fluids of his physiological needs the stench of urine and feces mixed with the blood that soiled the ecclesiastical clothes that made him so proud for almost his entire existence.

However, all was in vain and his body simply bled to death, even though the knights wanted to kill the old priest to end the screams that resembled the pigs in the slaughter and with that macabre scene of the blood dripping like a damn persistent drip.

Ah, but there was still a power preventing everyone from approaching.

As soon as the most sensitive people started to vomit and others without being able to look ran to the rooms that used to frighten them, but now it was better to lock themselves and not hear or see such a scene.

"The abbot… that damn… I didn't want to be a part of it… he was the one who plotted to kidnap children and women… I swear… Oh! God of Light, forgive me, I swear I don't know that the abbot was allied to Count Bianco... I swear, I didn't know they were doing such horrible and demonic things to these people... I didn't know... I swear... God of Light, have mercy on my soul"

He continued uttering these shocking phrases, everyone looked at Abbot Eurico and the current Count Bianco with obvious horror, even Father Bianco looked scared at his own brother.

In the end, Father Gonzales bled to death.

"Sister... Now there is very little left"

The witch thought for a moment as she acted preoccupied with the others in the room, looking at the abbot as if he were a monster.

Well, he really was a monster.

"That Witch is a little cruel" Giovanni muttered, watching the scene along with Azarphy and the others.

There was no way not to see such a scene that seemed so theatrical and scandalous, even though they were quite busy preparing the new portal to paradise to rescue Bishop Darcy.

"You humans are pretty disgusting," Arabeth said with an indifferent look, for him, as long as he wasn't his master, there was no way he could care about any other humans.

"Are we going to take advantage and attack the abbot now?" Zariel's tired voice caught the group's attention.

Azarphy had released Zariel after learning about Giovanni's plan, clearly, the chains around the fallen archangel's neck represented the prison Azarphy made to keep him a servant and submissive.

This was Zariel's biggest humiliation, second only to when God of Light expelled him from paradise with all the dishonor, he couldn't even fight back against Azarphy for two reasons, the first one he was still weakened because of Emery's attack while stealing his powers and later being imprisoned by the god of nature, Aillil.

Of course, the conversation wasn't very friendly with Azarphy.

He told it all, he wasn't concerned about pride or anything like that, when he saw those instruments that would make any celestial being trembled, for despite the fall and adoption by Satan in essence he was still an archangel.

Eurico's evil was too great, which was not surprising for Arabeth or Azarphy, after all, they only expected the worst from human beings.

"No, let's just get the items from the abbot's office," Azarphy said nonchalantly.

"Are you shy now?" Zariel scoffed, not resisting seeing Azarphy not take the proactive step and spill the blood of those they deem inferior.

"No, it's just that it would be too troublesome for us to move if the Holy Knights became too alert or the nobles ordered the abbey torn down..."

"You could just kill them all"

Azarphy was silent with the truth that Zariel spoke, he could just kill everyone, after all, those were only despicable humans.

"Let's go to the office. Grab the items and let's find Senna" Azarphy said coldly pulling the chain from around Zariel's neck, who fell silent because of that.

Yes, he could kill everyone, but he thought of Emery and chose to ignore what Zariel said and ignore the troublesome humans.

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